Self Help

What Is Stress and How to Reduce It ?

Stress is generally defined as a mentally and emotionally disruptive

influence. Though there are positive types of stress such as sex and laughter, most people tend to think of stress in terms of its negative effects.

Of all of the body’s systems, the nervous system is probably the most fragile and easily affected by stress. The delicate balance of your nervous system is taxed by a combination of emotional, physical, and chemical factors (including food allergies, sensitivity reactions, poor diet, poor water, air pollution, and noise). Stress may also appear as a response to pregnancy, family or job-related problems, a major physical trauma, or a personality type that is overly

self-critical and has unreasonable expectations of others.

As a result of stress, you may suffer from a host of disorders including insomnia, nervous tension, reduced circulation, aches and pains, certain types of arthritis, alcoholism, asthma, backache, canker sores, headaches, hypertension, sexual problems, mood swings, lethargy, reduced immunological function, insomnia, dermatitis and other skin disorders, colitis, and ulcers and other gastrointestinal


Although it would be both impractical and impossible to eliminate all forms of stress and tension, there are numerous herbal approaches that we can take to minimize their effects, and the Bach Remedies are among the most useful.

Do You Overeat to Compensate for High Stress?

Many people use food to soothe their emotions and to compensate for excess tension. Are you one of these individuals? There are a number of signs that a person can evaluate to determine whether or not they are prone to obesity through stress.

These include the following:

• You eat, move about, and walk rapidly.

• You are impatient.

• You speak quickly and speed through the ends of your sentences, often speaking without sentence structure.

• You are unable to relax without feeling guilty about not working or taking care of some “important business,” even on vacation.

• You usually attempt to do two or more things at the same time, for example, working while eating breakfast.

• You are extremely shy and have difficulty communicating your needs. When confronted with an important choice in social situations, you will go with the decisions of others even to your own detriment so long as you can avoid

conflict by doing so.

• You think that time management means doing more things in less time.

• You define success by how fast things are accomplished.

• You are compulsive about owning things or controlling things rather than enjoying them.

Stress Can Be Beneficial and Harmful

Although many people assume that stress is negative, this is not always the case. A certain amount of stress and tension are necessary, and are actually important in living a balanced and productive life. It is how you respond to stress that is the key. There are many ways to respond to stress that do not involve food. Too much stress overloads the body’s resources and can prove very harmful. If the body cannot handle the stress overload, it may reach a state of “pathological” tension or extreme stress. When this stress increases, your breathing may become shallow, which has a pronounced effect on the blood circulation throughout the body and reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain. Stress at this level may even lead to a feeling of terror, extreme mood swings, and even emotional breakdowns. In addition to shallow breathing, your muscles will tighten up, especially around your pelvis, neck, and shoulders. As a quick fix to reduce this tension, you may reach for high-calorie snacks and high-fat foods. Be aware that it is not only obesity that can result from excessive stress.


Stress-Reducing Exercises

Concerning weight management, the goal of using Bach Remedies is to help you to understand the underlying cause of your anxiety and overcome it. Many herbal practitioners and physicians report that Bach Remedies can be effective in treating chronic, moderate anxiety states as well as simple phobias. In subtle

ways, these remedies can assist a person in modifying eating patterns. This may be done without necessarily addressing the underlying causes of fear and anxiety. I have personally found this technique to be effective when combined with a variation of an approach known as systemic desensitization. In our approach, the client is taught a stress-reducing technique in which they visualize

eating a fulfilling meal while passing over high fat or other foods that are best avoided.

Even if you are a high-stress person, there are ways to reduce the impact of stress that enable you to be as effective as possible. I recommend that you practice these stress-reducing tips on a regular basis. By doing so you will be healthier, both physically and emotionally, and more effective in making conscious choices. Here are some exercises to help you relax your body and your mind:


1. Clench your fists as tightly as possible for about five seconds and then release them. Now shake your hands loosely.


2.With your head still and your eyes focused straight ahead, raise and lower your eyebrows as quickly as possible. (This will relieve forehead tension and headaches.)


3. Open your eyes as wide as you can and then squeeze them together tightly. Repeat this three or four times. Do it throughout the day to relieve eye stress and tension.


4. For range of motion of the arms, stretch and move your arms, legs, and head. These stretching exercises will give you a feeling of lightness and reduce stiffness throughout your body.


5. Develop a regular exercise program that you use at least three times a week. A good way to begin is by walking briskly or swimming laps for half an hour three times a week. For indoor aerobic exercise, use one of the exercise videotapes available or use a rebounding apparatus (a trampoline-type unit).


