Self Help

Overcoming Fear in a Self-Defense Situation

How do you overcome fear in a self-defense situation? Basically you don’t, you learn to use the fear instead. Making it a tool that you shape not allowing fear to control you. All fine and dandy, but how do you go about learning how to use fear…?Let’s examine what fear is. Fear is an emotional response to stimuli either external or internal. Fear has certain physiological responses.Increased heart rateIncreased respirationIntroduction of epinephrines into the body which constrict capillaries, increase strength and increase speed.There are various mental responses to fearFreezing up. Not being able to move at all though your mind may be telling to run, block, fight!Anger. Anger and fear are very closely related. A reaction to fear of anger will at the very least help you to survive better than freezing up, but it could also inhibit your thought processes and get you killed.Trained reaction to fear. Your body relaxes, your mind focuses. Adrenaline increases your strength and speed making you a very dangerous individual.I’ve personally spent a long time studying fear and it’s various physiological and psychological effects on individuals. I’ve developed a very good method of dealing and working with the fear response, which directly and indirectly over the years has saved my life from avoiding car collisions to defending my life.There are two different ways of training to use fear.1. Place yourself in life threatening situations on a regular basis.This method has the disadvantage of ending your training career at an early start.2. Place yourself in life threatening situations on a regular basis mentally.This method has the advantage of extending your training career while at the same time possibly saving your life.Many martial artists spend their lives learning to block and strike. Going through situation after situation. Attacks from the front attacks from behind, from the side, multiple attackers.Some martial artists don’t even practice these scenarios. Assuming the same defensive reaction from the front will work from the side and from attacks from behind. Some martial arts instructors when asked “what if” by their students will simply say, “just don’t put yourself in that position”. If that were the answer there would be no need to take self-defense at all. Just don’t put yourself in that position.For those martial artists who do practice situational self-defense training, many of you are not allowing for the mental aspect of a physical attack.Mental preparedness for a physical attack, I believe, is even more important than the physical side of preparing for an attack. Why do you think it is that a trained martial artist would fear a seasoned street fighter (weird term). Because the street fighter has been in real fights. The few tricks he’s picked up to win a street brawl have actually been executed by him under the mental stress of a life and death situation Most martial artists, fortunately, have not had this misfortune.My Method of Emulating FearLet’s look back at the physiological effects of fear once again.Increased heart rate and respiration are two major physiological responses to fear.A tensing of voluntary muscle groups is another, more so in the untrained individual.If you emulate these three physiological responses to fear, you will be on your way to emulating it mentally as well.So first a slight tension of voluntary muscle groups. Now increase your breathing. Short shallow breaths are best to emulate this physiological response.Now to The Mental AspectYou need a padded up live partner. For this drill I would often take an air shield and tie it to the front on an advanced student.You need to have enough mental control to remember to strike only the air shield of your partner.Now your partner must do some acting as well. He/She must look both in the face and body language as though they intend to hit you and hurt you. Even emulating the foul language you might hear from an attacker in an attempt to intimidate you would help.Now you put it in your mind that your partner is not your partner. He’s a stranger that intends on doing you harm, mugging you, raping, beating you senseless and unless you defend yourself and hit this !@#$ just as hard as you can and don’t get hit yourself that’s just what’s going to happen.Start with a prearranged attack and counter-attack, but, put it out of your mind that you actually know what’s going to happen. Feel the fear and tension before the attack, then block or evade like you mean it, like your life depends on it and counter-attack (eventually at the same time naturally). Takes turns doing this with your partner. Be careful not to get so carried away you hurt him. Remember it’s his turn next.Now from here perform the same mental and physical preparedness and move to my one step sparring variations you can find in my printable ebook Bringing The Martial Artist Out from Within. Continue to strike just the air shield for now.Now put some pads on and remove the air shield. Do one step variations again. Same mental stress of a real situation, but strike anywhere and pull the technique so you don’t hurt your partner.The combination of striking the air shield full contact and pulling the techniques on your partner when striking anywhere help prepare you both mentally and physically to strike full contact anywhere on your attacker, under the stress of a life threatening situation.Ready to Become More Dangerous?Start again with all of your self-defense drills. Emulate your fear for at least 10 seconds to put yourself in a life-threatening mental attitude.Now consciously relax your muscles. Make your breathing slightly faster than normal to emulate a threat, but make it deeper as well as if you were trying to control rapid breathing.Now start again and add a mental aspect to begin working with your fear and stress. Begin again with your drills and this time take your fear and turn it into anger. It’s not the final solution yet, but it will give you a better chance of survival than being frozen in place solid.Turning fear into anger takes practice, but isn’t that hard to accomplish. As I said earlier the two emotions are very similar. Basically this can be accomplished with an example such as this;Instead of, “Oh my gosh, this stranger wants to hurt me!”You change it to something like, “WHAT!? THIS SCUMBAG LOWLIFE WANTS TO HURT ME! I’LL SHOW THIS !@#$!”Now add your rapid breathing to this and slight muscular tension and remember YOU’RE ANGRY!Now do your steps to relax and attempt to control your breathing while remaining angry.After you can successfully emulate anger whenever you want to now take your final step.Start again with your self-defense drills. Follow all of my above steps, but now empty your mind! Void it of emotion. Let your well trained reflexes from various scenarios take over guided by subtle consciousness and thought. You may need to practice a meditation exercise for this which you can find in my printable ebook Step by Step Learn Internal Energy Strikes with the bonus section Taking Strikes and Coming Back for More.,20.0.htmlYou must be careful not to hurt your partner during any of these drill phases.Don’t forget other scenarios as well adding the fear factor to them as well.With shoesWithout shoesStreet clothes onSmall spacelarge spaceThose of you who have read my printable ebook Solo Martial Arts Drills, when you do your 10 minute workout, do you always make sure you have enough room and everything is out of the way? Always? Why? Is that the way it will be if a burglar enters your home.”Just a minute I have to move this chair”Do you ever grab a nearby “weapon” (a shoe, a belt, whatever) and begin using it as part of your training?Think think think.The more situations you can think of the more you will be ready for as many situations as possible both mentally and physically. To a slightly smaller degree, you can also apply your fear training to your solo drills training as well.This training method, when done properly, will take a lot out of you. I do not recommend using this method all of the time, but definitely put it in your training schedule and practice the method on a regular basis.

