Self Help

Overcoming Your Fears

Everybody deals with anxiety and depression, however some people have a hard time in managing it. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their most persistent fears and every day anxieties.

When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, the first thing you can do is to divide the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

Sometimes we get stressed out when everything happens all at once. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off of the problem. A person could get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things.

A person should visualize a red stop sign in their mind when they encounter a fear provoking thought. When the negative thought comes, a person should think of a red stop sign that serves as a reminder to stop focusing on that thought and to think of something else. A person can then try to think of something positive to replace the negative thought.

Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that make you feel good. Whenever you come across an affirmation that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel depressed or frustrated, open up your small notebook and read those statements. This will help to manage your negative thinking.

Learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. You never know when the answers you are looking for will come to your doorstep. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

Take advantage of the help that is available around you. If possible, talk to a professional who can help you manage your depression and anxieties. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to a professional, a person will be helping themselves in the long run because they will become better able to deal with their problems in the future. Remember that it never hurts to ask for help.

Dealing with our persistent fears is not easy. Remember that all you can do is to do your best each day, hope for the best, and take things in stride. Patience, persistence, education, and being committed in trying to solve your problem will go along way in fixing your problems.

Five Excuses Not To Train, Why They Suck, and How To Overcome Them

There are always excuses when it comes to hard work. It’s inevitable…much like death and taxes. There is always a reason why so-and-so can’t do such-and-such….and often times those excuses are completely ridiculous. As a leader and trainer of Soldiers, I’ve heard all sorts of excuses as to why Private Schmuckatelli can’t (doesn’t want to) do this run or hard PT session. Of course more often than not the good Private is informed it would be in his/her best interest to shut up, get back in formation, and just do it…but what about the folks whose motivation has to come from within themselves, and not from some angry, fire-breathing Drill Sergeant who looks like he could swallow you whole?Often the best intentions of people to get in shape are derailed by their own inner monologue. That lazy, pessimistic, doubting voice inside their own head that tells them there are plenty of reasons why they should skip the workout today…maybe go back to bed, or hell…go ahead, stay out late and have another beer. “Why not…we can always make that run up later…” Yeah, roger. Later is a relative term. If they don’t do their workout in the morning…and continue to put it off for another month before they finally get back on the track, then technically, he DID do it later, right? You get what I mean…there is always something. Well…what do you do when that little voice of self-doubt takes the gag out of it’s mouth and chimes in with it’s two cents? How do you deal with the early mornings, lack of motivation, occasional aches and pains…whatever? How do you put all that out of your mind and just do what you need to do to improve? Here are five excuses I’ve heard constantly along with some suggestions for dealing with them.

The bottom line with all these, is that you should do an HONEST self assessment of your goals and prioritize those goals with everything else in your life. There will always be things that come up…and I get that. However, your training should not be something you approach half-ass…you should commit to doing it…THEN DO IT! Here is where a training partner comes in…a good training partner will keep you honest, and will provide that external motivation when, AND IF, you need it.  Enjoy your training!!

Schizophrenia and Coaching at Work

When I train managers as coaches I always ask them to respect the power of coaching questions and to recognize the possibility that what starts as an innocuous, business related conversation, may lead to the unveiling of a deeper issue. Coaching managers would be advised to develop at least a little insight into the signs of abnormal psychology. Consider for example, that most commonly diagnosed form of mental disorder; thought to affect about 1% of the population at some point – schizophrenia.

It is a popular misconception that schizophrenia means a split personality. This is not true. It is actually a generic term for a group of psychotic disorders characterized by disturbance of personality, loss of contact with reality and so on.

Let’s look at how the condition might be described and the symptoms one might expect to be present.

Firstly we’ll consider Schneider’s first rank symptoms (1959):

Thought Disturbances:

Typical symptoms under this heading include Word Salad – bizarre verbal association and Clang Associations – linking words by sound rather than meaning

Auditory Hallucinations:

This is the classic “I heard voices”, where the sufferer believes some external force is directing them to do something over which they have no control.