6. To release emotional frustration use your bed or a thick pillow for the following exercise: raise both of your arms over your head with your fists tightly clenched. Hit the bed or pillow with your forearms and fists at the same time. Continue banging on the soft surface until you feel a sense of release, which you may experience as exhilaration or exhaustion.

Dealing with Procrastination Overcoming

Who and what you are at this moment in time is nothing apart from the result of your consistent actions, procrastination overcoming is not curable, but needs of you to actually develop yourself and grow in your capacity to do something. The same is true for what you may become as a person. Being involved in the harmful practice of procrastinating will only work to immobilize you and deprive you of a future that might end up being only a dream. Procrastination really is a weird behavior, but is definitely there by design as it provides you with the mandatory resistance to bump against to build your inner strength and emotional muscle. procrastination is a call to action. Avoiding the very tasks that may give you the results you are after is not very smart. You have to step up and strengthen your resolve. The best way to snap you into action is by making a choice. Decision is the father of action and all action flows from calls. The challenge is that we have been using the word call so loosely that it lost much of its true meaning. When you make a real call, a real commitment, you cut off all of the probabilities apart from that which you are totally committed to. Like every other skill you need to get better at making decisions by making more of them and as you develop this capability you’ll get better at procrastination overcoming until you finally develop the habit of being decisive. A truly committed decision will turn your’should’ into’musts.’ In fact, this critical distinction separates procrastinators from action minded and decisive achievers. We all get what we have got to have and we only get our’should’ when it is convenient. The most common reason why folk waste time is they simply do not’feel’ like doing it. When you do not feel like doing it, it essentially means that you associate more pain to taking action than to being able to avoid it. As human beings we are to a massive extent controlled by our feelings and emotions. You will do pretty much anything to avoid painful feelings and gain pleasurable feelings. Your principles about what will lead to agony or pleasure serves as a reference that will lead you in making choices. Changing your limiting beliefs is a dynamic way for procrastination overcoming. The only reason why you can’t take action is due to your convictions about why you can’t. Beliefs are designed as a short cut for your mind to make calls fast. Even if you don’t have precise experiences your mind will make it up primarily based on your sentiments. We all have a built in need for certainty and our convictions give us that sense of certainty. The most powerful beliefs of all are the beliefs you have about yourself and your own abilities and capacities. If you belief that you’re a procrastinator and you can never follow thru and create results, then irrespective of what strategy or technique you learn or apply, you will always be a procrastinator. Your principles about yourself create your identity and one of the most powerful desires within your personality is for your actions to be consistent with your identity. Whatever identity you hold will create your reality. procrastination isn’t a straightforward topic to actually understand because it frequently results from emotional chaos that has to be accepted to address the problem. Time wasting needn’t be a forever curse, and can be beat when you begin to understand what procrastination is. We all have times in our lives when we continuously avoid doing the stuff we hate to do. There is nothing bizarre about this unless it gets to the point where your time wasting inhibits your ability to get work done or maintain your house and family. When procrastination seems to be getting out of control for you then the time has come to take action and do something about it. happily there’s something you can do to deal with what’s a weakening negative habit. Time wasting can be minimized by using the power of your mind through hypnosis. Procrastination is a powerful stress manufacturing behaviour as you spend such a lot of your time worrying about the fact that you aren’t getting something done. This ends up in putting much more energy into a job by avoiding it than you would have by just doing it. Start to feel better about yourself, your work and your house by learning how to do what must be done when it has to be done, procrastination overcoming is very possible, thus freeing up your life for all those things you have always wanted have the time for. .

What on Earth is Life Coaching Anyway?

In my speaking engagements I have often compared coaching today
to psychotherapy in the 1920s. The level of public understanding
of coaching, outside of people in a certain socio-demographic
category, is still in its infancy. We are all so saturated with
the language of psychoanalysis – it’s difficult to read a book
or watch a movie that isn’t premised on this shared language –
that we probably don’t consider there was once a time when
practitioners were asked:

How to Avoid and Overcome Anxiety

All experts in the field of psychology know that the brain functions best when it is in a stress-free state. Non constructive emotions, like fear, worry and anxiety bring about mental and bodily stagnation. If you want to relax the mind and body, then the ability to be able to see the funny side of things is essential. If you find it hard to relax you will also find it hard to deal with intense situations. Having the ability to be in control when the going gets tough increases the probability of you having a successful life. Remember that with a relaxed mind and body you will feel that anything is possible because you will also have a more positive mental attitude as a result.