Transforming Your Life with a Life Coach

Are you committed to making a difference in the world but don’t know where to start? Do you sometimes feel that change is all too hard? Do you wish your life was more fulfilling? If you answered yes to any of these questions, and you haven’t figured out how to accomplish any of these areas in your life, it’s time to get a Transformational Life Coach!


Let’s face it, in today’s tumultuous times; everyone is under enormous pressure to meet financial, professional, and personal goals. Everywhere you turn you get different opinions on what it takes to succeed, how to set and achieve goals, and how to stay motivated. Well then, why aren’t you achieving what you set out for? Are you lazy, bored, don’t know where to start, or just downright fed up with everything you’ve tried?


The reason for your non-achievement is because you don’t know what you want. What is your why? What is your passion in life? Do you know what it looks like; do you know what steps to take to get you closer to your ultimate dreams? If you don’t know why you are doing something…The reasons behind your action, life becomes a burden and you become unhappy and just plain tired.

Modern life has really taken a toll on a lot of people. Some of us have made tons of money, but our souls still feel empty. More and more people are feeling emptiness inside of them because they have no reason for the actions they are taking in their lives. They are empty, their souls are bottomless pits, their lives have no meaning….Instead, and people have been filling their lives with more STUFF and thinking that they will feel better. I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t work that way.


Restore your life and passion by shifting your focus in these key areas:


1. Get crystal clear about what matters – everything is not an ‘A’ priority

2. Know yourself, how you work, and develop new habits

3. Find what you love and leave the rest to someone else

4. Put ‘you’ back on your priority list

5. Learn the power of making small changes with BIG results

6. Take action on what counts.

This isn’t brain surgery, but for most people they don’t have the forethought or the structure in their lives to complete these life transforming habits.


This is where a Transformational Life Coach can help you get off your butt and get you from doing the same insane things that have gotten you nowhere in your past. It’s not only about personal development and creating some dramatic changes in your life, but it’s about total transformation in the way you live, work, and communicate with others. It’s about getting the clutter out of your life, and getting things in order for you to operate at an easier and higher output. Imagine that, working easier and getting way more done…..genius!