Primary Delusions:

Delusions are misrepresentations of what most people would regard as the reality of situations. Common schizophrenic delusions include:

Delusions of influence – the sufferer believes they at the mercy of external forces Delusions of grandeur – e.g. “I am Jesus” Delusions of persecution – “The secret services are after me”, i.e. paranoia

Next let’s consider the symptoms outlined by Slater and Roth (1969):

Disturbance of Affect:

Here the schizophrenic exhibits emotions that are clearly inappropriate for the situation e.g. giggling on receipt of bad news

Psychomotor Disorders:

Including odd hand gestures, twitching and peculiar facial expressions

Lack of Volition:

Schizophrenics often have trouble conducting a normal day to day life. They can have difficulty with even simple activities and can often become withdrawn and reclusive.

Schizophrenia is a term that has perhaps become rather confused at the hands of thriller writers and satirists. In truth it represents an horrendous burden for sufferers and their families both of whom deserve our sympathy.

It is unlikely that the coaching manager would be the first to stumble upon such symptoms, but it is not unheard of. Sufferers are often able to carry on in their job roles after perhaps some minor adjustments or be moved to other duties. A coaching approach to communication amongst the colleagues of the newly diagnosed schizophrenia sufferer should also prove a sensitive way to enable everybody to adjust.

Some studies indicate that schizophrenia – like many abnormal psychological conditions – can be triggered or exacerbated by stress, and work is the most common arena for experiencing stress these days. We coaches may be in a very good position to notice early signs of stress and where it might lead.

social phobia – anxiety disorder symptoms – overcoming panic attacks

social phobia

Panic attacks can have a significant impact in your life and can even interfere with your work and social relationships. They can range from mild to debilitating preventing you from going out and doing the things you normally did. They can also place a dent in your self-esteem. It is important that you know how to control panic attacks. If you want to conquer your panic attacks here are some tips on how to control panic attacks

Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks and are looking for a natural cure?

Click here now to see what worked for me >> Natural cure for panic attacks >>

Is it possible that self hypnosis recordings can help you to stop panic attacks? The answer is yes especially when combined with NLP techniques. Wherever and whenever you started having panic attacks and for whatever reason you can be cured

Did you just feel a slight pain in your chest? are you feeling dizziness? or rapid heartbeat? or feeling faint or sick? if all these symptoms are positive then chances are you just suffered a mild panic attack

It comes in many forms and in many situations. You wake up suddenly your heart is pounding you’re sweating bullets and you can hardly breathe. Or maybe you are just about to go into a job interview or make a speech. You heart starts racing you’re sweating your whole body is shaking and you get dizzy. You think maybe you’re going crazy or that you’re going to die. Fear begets fear and panic begets panic and within moments you are convinced that you really are dying

Anyone who has ever suffered a panic attack will tell you the same verdict – it’s a truly terrifying experience. Unfortunately for some people panic attacks never do go away as they keep suffering from repeated panic attacks. Hence its important to know the steps to stopping panic attacks

I was 23 when I had my first panic attack. I was driving in the car on the way back from my parent’s house to Boston on a Sunday evening. I had just started a new job and was under more stress than usual

Panic attacks can be caused by various medical disorders. Proper treatment can help to avoid it