The thing is about anxiety is that it can be hard to identify because of its subjective nature. Basically anxiety is a catch-22 situation made up of thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Anxiety starts in the mind with your thoughts. These thoughts bring about physical sensations that affect your behaviour. A person that is always anxious tends to have more distressing thoughts than other people, thus, maintaining the catch-22 situation.

If you want to avoid and overcome anxiety you have to take a more holistic approach that will reprogram the mind and body. A good way of doing this is by breathing and relaxation. These two simple and valuable methods are an excellent way of bringing the mind and body back into harmony again.

An anxious person tends to breath too quickly. Breathing too quickly will upsets the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. When this happens unpleasant symptoms of anxiety and panic will start to emerge.

The best thing to do is to practice breathing 10-12 times per minute this will naturally relax the body. Slowly breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Take the air right down to the bottom of your lungs, and feel the ribs expand as you do this. Pause between breaths and time yourself. Try to exhale for as long as you inhale. After a while your breathing will adjust and you will not have to think about breathing more slowly.

This breathing technique is good to help deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety, but what about the mental side of it? How can you bring about a relaxed state of mind? The thing to do is think of a time when you were completely relaxed and focused in something that you were doing. Think about the thoughts, feelings and emotions that you had while engaged in the activity. Make the thought real just as if you are there in the moment. Do this until you can distinctively isolate each individual emotion and thought that you had. The more you practice this technique, the easier it will be in the future to activate positive emotions when you need them.

The next time you are in a situation that you feel anxious about just breath slowly and bring back to memory the emotions you felt when you were completely focused in what you were doing. Good luck!



Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding Because You can’t Let it be that Way

Overcoming compulsive hoarding is not something which most families of today are hiding from other people. How can you hide it when your neighbors would report to the authorities the rubbish in your house which is beginning to give off a horrible stench? People who need to overcome this kind of behavior are found out to illustrate a low action level in the midline part of their brains. It has also been discovered that this low energy level results to difficulty in decision making and the impulse to hurl things away. Sadly, the persons who are suffering from this disorder are smart individuals who hate committing mistakes. In other words, they try to perfect every act or task that they do. They fear making mistakes that is why they would rather opt not to make a decision in some circumstances.

Overcoming compulsive hoarding is not an easy task since the hoarder is following his or her lofty standards while showing fear to commit mistakes that will lead to failure. Because of this fear, even a small task becomes a tough one for them to accomplish since they always worry that they would fail. They are now stressing themselves to the point of paralyzing their emotions over simple tasks which they have to accomplish daily.

If you are considering of overcoming compulsive hoarding, you must know that the treatment for it is still being studied and scrutinized. Many associations have linked hands in order to learn more about the different kinds of harm which comes from compulsive hoarding. You should also bear in mind that cleaning the area and taking away the rubbish collected by the hoarder will be useless. The hoarder will just replace the things which you took away. So the best thing to do is to make sure that the hoarder will still be safe in his or her house while keeping your fingers crossed for the fast discovery of the necessary treatment.

Life Coach Reveals Technique For Releasing Stress

What makes you nervous?  Usually its some future The Drunk Monkey in your head is obsessing over.  The way to get relaxed is to see it for what it is.  The Drunk Monkey in your head, all that talking is just trying to keep you alive longer by avoiding potentially negative experiences.  This is great!  Good Job Monkey!  The problem happens when it fantasizes about negative futures that don’t even exist.  Or when it compares you to some elisive set of standards that don’t exist.  Here’s an example:

Lately The Drunk Monkey, my mind, has been telling me that I need to write a new book now and get it published.  That if I don’t do this I will lose some elusive window of opportunity.  The Drunk Monkey has been saying, “You need to pick your subject and do it or you’ll just be a nobody for the rest of your life!”  As you can imagine, lately I’ve felt a little anxious.

The Drunk Monkey has been holding me accountable to some standard that doesn’t exist.  Probably because my brother, Tom Ferry, just signed a big publishing deal and is gung ho and excited about it.  The Drunk Monkey is comparing me to him and saying, “If he does it, then you better do it or you will really be a nobody!”

