Self Help

Stress Elimination – Straightforward Tips To Be Your Own Effectual Stress Reduction System

It is likely that pretty much all of us endures stress today. After all there is plenty of stress about in current culture. Money difficulties, job headaches, difficulty with challenging teens, aging parents, sick family members, partnership complications et cetera, it is unsurprising  that many of americans are afflicted with stress eating, sleeplessness, panic attacks etc.

Even so, this need not necessarily be the case. It appears that stress is very subjective.  It is certainly exactly what a person thinks it to be.

You may have heard the reasoning that says “you are what you think”. This suggestion has been offered within various forms, not least “The Secret”. The concept declares that if people visualise upon something you desire for a long time and focus just upon advantages, and if you undeniably believe we can easily have whatever our hearts wish for, then it will , no doubt , come into your possession. I am in all probability doing the actual strategy a big outrage in this summary description of the idea, nonetheless most men plus women will probably be familiar with it and perhaps if you are not, it is without question quickly to be found over the web .

Loads of individuals have heard of a lot of assorted examples which clearly show that the saying “you are precisely what you think you are” is true.

This  is due to the fact the unconscious mind may find it hard to tell the difference between just what is true as well as what exactly is actually strongly imagined. And so when you picture anything clearly enough, your subconscious thoughts “believes” it to be real and it comes true.

And the exact same idea is without a doubt also true regarding feelings. For instance, any time you are perhaps feeling down one morning, put a smile on your face. It does not need to be a good bona fide eye wrinklingly ear-to-ear smirk. Generally even a small one will do. Yet you need to put some sort of smile on your own face. After a short while you will feel yourself becoming more cheerful.

This is because your overall body interprets even a false smile in a favorable way. You trick your own system to thinking you are actually happier than you really are. Your hormone balance changes, you actually begin to put out “feel-good” endorphins and these in turn elevate your spirits. It turns into a self fulfilling prophecy.

Now precisely what has all this got to do with stress alleviation? Well, stress is actually whatever you perceive it to be. So if you think you are stressed, you act stressed.  You hunch your shoulders, tense your muscles, breathe shallowly and probably scowl. All of these physical actions tell your body you are stressed and as a result your stress hormones are maintained at “high alert”.

In contrast, recent research indicates that in cases where we decide to act less stressed by inhaling deeply, jiggling our shoulders and smiling, even when we are feeling very tense, then our systems respond accordingly and our stress levels genuinely reduce.

So next time you catch yourself saying “I am so stressed”. Stop. Force yourself to relax physically and decide to enjoy the challenge of your situation. You will end up achieving more as a consequence, which will certainly minimize your stress still further.

Click Here for a free stress ecourse and ebook and to learn more about the best ways to reduce stress.

© 2010 Octisage Ltd.

Benefits of Life Coaching

Did you ever say to yourself, “I wish I could…, or,  if only someone could help me figure this out…, or, the weeks, months, and years go by so quickly I can’t keep up…,  or possibly, why can’t I make this work?” Well, it is these types of feelings that are addressed through coaching.Perhaps you have heard of life coaching, it is a relatively new field that has been gaining popularity because of its effectiveness. But perhaps like many people, you still do not know how coaching might help you or what you can expect to gain from getting a coach.Life coaching is a transformative process where the results are driven by your effort and directly related to your personal goals. Coaching has many potential benefits. Here are just a few:• Achievement of your personal goals • Increased focus, organization, and effectiveness • Ability to move beyond previous limitations • Expanded understanding of one’s potential • A more joyful and passionate life • Increased self-awareness • Stronger, healthier boundaries • Personal empowerment • Increased confidence and self-esteem • Expanded creative expression • Increased energy and sense of well-being Life Coaching, through its regularly scheduled meetings with the coach, provides a format of action and reflection coupled with accountability. This combination helps you quickly realize the changes that may have previously seemed to challenging. Life coaching also provides other key ingredients for your success.• Coaching provides support and motivation • Coaching helps you plan and strategize. • Coaching helps you more quickly see results. • Coaching provides accountablity. • Coaching can help you understand what you really want. • Coaching helps you see your skills and talents, and how to apply them. • Coaching also helps identify what traits and beliefs that stands in the the way of your success. • Coaching provides a sounding board for your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Choosing a life coaching is a commitment to your life and you’re your happiness. If you are still uncertain about whether it is right for you try a sample session or two. Since coaches believe that you know what is best for you, many of them offer a free, introductory, no obligation session so that interested people can discern whether the process of coaching and that coach is right for them.

7 Easy Thoughts That Remove Stress

The last thing we want to here when we are stressed are

Long complicated ideas and tactics to overcome our suffering.