So, you need to ask yourself what is the most likely outcome if you continue to do what you’ve always done. If your future looks like your present and you are not getting the results in your life you desire, time for a Transformational Life Coach!


Reduce the Level of Stress in the Family

Stress is the part and parcel of one’s day to day life. Though a little stress is necessary in one’s life because it makes a person mentally strong and well prepared for all the situations in life. Thus makes a person really strong. A person can overcome his fears by handling a little amount of stress in life. But as everything should be in a limit. Excessive stress can lead to depression and anxiety. Thus it affects even the health & mind of the individual. There can be number of ways by which a person can reduce the level of stress. These are as follows:

A) One must laugh at all the Funny Quotes found in the family magazine: the funny jokes that one reads in the magazine can bring a smile on everybody’s face. Such light moments can reduce the level of anxiety & depression. These quotes are always filled with humor and fun thus liked by all. These converts all the serious moments into light and fun filled moments. Any family sitting together and enjoying together is good for making the bond between all the members really strong.

B) Exercises: daily exercising is really very useful to reduce the level of stress. One must do regular yoga and deep breathing so as to make things really easy. One should follow a routine of exercising daily for at least half an hour. A person can see a noticeable change in the stress level. One could be able to handle their stress effectively. Thus a person’s muscle relaxes to a great extent and thus has a better and relaxed good night sleep.

C) Meditation: meditation is one effective method to reduce the level of stress in a person’s life. This is the simplest way to get rid of the stress level and anxiety in any person’s life. It has been followed since hundred years all over the world. Meditation can be practiced by any person. It does not require rigorous training period. One just needs to be determined to follow meditation. It can be done at any time of the day but morning should be preferred. This is very an inexpensive method to reduce the level of stress in any person’s life.

D) Reading: if one reads continuously one can overcome their stress level and can control their depression level and anxiety. A person gains a lot of knowledge by reading and is able to deviate one’s mind from all the tensions. A person should read family books so as to learn new ways of bringing all the members of the family close to each other. Good books motivates a person to do right thins in life thus even increase a person’s moral values and thus help a person become a better person in life. Thus even the family life of the person becomes much better.

E) Massage: Massaging is one more effective way to get rid of stress. A person is able relax all his muscles by going for a massage.

Excessive Stress – Prevent Excessive Underarm Sweating – How To Prevent Sweat Stains

Excessive sweating is not simply an thwarting difficult but the plus a persistent nuisance which come what may can not stay cured permanently. As you sweat excessively it is a remedial condition called hyperhidrosis However nearby are approximately proven peter out sweating tips which possibly will keep the difficult under control:

Are you tired of sweating excessively? Are you looking for a proven remedy that doesn’t just relieve the symptoms but gets rid of your excessive sweating issue for good?

Visit the Stop Sweating website today and learn how to cure your excessive sweating problem from the inside out. This Remedy Has Already Worked for Thousands of People – And It Will Work For You as Well! Click here now to see IMMEDIATE results with this effective Stop Sweating remedy that works >>

– Due to the smell caused by finished sweating inhabit resort to multiple bottles of antiperspirant before deodorant sprays before roll-ons. This can not stay some remedy in lieu of finished sweating but can help you overcome sweating problems on a temporary basis.

– Many of the disproportionate sweating problems are caused by psychological fighting like stress anxiety depression and all that. As you seek remedial help doctors would regularly prescribe anti-depressants which may possibly help you overcome sweating problems to an scope.

– escape openly highly spiced before scented foods. Remember so as to these can not prevent finished sweating but may possibly take sensitivity of the bad odor associated with it.

– popular set of circumstances you attain so as to the finished sweating difficult is concentrated primarily on the armpit area flake your armpits frequently helps popular scheming the bad odor. Bacterial growth popular the mane under the arms and the odor is caused by the bacterial feeding rancid the sweat which causes the odor.

– any more proven tip to peter out sweating is medicine with 20% aluminum chloride solution. The solution would enter the sweat glands and in the role of a consequence the glands engorge. This blocks the perspiration to attain the top layer of the skin. In the role of you lug on with this medicine the sweat glands are like to analyst permanently which process so as to with a reduction of sweat popular the yet to come.