Nlp Coaching Goal Setting For Success At New Year Resolutions

This article is about the many different ways we can trip ourselves up in setting goals, particularly with New Year Resolutions and what you can do to change.
Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up to fail.
Often this is done because there is an expectation from others that you should set resolutions at this time of year. Also there is often a sense of giving things up or a judgment about not having succeeded the previous year. Typically these type of resolutions have the word ‘must’ associated with them. Here are a few examples I have collected over the years as an NLP Coach:
I must change jobs
I must be able to get into this new dress by February
I must do this, give up that…and so on. I’m sure you get the idea.
This approach has a few pitfalls. How committed is the person to their goals if they feel forced in to them? The judgments and the sense of giving things up attaches negative emotions to the goals so they don’t seem like fun or excitement. Is it any wonder that so many people fail with New Year Resolutions before the end of January?
NLP Techniques – A Solution
Three elements of NLP Techniques include examining intention behind behavior, emotional state and belief changes. By taking these three elements we can start looking at our New Year Resolutions differently.
Goal Setting and Intention
By examining what we gain from our goals, who they are actually for and why we want them some interesting things sometimes fall out. The motivation to succeed or not comes from this element.
Emotions – The Secret to Success
Have you ever seen or experienced the situation where the closer you got to success the more anxious you got about it? And then possibly fell at the last hurdle? The problem with being too emotionally attached to your goals might lead to failure. How well would your crops grow if you were constantly digging them up to see how far they had got?
NLP Techniques – Belief Changes
What you believe about yourself and the world around you will determine your success or failure. Any NLP Practitioner Training will show you a whole number of techniques for changing beliefs, letting go of limiting beliefs and installing empowering one.
Using these NLP processes you can ensure that the goals you set and the New Year Resolutions that you take on are meaningful and that you will succeed. But the real power for making big sweeping changes to your life comes from NLP Coaching Systems.
NLP BreakThrough Coaching Process
Many coaches are also NLP Practitioners and they have integrated some powerful tools into their coaching practice. But there are a few very skilled Hypnosis and NLP Trainers that have developed the NLP BreakThrough Coaching Process that can help in making serious and deep changes in a person’s life.
This highly specialized NLP Coaching process starts by examining your goals, expectations, unconscious behaviors and repeat patterns of behaviour. Through this we can determine the key limiting beliefs and negative emotions that will let you really achieve anything you want. Then through systematic Interventions you can let go of the past and embrace powerful new ways of being. The whole process usually takes as little as three or four hours. Many people that are serious about their goals and achievements have taken this route to success.
When you think about how you and the people around you set their New Year Resolutions you might be considering doing things differently. A little imagination and creative thought might give you the opportunity to achieve more in the next twelve months than you have in the last twelve years. How much of a result would that be for you?

Stress Free Living Choose to Expand Happiness in Your Life

Individuals can decide to be constantly happy in spite of their current circumstances in life. You can either resolve to let the circumstances make you depressed or you may let it inspire you to overcome the challenges.

If you want to live stress free, you had better find that ability to be joyful which is instinctive in all of us. All babies giggle at no particular reason. Why is it then that as we age, more people get more morose and don?t seem to be able to appreciate the good things in their life. Why is it that as we get older we let external factors influence our mood?

I encourage you to use the following strategies to rediscover happiness:

? Focus on the positive aspect of life. Keep in mind that everyone has problems no matter what their status is. You can however choose how you react to these situations. Scrutinize people and situations to see the good side in them.

? What is it that you?ve always wanted to do but haven?t had the opportunity? Take the first step in achieving your dreams. You can enroll in a short-term course. Remain motivated and use your drive to reach your goal.

? Do you have a talent that you?re keeping from the world? If you truly believe that this is your purpose in life, then by all means pursue it.

? In those instances when you’re extremely stressed, there are many things that you can do to keep yourself from falling into the pit of depression. Contact a close friend. Pour out your feelings. You will find that after a effective talk, a burden would be lifted. Will yourself to be happy.

? Make a list of positive aspects in your life you should be grateful for. Sometimes, you?re so focused on your dilemma that you might forget to look at the big picture. Take stock of what you have achieved and consider whatever problems you have right now as tiny hurdles. Think about your family. Your family life may not be ideal but you do have them and you can still change things. Be thankful as well for your career.

? Other efficient way to reduce the heaviness of your emotions is to write it down. Keep a journal for your emotions and thoughts. Plenty of times, reading through them will let you decide on the best path to take.