Here is a list of 7 easy to have thoughts when you are in stressed “in full”.


Here is how to make thoughts easy. By repeating one word over and over again you will easily shift your stressful thoughts on thoughts that will

transform your stress. Your intention is to simply focus on one thought or ideas with the intention of releasing your stress, is that simple. Try it and see how well it works for you. For example, if I just repeat the word peace in my mind over and over again with the intention of release all of my stress, then the subconscious mind will be forced to do so.

Simply think over and over again a thought or words with the intention of dismantling your stress. Place on hand over your heart and the other hand over your solar plexus this alone will sooth you as well as shift your attention from your rational mind to your body facilitation your release.

Ok, here is the list of thoughts or words that you can easily focus on.



Remember to breathe slowing and just gently focus on one of these words or phrases for several minutes. Let go of any negative emotions as they come up. Feel the stress and the tension in your body as let go.

5 Strategies Stay At Home Moms Can Use To Decrease Stress

All around the globe, whether you are in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the United States, the role that Stay-At-Home moms play is well under valued and often even their own partners do not recognise the stress they come under in running a household. However, as a stay-at-home mom you need to consider your role in the home as a professional position on an equal footing such as a Nanny or housekeeper and treat it in such a way. If you do, you will find it much easier to deal with the challengers and stress of the daily chores.Strategy 1 – Plan Your Day and WeekIf you worked in an office, you boss would expect you to plan the work that you would be doing on a day-to-day basis and in the upcoming week, so why is it any different in the household for Stay-At-Home moms. Well quite simply it is not. As a stay-at-home mom you know the work that has to be done, why not schedule it just like a job. The best way to do that is to purchase a full size A4 diary from the local newsagency. Make sure the diary has a time schedule in half an hour intervals, next simply write down and allocate a length of time for the tasks you need to get done during the day. This is a great device for Stay-At-Home moms as it really makes you focus on the tasks you need to get done and it also shows you how much you have actually accomplished in the day. Just knowing what you have accomplished will help you with your stress levels. Make sure though that as you are planning your day and week that you include an appropriate amount of travel time to pickup and drop the kids off. Also make sure you schedule in your day some YOU time, to do things like meet with friends and do some meditation but more about that shortly. Strategy 2 – Plan Your Meals In AdvanceOne of the greatest challenges I see stay-at-home moms face is getting the evening meal ready. I often see stay-at-home moms rushing to the shop at about 4 pm in the afternoon trying to get the groceries for the evening meal with the children screaming and yelling in tow. Stop It, Its Crazy! Plan your meals in advance … do not leave it till the last minute. Whilst planning your day and week, make sure you include a period for planning the daily meals. Make sure you have everything ready to go each day. There are now so many websites where you can get really fantastic recipes that you can use to make your meals interesting and the preparation does not have to take that long. Also when you are planning your weekly meals, make sure that you document them in your diary each day. This will ensure that you will not forget what meal you allocated to each day and also make sure you allocate enough time to cook the meal. Most modern recipes include information on how long the preparation time takes and how long it will take to cook. Strategy 3 – Plan Your Outings In AdvanceWay too many Stay-At-Home moms do not get out enough. If that is the life you have chosen make sure you plan some outings for the week for both YOU time but also for time with the kids. By planning your next weekly outings, you can use that information to help the children and your partner be encouraged to help get various chores complete and you can using the outing as a reward for being good and helpful. The sort of outings you might consider is trips to the park, maybe to a restaurant like McDonalds or QUIZNOS. Even a trip to the toy store, is a dream come true for the children plus it can help you work out what they want for Christmas. Hey, now there is another stressful time of year. Strategy 4 – Make Up A Roster and Delegate TasksOne of the most important things you can do is to make up a roster for your family. Your role as a parent is to teach your children how to look after themselves, oh by the way, that also means the partners as well. Giving your children and your partner certain responsibilities each week on a Family Roster can help you cut down your work but also teach them how to look after themselves and to keep there own houses tidy when they finally get one. The sort of tasks you may include on the Family Roster really depends totally on the age of the children. For example the number one task a five year old might be to give the Budgerigar seed each day where as an older child of 16 or more, might have the responsibility of mowing the lawn each week. When developing a Family Roster, make sure it has two sides, Completed and Not Completed and make sure that they can move either a button or sticker from the Not Completed side to the Completed side. Just like when you complete your tasks in your diary, the ability to show the tasks they have completed on the Family Roster will give you children a sense of achievement and satisfaction. When children feel as though they can achieve, you will find they will be much happier and the household will be less stressed. Strategy 5 – Meditate Daily Okay, I can hear it now, “Oh Yeah Hippy, Want Us to Meditate do ya?” Absolutely! Look whilst meditation has certainly been a thing of fringe groups in western society or associated with eastern religions many researchers are now coming to the distinct conclusion that meditation can make a huge difference to our day-to-day lives and helps us to overcome stress. The core advantage meditation will play in your life is to help you to relax and deal with challenging situations more effectively. The more relaxed you are the more creative you can be in dealing with any issues that arise. I certainly recommend that when you are meditating, that you use baroque music with your meditation as it will help increase the alpha waves which will help lead you to a calm feeling. This is especially useful if you do not have a long period to meditate. I recommend a 20 minute meditation session at least once a day preferably two. You will be really surprised the difference it makes to your day. Just try it out, you have nothing to loose and the rest of your life to gain. Nobody who has children can deny the challenges and stress stay-at-home moms face but if you undertake these five strategies, it will go along way to decreasing the stress. To finish off, I want to reiterate the five strategies stay-at-home moms should consider using.