– nearby are approximately dietary tips which can help you overcome disproportionate sweating. Intake grapes before fresh grape juice each day of the week helps. The mode of dogfight is so as to this fruit helps popular cooling the body and in this manner peter out sweating.

– any more fatherland remedy is to drink buttermilk everyday. Drinking a cup of tomato juice everyday in lieu of a week plus helps overcome sweating problems. In the following week drink the same cup of tomato juice each alternate day of the week in the role of a cotton on up therapy.

– To eradicate the bacteria which cause the bad odor from disproportionate sweating position approximately vinegar and juice of partially a lime popular your bath fill with tears. This reduces the need in lieu of a deodorant and would help popular eradicating the bacteria in the role of well.

– any more fatherland remedy so as to is successful popular bad odor and can tackle finished sweating difficult is to immerse cotton fleece pads popular a solution of fill with tears and baking juice powder. Worth this solution to underarm cleaning.

– You possibly will plus position approximately apple cider vinegar under your armpits to prevent finished sweating in the role of well in the role of eradicate bad odor.

– If you each day vegetation your body with chamomile grease this possibly will plus stay successful popular stopping finished perspiration and peter out body odor.

– If you intend to prevent finished sweating wear clothes which are made of natural fabrics like cotton fleece and silk. Since these fabrics allow straightforward passage of air it decreases sweating drastically.

– Wearing a hat in summer is a lovely inkling in the role of the heat of your move controls your body heat in the role of well and this can prevent sweating.

Discover the Tips Tricks and All-Natural Techniques for Fast and Safe Relief from Excessive Perspiration. Click here now to see IMMEDIATE results with this effective Stop Sweating remedy that works >>

Professional Life Coaching

Life coaching is another modality of mental health therapy; only less intense than traditional psychotherapy. When we speak of anxiety, anger management, depression, etc., these are issues that call for the services of a psychotherapist to help people feel better about their lives and have better relationships with others. However, while the process of a person being able to resolve these issues is progress in and of itself, it is not progression. Progression entails achieving a level of maturity in any facet of one’s life, whether it be in a marriage, parenting, or in a profession. More and more people are recognizing the need to make improvements in all facets of their lives and the need for the services of a life coach.

Nothing stays the same forever, and as creatures of habit, we have a tendency to remain stuck in the same patterns of thinking and behaving, while circumstances around us change and call for a different type of thinking and behaving. It is also not unusual for people to remain the same, even though they are caught up in an environment that calls for new thoughts and behaviors and they recognize that change in their lives is needed.

An example of a change many people struggle with is seen in parenting, such as needing to adjust your parenting style as your child transitions through puberty. It is not unusual for parents to continue treating or attempting to treat their fourteen-year-old as an eleven-year-old, until they are hit over the head with the reality that there is a pronounced detachment between them and their child.

Marriage provides another example. The needs of your spouse change as the years go by, and most marriage troubles arise from one or both spouses attempting to achieve the same level of happiness while thinking and behaving in a manner their partner no longer responds to.

Parenting and marriage coaching should not be confused with marriage and family counseling, where the mental health issues of one or more persons are having a negative influence on the dynamics of the relationship (such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, personality disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, etc.).

Life coaching is also especially effective for progression in one’s career. If you mentally step back and look at our national and global financial crisis, you will realize that the demand for some specific goods and services has changed; this will call for most workers to change the type of goods and services they provide, which will in turn call for a change in skills. Most workers who have found themselves on the unfavorable side of the recession knew of the changes they needed to make in their professional lives, yet none was made as they were intimidated by the idea of change, or more commonly, they didn’t know how to change.

Life coaching is not an exotic service reserved for the rich; engaging the services of a professional life coach is a wise investment anyone can make in his or her life.

Ugochukwu Uche MS, LPC

Ugo is a psychotherapist and a professional life coach

Life Coaching Tips Revealed: How to Engage Your Power Source

Take time now to notice your personal energy. How are you feeling? Notice how present you feel in your body. Notice your posture, and whether or not you are tired. Just notice. Are you fuzzy? Are you clear? Are you joyful? Are you energized?

What impact does your physical and mental energy have on your ability to make decisions, get things done and engage with others? Does your energy and self-care make you feel like you are being your own hero, at work and at home? Does the way you care for yourself honor you and your work/life balance?