Here’s what I say to The Drunk Monkey so that I can relax and let it flow again.  “Drunk Monkey, have you seen my life?  I’ve got a lot of amazing things happening right now.  I’ve got A B C D (I make a big list) and all of those things are awesome!  Could I write a book?  Yes!  Probably 4 differnnt books at this moment!  But am I in the book business?  No!!  I’m in the coaching business.  I’m building my coaching company Monkey!!!  Hello!!  Very  different  business.  Drunk Monkey, when the time is right, I promise to write you a book so you can be big and famous and have millions of adoring fans.  In the mean time I’ going to enjoy every minute of my current objectives!!”

So what is that?  Get real about what is working now.  What you like now.  What makes you happy now.  Don’t let The Drunk Monkey cause you stress by fantasizing that the future is bleak.  Don’t let The Drunk Monkey hold you accountable to things that aren’t even real or important.  Be clear on what you want and what you are committed too.

Try the 10/10 visualization everyday.  That always helps you stay in a good place.

Overcoming PE (Premature Ejaculation)

Pre-mature ejaculation or PE is a condition where a man ejaculates just before sex or just after penetration. This typically affects 30 to 70 percent of males in their lifetime. In some men it is a primary condition and exists since puberty. In the secondary condition, men who were once able to control their ejaculations can’t do it now. Irrespective of the type, it is easy to overcome PE and solve the problems for you and your partner. You can check for further details.

Step 1

Both experts and previous users, recommend the squeeze technique to overcome PE. This is a part of sexual therapy and allows men to delay pre-mature ejaculations. You can either practice this with your partner or alone. Sexual stimulation must continue till the ejaculation approaches. Your partner or you may squeeze the penis until feeling to ejaculate ends. Holding it for 30seconds and repeating helps to overcome PE. It can be repeated as many times as necessary until penetrating without ejaculation is no longer difficult.

Step 2

Desensitizing your penis will also help your overcome pre-mature ejaculation. The experts note that desensitizing the penis helps you last longer in bed. Using a condom is the easiest way to desensitize your penis.

Step 3

Focusing on the different types of foreplay really helps. Sexologists often encourage men to focus on foreplay to cure pre-mature ejaculation. Masturbating before sex is also an option. More benefits of masturbation are mentioned on

Step 4

Consult your doctor about antidepressants. Certain antidepressants tend to delay ejaculations. Sexologists also prescribe the use of tricyclic antidepressants or serotonin reuptake inhibitors to delay ejaculations. The right dose and the right combination of medicines are really necessary.

Step 5

Opt to psychotherapy sessions. If you, overcome PE it will have positive effects you and your mate. Psychotherapy gives you the golden opportunity to discuss the issues and questions about your condition with a professional. Therapists offer coping methods to lessen the performance stress. You can get best results if you and partner attend these sessions together.

Top 5 Master Tips To Overcoming Anxiety, Stress And Burnout

“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.”
– John Dryden

1. Is It You … Or Is It “Them”?

Watch yourself closely on how YOU react to challenging and stressful situations each day. Experiment with, adjust and update your inner resources (Ahh, the old “habits”). Build up the fortress of your balanced being against anxiety and stress with new, better serving habits. This one is the hardest to do, yet it is the most effective and surprisingly, the least expensive in the line up of choices and … consequences.

2. Input Overload And The Feelings Of Overwhelm

Closely watch what is the most important for you in a situation. Only you can decide and set the rules of what the priorities in your life are. Focus on what you can control right now and move gently on from here. Consider setting aside some personal quiet time into your daily “mental flossing” routine. The habit of “quietude” is amazingly powerful.

3. Risk Of Feeling Fatigue – Reversal

Have you ever thought about this one? If you put the same amount of energy you devote to dealing with stress (negative) into the opposite direction (positive), what pleasant changes would you experience? Once you decide and change the attractor properties of your energies, you can actually vitalize them instead of running them empty most of the time.

4. The HARDER You Try …

Despite the common belief, the harder you try to do anything may bring you more of the hard and even harder. To fix this, assume a role of a persistent and flexible researcher who takes frequent power breaks to re-evaluate the progress on the issue. By practicing in this role frequently, you learn the vital steps of the softer, “luckier” go-getter.

5. The Magic of Determination

All the books in the world with tips and techniques, or all who have mastered that what you are seeking helping you, will be powerless and void unless you decide to grab all the help with – determination! Overcoming anxiety, stress and burnout will only be the beginning of the magic and delight awaiting you along your new way!

“Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.”
– Nathaniel Emmons

Successfully Overcoming Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If an individual suffers from this condition, the main goal is to learn techniques involved in overcoming anxiety. In some instances a cause for the condition may be identified through counseling and therapy sessions. In other cases, no cause may be identified. In some instances, the complications associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder are a direct result of an imbalance related to the neurotransmitters, hormones, and other chemical based substances in the body. If you suffer from this condition and are seeking anxiety relief, consider the following:

•There are many medications that may be prescribed for anxiety relief. Typically, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and sedatives are prescribed for GAD sufferers. All of these have been proven to be effective when it comes to overcoming anxiety.


•Many anxiety sufferers seek the assistance of professionals which are trained in psychotherapy. This form of therapy works to identify stressors inside the life of the individual seeking anxiety relief, and assists in bringing about behavioral changes as a way to better cope with situations that the mind and body perceives as a “danger”. Many discover this to become a successful way of overcoming anxiety.




•If you suffer from anxiety and indulge in smoking, drinking, or any form of drug abuse as a way to achieve anxiety relief, it is critical to realize that this may possibly only make your tension worse. In case you suffer from a substance abuse issue, seeking support right away may well support you in overcoming anxiety.

•Relaxation approaches are becoming far more and much more well-liked when it comes to overcoming anxiety. These tactics may include straightforward stretches, music therapy, visualization, and even yoga.

•Consuming foods which might be considered to become healthy may be an effective anxiety relief strategy.



Overcoming anxiety associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder may be challenging, but it is not impossible. By using the strategies listed here, you will find some degree of anxiety relief. If you find that you are unable to achieve success in overcoming anxiety, seeking the attention of a specialist may be appropriate.

Over the years of research, I have found one “effective” product that can help you Stop Suffering From the Stress of Anxiety Attacks and teach you how to cure it using this effective method without side effects to your health.

Life Coaching – Conquer Your Fears

Fear holds us back. Fear keeps us from where we want to be. Fear prevents us living. We all need to conquer fear to really start living the life we want to live; the life we deserve. And it’s not as hard as you might think. Life coaching has the techniques to get us heading in the right direction and to help us start living.
First we need to understand what the fear is that is holding us back. Some fear is tangible in that we perceive it and understand the implications of what could happen to us. For instance, if we’re in a dangerous situation that might cause us harm (like a house fire) we’ll be in fear. Or, if someone is physically bigger than us and they want to hurt us, we’ll be fearful of them. However, the other type of fear can’t be perceived in the same way and this is the one that is holding us back.
This type of fear can’t easily be explained but too much of it can be harmful and prevent us from achieving our true desires and goals. It may be seen as friends or family getting in our way, the fear of success or leaving our ‘comfort zone’. Whatever is blocking us getting what we want needs to be moved for us to make progress toward a better life. By admitting we have a fear, understanding how it makes us suffer and then concentrating on how to overcome it, we can start to conquer it. Remove yourself from that ‘comfort zone’ and start making a change.
A little at a time
Jumping in at the deep end isn’t the best way to start making a change. Identify what your fear is and then take small steps toward overcoming it. If you are afraid of social situations and unable to talk to people, try overcoming this by using online forums to chat with strangers. You’ll find it less intimidating and you’ll begin to develop social skills you can employ when speaking with someone face-to-face. Write down what your fear is and make a plan to use small steps in overcoming it.
Instead of thinking of your fear in a negative way, start to think about how great things will be when you overcome it. Write these down and refer to them whenever you feel like giving up. Keeping motivated is an important part of beating your fear and if you let your previous negativity to creep in, you’re less likely to keep things heading in the right direction.
Rejection is not failure
Too often, people see being rejected as an opportunity to say “I told you so” and therefore give up with achieving their goals. If you want to beat your fears you need to see rejection as part of the process and learn from it. Remember, you’re acquiring new skills as you look for ways to a better life and rejection is just feedback on how your skills are developing. Success will come from rejection so stop thinking of it as your enemy; it’s trying to help you!
Live for the moment
It’s too easy when making plans for the future to forget about living in the present. When trying to change our lives, we can dwell too much on the ‘what ifs’ and ‘buts’ and this can set us back by bringing back into play the fear that we had in the first place. Enjoy the here and now and embrace what you’re doing today. Tomorrow will soon come and before you know it you’ll have achieved what you set out to do.
The new ‘you’
As you seek to make positive changes to your life, so you’ll start to be a more positive person. Friends, family and work colleagues will begin to notice the difference and you’ll pick up on their reaction. See this as a good sign of your progress and a reinforcement that your fear is being left behind. The old negative you is ebbing away and the new positive you is blossoming. The situations and issues you were once shy and fearful of will become easier and before you know it you’ll have the confidence to meet them head on; and win!