Stress Reducers

Stress has always been an evident part of our lives and, it has caused problems and death to many. People are therefore taking the topic more seriously than they did before and this has caused even more stress. As you face more challenges in life, you realize that stress needs to be managed because if it is left un handled, it will take over your life. But away from management, prevention is always better and more people are finding dynamic ways of reducing stress in the first place. We can all learn great lessons in prevention and you will find many resources dedicated to helping you reduce stress. Stress reducers will help you escape the trap set by stress which can be very costly to your resources and well being.People have come up with all types of stress reducers which are guidelines that will inform you on how to live with very minimal stress. The first tip is to have a positive view of the world. Perhaps this is the greatest lesson we need to learn for us to overcome stress. If you are the kind of person who thinks that the world is an evil place where nothing good can emanate from, you might find yourself stressed to death. We need to have more faith that the good in the world will triumph and create an environment which will make life worth living. In few words, have a positive outlook on life and on the people around you. Another stress reducer is a realization that the world is not perfect. You therefore have to have a forgiving attitude because many are the incidents that will leave you frustrated by the actions of people. You are also not perfect and by accommodating the flaws of others, you will create room for people to accommodate your flaws. Another stress reducing tip that is vital is to create time for escape during the day. Take a break from your routine and it might be for only 20 minutes but, make a point of relaxing to renew or to refresh your mind. Another secret that many fail in, is to do one thing at a time. Give your undivided attention to the project at hand and you will get the best out of it. If you are having family time, make sure you discus issues without leaving room for unspoken sentiments which later come back to cause stress. Another tip on stress reduction is to focus on understanding people rather than you being understood by them. Many people go through life claiming that they are not being perceived the way they want to be. Remove yourself from focus and see what the needs of others are. This will enable you get a clear view of what people are like and what you can expect from them. Many leaders in the making have risen to their positions using this principle where they act as servants rather than people who want to be served. This will reduce stress in your life greatly. Finally, keep a journal to write your thoughts, you will be amazed by the renewed perspective of things.

How much do you know about life coaching?

If you have questions such as these two, then you should definitely consider getting professional help. There are people that can help you improve through coaching, being often known as coaches. If you are all about self improvement, then you can hear a thing or two from them. They will teach you about setting goals, presenting the concept of goal setting in clear terms. For them, life coaching is all about achieving your goals. And the same goes for business coaching.Whether you are interested in working with life coaches or business coaches, there are some common points that you will have to be aware of from the start. First, you have to have a goal. Second, there is no limit to how many goals you can set for yourself. And third, you need help. Life coaches have provided specialized assistance to millions of people out there, helping them improve and achieve the objectives desired. These coaches adapt to each and every situation, making sure that the process of goal setting is well understood. For life coaches, as well as for business coaches, the most important word is progress.Online, you can get in contact with people that specialize in coaching (life or business coaching), people that will make sure that you improve, without making too many sacrifices. It is important to understand that the concept of goal setting involves several stages, stages that you will have to follow one by one. You need support in order to achieve the highest level of improvement and it is great indeed to have one of those experienced life coaches by your side. The same goes for business coaches, as they can help you set your goals for your business, the targets you want to reach and the time frame in which you will have accomplished everything desired.Appealing to coaching experts presents a number of benefits, whether you are aware of that fact or not. You can think about setting goals, keeping records of your progress and things like that. When you think about life coaching and goal setting, you have to understand that life coaches take everything into consideration, starting your health and your family, moving on to the work environment and other similar aspects. You decide where you want to improve and they will help you set the necessary goals. Thus, you will soon notice an improvement in the areas that you were not satisfied with.No one says that you have to reach your goals in the shortest amount of time possible. Set a realistic timeframe for your improvement and you won’t find it so difficult to comply. Your goals are accomplishable, especially if you have an expert in coaching by your side. You will reach your goal and, thanks to the life or business coaches, you will probably continue to monitor your progress and consistency for a long period of time, if not forever.