If you are taking fantastically great care of yourself, wonderful! How can you engage even more of your power source to create added vitality and presence in your life? Can you use your power source to create even stronger leadership and work/life balance? Here are six life coaching tips to engage your power source for more powerful living and energy leadership.

Life Coaching Tip #1: Breathe! How are you breathing? Do you take deep breaths and stay conscious in your breath? Or, is your breathing short and shallow? Breathe deeply, inhale and exhale. Not only does this put more fresh oxygen into your body, it also provides a way of keeping your mind present and focused.

Life Coaching Tip #2: Take a break! You need a break every 90-120 minutes throughout your day. Stop what you’re doing, get up, move around and go get something to drink. Whatever you do, the point is to “disengage” from your activity for a short bit. Taking a break will help you sustain “full engagement” throughout the rest of your day.

Life Coaching Tip #3: Pull your shoulders back! This is a no slump zone! Pull those shoulders back, stand up or sit up straight, engage your core muscles (abdominal and low back muscles) and see what shifts for you from this posture.

Life Coaching Tip #4: You are what you eat! Remember this old saying? Well, it has interesting implications when it comes to leadership and engagement. Many studies link food to mood, disease, depression, fuzzy thinking, etc. I suspect you don’t need me to tell you that. Notice the way food impacts you. Do you feel energized and focused after a meal loaded with processed foods and junk? Probably not.

Make a shift in your diet by integrating more whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates, eating more fruits and vegetables instead of sweets, and opting for foods that are baked instead of fried. You get the picture. This is all stuff you know. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times. Will this information affect your work/life balance? Will you make a choice to take action and create a shift?

Life Coaching Tip #5: Hydrate! Living on coffee and sodas all day? Do you notice that your thinking is a bit slower? Got water? Drinking water is an undervalued source of physical energy renewal. Did you know that by the time you’re thirsty, you are already dehydrated? Research has shown that when you dehydrate a muscle by as little as 3%, it loses 10% of its strength and 8% of its speed. Dehydration compromises concentration and coordination. Imagine the effect on energy leadership and thinking. Don’t let yourself get dehydrated. Drinking water at regular intervals throughout the day will serve performance in a range of important ways.*

Life Coaching Tip #6: Move your body! No simpler way to say it. I’m not even going to go into starting an exercise program. It’s even simpler than that. Get up, move around, dance, stretch, whatever you want to do to move your body and get into action. Some of my energy leadership clients go into the bathroom during a break or before a meeting to dance in the stall to wake up and get present! Other clients have integrated “stretch breaks” into their days and meetings. Find something that will work for you and try it out. You’ll be surprised.

Engage your power source with these quick and simple life coaching tips that you can work into your days. Just paying attention to these tips can create a shift, and taking action on even one of them can create ripple effects on the rest of your life. Decide to take action today, play with taking a stand for your self-care, give yourself a bit more focus and see what shows up.

NOTE: Always consult your physician, or the appropriate medical or health professional, before embarking on any kind of exercise or nutritional program.

(*Source on Hydration facts: “The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal” by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz – An excellent book by the way!)

Overcoming Panic Attacks : A Guide

Here are the common triggers and leads to of panic attacks:Phobia – People who are exposed to certain situation or objects they are afraid of will typically knowledge a stress and panic attack.Passiveness – Quite a few think that excessive politeness, shyness, and respectfulness are a positive thing and it is normal for someone to possess these characteristics. Be that as it may, a growing number of evidence supports the idea that passiveness as a result of fear (sometimes unexplained), low self-esteem and self-confidence is consistent with a person experiencing episodes of panic attack. Hyperventilation syndrome – Mouth breathing and over-breathing or exhaling far more carbon dioxide with respect towards the amount of oxygen inside bloodstream can result to signs and symptoms including dizziness, lightheadedness, and rapid heartbeat. These indicators, in turn trigger stress and panic attacks. Benzodiazepines – Drugs including benzodiazepines are prescribed to treat the signs or symptoms of worry attacks. These drugs have a extremely quick to take effect. Normally, the patient finds relief within 30 minutes. On the other hand, benzodiazepines are highly addictive and rebound effect is widespread (a stress and panic attack triggered by withdrawing from the drug).Biological causes – post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, Wilson’s disease, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, mitral valve prolapse and labyrinthitis (inner ear disturbances) can manifest via worry attack. Vitamin B deficiency from periodic depletion mainly because of parasitic infection from tapeworm or because of inadequate diet can bring about stress attacks. Heredity – Children, whose parents have been discovered to suffer from panic disorder, are likely to encounter or have stress attacks too. In other words, inheritance plays an critical role in determining who gets it. On the other hand, persons with no family history can still develop worry disorder. Take note that these triggers and brings about may possibly have diverse effects to different individuals. A single may possibly only require 1 trigger to have an episode of worry attacks. Others may require many triggers to be able to break down. Also, by simply being exposed to any of these triggers don’t automatically outcome to panic attacks since some are emotionally stronger than others.It really is also significant to note that some indicators of worry attacks may also be a sign of other medical condition. Hence, it’s essential to precisely pinpoint the cause of the signs and symptoms in order know what type of treatment is necessary in overcoming panic attacks