Stress Management Tips – How to Manage Stress?

We experience a variety of small environmental stresses, job stresses and relationship stresses every day. Mainly, these stresses range from the frustrations of commuting to badly organized workspaces, poor ergonomics, un-cooperative colleagues, and numerous others. While these are small things, they can all add up to make life more stressful – we call this “background stress”. Therefore, when our stress becomes too much that it affects us deeply and/or negatively, we are referring about distress.

After numerous research, scientist believe that stress increases many kinds of cancers, one of the most prominent is breast cancer risk. For me, I believe, that stress increases all risks including family scandal, coronary disease and job loss. In fact, you have a lot more control on your stress level than you might have thought. Just by staying in simple realization that you are in control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Simply concentrate on what makes you feel calm, serene and in control. The most important way to control and manage stress effectively is when we approach it with a clear, calm and positive mind.

Learn to do some meditation to calm and relax your mind and thoughts. Equip your meditation process with proper deep breathing exercises. Sit in a comfortable pose or simply lie flat on your bed. Close your eyes and imagine yourself at the beach or floating on the ocean. Breathe in very deeply until your stomach is inflated, breathe out very slowly until your stomach is deflated. Keep doing this repetitively while focusing on the movement of your stomach when you breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply.

Your body will soon start to relax and go into a peaceful state. Meditation and breathing exercises is proven to overcome stress effectively. Do meditation and breathing exercises twice a day or do them whenever you feel stress and worry. You will definitely benefit considerably if you practise meditation and breathing exercises daily.

Learn to manage your time pacefully and effectively. Modern life, especially people of the current generation’s life requires much of modern men and women. And the main prize for it is stress. Draw out a big picture of what you need to do everyday, like tasks and duties. Keep a To-Do Lists. Simply put, To-Do Lists are prioritized lists of all the tasks that you need to carry out. This list should organize everything you have to do properly, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom.

Next, try to narrow down your list of tasks and duties by dividing them into smaller tasks and do them one at a time. In addition, you have to make sure you have enough time to rest and relax while doing your tasks.

Advantages of Time Management

You will be able to function pretty well if you learn to use your time management skills well. In addition, as you master these skills, you will discover that you can actually take full control of your workload and tasks, and say byebye to the often tremendous stress of work overload in your job.

Make time to listen to quality relaxing music to calm your mind and body. It is proven that soothing and sedative music will bring down the stress level considerably and make a person less prone to stress and anxiety disorder.

Listening to music like classical music is a great way to dis-stress and relax. Sit at your comfortable couch or lie on your bed and simply listen to good music to relax. Listening to music does wonders to alleviate stress. Do this daily and your mind will be able to become immune to stress and worry.

Please note that everyone has different tastes in music. Simply listen to music that you are comfortable with. Never try to force yourself to listen to relaxation music that you do not like as this may create stress, not alleviate it.

Music is always been known to be a natural great healer. Music can change your mood and is acknowledged to be able to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Playing music in the background while we are working, seemingly unaware of the music itself, has been found to reduce the stress.

Combining music with relaxation therapy was more effective than doing relaxation therapy alone. Hence, take a time off to listen to soothing and relaxation music to make your life less stressful.

Read more of our other articles on stress reduction techniques and natural ways to cure anxiety attack and depression at

Professional Life Coach – How To Turn Failure To Success!

More often than not, you realize that you are jaded and fed up since you are prone to be limited to just one sphere of your life. It could possibly be your job, private life, or perhaps some unconstructive behavioral mannerisms that really prevent you from developing or attaining what you actually desire in life. You could possess some great concepts, but you do not divulge them to anyone, since you lack faith or confidence in yourself and therefore do not act on them.
If this the predicament that you are facing, you may be interested in hiring the services of a professional life coach, who would be of tremendous help in directing you in your mission to attain the goals that you have firmly fixed in your mind.
Life coaching, these days, has turned into a booming profession due to the urgent demand for counselors to assist people involved in business and various other careers. Nonetheless, a professional life coach also operates in other fields such as alcoholism, addiction, psychology, jobs, relationships, therapy, and various other fields.
Life coaching is something like a partnership that is present between you and the coach.
Now, what actually is this partnership?
This partnership is concerned with your personal way of life with which the life coach assists you and the way in which you can relate to it.
It would be a good idea if you were able to hire a professional life coach, with whom you are on close terms. You can rely on professional life coaches. On the other hand, soliciting assistance from a well-known life coach does not guarantee you success. You need to reflect on the kind of assistance that you require and balance that against the credential of the potential life coach. Check out the competency levels of the professional life coach. To assist you with this task, the following can be borne in mind:
A great professional life coach delves into your principles, your viewpoints, your ambitions, and your objectives. Life coaching establishes the fact that it is an extremely noteworthy session since it delineates your position with regard to your professional and personal roles. Professional life coaches normally conduct the sessions via the telephone with the duration of each session on life coaching being 45 minutes.
However, they are clients, who may convince their life coaches to give a more personalized contact, and may be entitled to face to face sessions, or even group sessions.
A further area concerning life coaching is the internet where some life coaches conduct their sessions online. Now, these professional life coaches are skilled in the fields of psychology, therapy, human resource, social working, education, and many more specializations.
Wherever you prefer the session to take place, you need to get in touch with someone who is able to extract the very best from you. Be careful on whom you invest your money in, and ensure your investment gives rise to fantastic returns. Obviously, these professional life coaches will tend to charge you for services rendered.
Life coaches make you realize that the luck factor should not be blindly relied upon. Further, you are informed that your apprehensions should not bog you down and prevent you from moving ahead. You may put forward numerous queries to the life coach, request for useful strategies, which will help you make profitable investments, put ideas into practice, and concentrate on your objectives.
Loosen up your defenses, stop thinking about your negativity, release your resentment, and in its place, start on a new note and learn to live an improved, satisfied, and blissful life not just for this day but forever. Maintain a sense of balance between your professional and personal life. You definitely can bring this about. Your professional life coach can assist you in your endeavor.

Self Help Tips To Beat Stress

Stress is always present in our day to day life. If you understand and learn the techniques of self help to stress management, you will be the happiest person in this world who can enjoy all the moments of your life without allowing stress to override you. Although stress itself is not a disease, but it is a contributing factor towards triggering various diseases such as asthma, skin diseases, allergies, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome etc. Stress can make you unhappy and can make you depressed with anxiety and feeling of inadequacy. Dissatisfaction with life and pessimism becomes a part of your life and people under stress become irritable and hostile. It is sure to influence your work performance and make you unable to concentrate on your work and reduce your decision making capabilities. Physical symptoms of stress will help you realize that you are suffering from stress. These symptoms may include palpitations, dizziness, loss of appetite, digestive problems, feeling tired, reduced sex drive, frequent infections etc. The best way to overcome stress is to beat it with self help techniques and exercising self help to stress management will also help you in gaining confidence in yourself. In order to manage stress, first of all you have to find out the sources of your stress. Once you are able to find out the exact reason which is making you stressed, it will be easier for you to find ways and mean to deal with that reason and overcome stress. Once you know what is stressing you, you can decide whether you can let go of these or not. If you cannot do away with the reasons of your stress, than you have to adopt techniques to learn staying with those reasons without stressing yourself. You have to practice relaxing. Relaxing will enable you to lower your blood pressure and stabilize your heart beat enabling you to regain the equilibrium of your body. Closing your eyes to release tension and breathing slowly and pausing after exhalation will help you to relax your mind. It is a fact that quick-fix breathing can release tension in difficult situations. You must practice breathing slowly from your diaphragm and calm yourself by taking several deep breaths. Meditation is another fruitful technique of relaxing both your mind and body. It induces mental awareness of human beings and helps in deep relaxation. While meditating, sit upright closing your eyes and focus your mind on an object. Looking at an image of a candle flame or flower and repeating word such as `Peace` can help you meditate effectively. Exercising and practicing yoga is another way to combat stress. Exercising dispels stress hormones from your bloodstream and gives you a feeling of well being. Yoga with controlled breathing and meditation is by far the most effective self help to stress management. 15 to 60 minutes of exercising with about 30 minutes of moderate activity can provide your body with required stimulants to combat stress. Aromatherapy oils such as cedar wood, geranium, basils, bergamot, rose, lavender, used alone or in combination can work wonders for stress management. Massaging these oils on your forehead and scalp can give you the much needed relief from existing stress and can activate your energy to fight future stress. Drinking plentiful of water and intake of herbal teas can also fight stress. Excessive caffeine intake can stimulate stress hormones and should be avoided to fight stress. The above steps on self help to stress management when followed can do wonders for a stressed person and can show him the path for leading a stress free life.