How To Overcome Time Stress

Copyright (c) 2009 Stephen Lau

Time stress is a major stress factor in everyday life. We need to meet deadlines in almost every aspect of our lives: from completing certain tasks in our work, catching a bus, to cooking our dinner. In contemporary living, in spite of the advancement of modern technology, we find ourselves having too much to cram into the twenty-four hours of a day.

Time stress is a major stress factor, detrimental to both physical and mental health. How can one overcome time stress?

The solution is surprisingly quite simple: deliberate non-doing. Yes, you simply do nothing. It is just that simple!

Do not let the constrains of your life mold your time. To be able to do this, you need to change your perceptions of time.

Time is all in your mind – a result of your own thinking. Everybody has only twenty-four hours a day. Come to think of it, time is an equalizer of men. Do you really have more work that needs to be done than everyone else? Do you need to be a “thief of time” by sleeping much less than others so that you have more time than others to do what needs to be done?

Deliberate non-doing gives you a sense of inner calmness that enables you to re-consider the importance of doing only what is most important, to see in perspective what is most important in your life. Only when you start doing what is the most important to you, then you will begin to have enough time for everything. This may sound stranger than fiction, but this is the truth to overcome time stress.

This evening, when you get home, you may feel you are overwhelmed and pressed for time, such as there is a TV program that you want to watch, a dinner you need to cook for your family, some laundry you need to do, some phone calls you need to make, or your kids’ homework you need to attend to.

At that very moment, when you think you are going to go crazy, stop short of doing anything – that is, do nothing! Be mindful of only that present moment. Live in the present moment. Sit down and meditate for fifteen to twenty minutes: you just sidestep the flow of time. If you don’t know meditation techniques, just close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing; if thoughts come to your mind, do not deliberately dismiss them, but just continue to concentrate on your breathing.

After the meditation, you may have a totally different perspective of you needs and wants in life. If you have missed the TV show, so what? If you haven’t made those phone calls, that is not the end of the world. If you haven’t helped your kids with their homework, it doesn’t mean they would never go to Harvard. What is most important to you is your inner calm, which is the absence of time stress. Maybe you have just avoided a heart attack due to time stress.

Remember, time stress occurs when you are spread too thin. So, prioritize and simplify your life. The first step to achieve this is deliberate non-doing amidst the hustle and bustle of life.

Natural Remedies For Overcoming Panic Attacks

Using natural remedies have helped people in overcoming panic attacks and anxiety, and treating depression for thousands of years. In comparison to prescription anti-anxiety medication, herbal alternatives produce fewer side effects but should not be combined with medicines without consulting a doctor. There are countless herbal remedies to choose from, so how do we decide what works and what doesn’t? As with prescription medication, herbal remedies might also vary in effectiveness in individuals, meaning that it’s sometimes a case of trial and error.Another factor in effectiveness in remedies is the quality in the manufacturing process. It’s a good idea to research and ensure that you know what you’re buying. For additional advice on natural anxiety remedies, you may want to consult your doctor. Overcoming panic attacks symptoms with the use of natural remedies for long periods is not a good idea as with any other type of medication.Used for more than 3000 years, Kava has been known to help those with depression, sleep and anxiety disorders. People with social phobia, panic disorder and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder have benefited from taking this natural remedy. Because of Kava’s relaxing and calming properties on the nervous system, it can help a great deal in situations of stress. Kava can reduce social inhibitions and anxiety symptoms. Unlike anxiety medication, kava has not been found to be addictive. Some successful sports players and business people use this remedy to help keep them at the top of their game. Kava is drunk in some countries recreationally and is enjoyed after a hard days work to help unwind. Kava can be taken in a capsule form to help ease anxiousness. In Germany, St. John’s Worts is prescribed as an antidepressant. As well as depression, this remedy is often prescribed by doctors to treat anxiety in patients. Studies have proven St. John’s Worts more effective against anxiety disorders than a sugar pill. Standardized extracts can be bought in most health stores and pharmacies without a prescription.Other natural alternatives for treating mental health problems include aromatherapy and massage. The use of essential oils in massage can be deeply calming and promote good health. Sufferers of anxiety disorders experience nervousness and stress much more frequently. The highly relaxing aromas of these oils can soothe nerves and relieve anxious thoughts. Essential oils can be used in diffusers and also diluted to make a room spray. It’s important to reduce stress and nervous tension when overcoming panic attacks. Aromatherapy and herbal remedies can certainly help you do this. Natural remedies are fine in the short term, but for long lasting results, therapy has proved to be the most effective.

Panic Attacks & Pregnancy – Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks During Pregnancy

Panic attacks during pregnancy can be a common occurrence, even though the sufferer has never had general anxiety disorder or panic attacks before. They can happen because of the many changes that happen during pregnancy to a mother’s body, and her natural anxieties over her pregnancy.

Let’s first look at what causes panic attacks in general. The underlying cause is a level of continuous anxiety that is higher than one would normally experience. It is so high, that any additional stressful situation, or event, can push it even higher and trigger a panic attack.

The symptoms of a panic attack are just your body’s primeval pre-programmed reaction to a perceived dangerous situation or threat. You might have heard of ‘fight or flight’. It takes your intense stress and anxiety as a threat and reacts accordingly.

But of course no such danger exists, so you aren’t reacting as you would if there were that danger, and so you’re left with the symptoms such as; tightness in the chest, hyperventilation, palpitations, racing heartbeat, hot flashes, dizziness, feeling of impending doom, etc.

But why do women who have never had panic attacks previously, experience them during pregnancy? Well, pregnancy itself can be a very stressful and anxious time for the mother. Mothers invariably worry about the baby’s health, about the birth, will they make a good mother, are they ready for motherhood, etc. And, there are many chemical and physical changes happening during pregnancy.

So this elevated anxiety over a period of 9 months, is similar in many respects to someone with general anxiety. All it then needs is for an additional stressful event (e.g. shopping in a busy supermarket, stuck in rush-hour traffic, argument at home, etc.) to trigger an attack.

Most women don’t want drug-based medication while they are pregnant if it can be avoided, so here are 3 natural tips for overcoming anxiety and panic attacks during pregnancy:-

1. Take plenty of rest and relax. Ensure that you don’t overdo things. Take frequent regular rests during the day. Nap, read books, listen to relaxing music. Do you have a relaxing, therapeutic hobby?

2. Slow, controlled breathing can help calm and relax you. Again, lie back on your bed and breathe slowly, in through your nose, and out through you mouth. But don’t breathe too deeply as this has the opposite effect. And make sure you use the whole of your diaphragm to breath, not just your chest.

3. Talk to a trusted friend or relative about any worries you have. They can often help you see things more positively, and help you lower your stress. Alternatively seek professional counselling.

These 3 tips can help you overcome and manage your anxiety and panic attacks. But there’s one other thing that also must be addressed, and that is the ‘fear’ of having another panic attack.

The symptoms of a panic attack are just so disturbing that you don’t want to repeat it. So the ‘fear’ of another attack develops in your psyche adding to your already elevated anxiety. The result is that any additional stressful event can trigger another attack, just what you don’t want. You must break-out of the ‘anxiety cycle’ (anxiety > fear > panic attack > anxiety > fear > panic attack, etc.) if you want to prevent further panic attacks.

To discover just how you can break the vicious cycle of anxiety in order to stop anxiety and panic attacks please go to now, it’ll only take a couple of minutes.