If you possess a tendency to view life with pessimism, then you will have to exert more effort to achieve happiness. Nothing can prevent you from putting happiness as the center of your life. It?s a choice that you must take. Self-pity is a habit that takes a lot of discipline to get rid of. As soon as you sense negativity seeping in, learn to identify it, grab it by the neck, and replace your thoughts with positive ones. From this point forward, choose to be happy.

Health and Wellness Coaching for Fitness Centers

A Health and Wellness Coach can help you:

Imagine that your members interacted with a health and wellness coach every day.  With consistent personalized attention, members would become more dedicated to their fitness regimen, feel better about themselves and their health, and be more satisfied with your fitness center—all of which makes them more likely to maintain their program and less likely to leave.

Our Health and Wellness Coach program is an affordable Web-based “virtual club and personal training studio” designed to help members succeed in achieving their fitness goals. It is a powerful and practical way for members to have daily interaction with a certified health coach, giving your fitness center an innovative advantage in member retention and profitability.

Each new member who joins your facility provides additional revenue that goes straight to your bottom line. In today’s aggressive market, it may just be the unique member benefit your fitness center needs to “outmuscle” the competition.

By increasing your ability to provide personalized attention, helps you reduce attrition, turning “at risk” members back into active members who renew at the end of their contract.

This high-quality health and fitness resource lets you target high-risk dropout candidates by offering them their own online personal trainer and health and wellness coaching service that…

Satisfied members stay members longer, and each month they work with a health and wellness coach generates additional revenue for you.

The anywhere, anytime the online convenience of health and wellness coaching allows you to expand your core services beyond the walls of your fitness center to reach non-traditional members who might not otherwise come into your facility. Offering a Web-based membership program to these individuals also helps you develop a feeder system for new traditional memberships.

Plus, you’ll be able to better serve corporate clients with a proven behavior-changing program that proactively addresses their rising health care costs. The system’s flexibility allows you to tailor a program to virtually any topic your client companies may request;from simple tobacco cessation or stress reduction to full-scale health and wellness coaching.

How To Overcome Low Self-esteem With Hypnosis And Positive Self-talk

In this hurry burry world of today, there are a large number of people who go unnoticed because they are unnaturally quiet, and therefore escape notice. They are the shy, introverted, people, who possibly suffer from what is known as low self esteem neurosis.
This is a psychological disorder, and is generally not noticed till quite a stage arrives when physical symptoms of the disease such as recurrent headaches, upset stomach, weakness or disturbed state of mind manifests itself.
These people can be brought into the mainstream of life, and while, a lot of their personality disorder, as it is known, can be rectified, it is mostly upto the person concerned to help themselves. Using medication for this does not have any role, but quiet, unobtrusive guidance to a more positive outlook on their personality may help relieve their stress that they are under.
These people generally require TLC – Tender Loving Care, and DLC – Devoted Loving Care. They may come from varied backgrounds, poor to middle to rich backgrounds. Generally causes can be a dominating mother or father or both, or sibling rivalry, where the affected person feels neglected, or is overawed or afraid even of voicing their concern. They tend to hide their emotions, and cloak their fear with a distant, detached attitude towards other persons, because they expect (unknowingly) that person to resemble their own background community. Often in some cases, this can turn into a neurotic disease which would require medication, and counselling, because they would withdraw into a shell, afraid to come out.
Generally this is a loss to society, because such persons typically have an highly intelligent mind, adapt to changing circumstances, but are unable to attain their potential because of this self esteem blocking factor.
One way of getting an insight into their character can be hypnosis, but this has to be done in a very careful, unaware manner to the patient, because the introvert character has a great mental strength to resist any personal enquiry into their minds! Yet, an expert can probe and get the facts right, and then provided the person is willing a treatment can be applied.
Generally, these persons need to develop social skills, which they neglect, except of course the obvious ones, and then fall silent, and tend to keep to themselves. They project themselves as distant to those who do not know their character, and thus the vicious cycle of meeting-avoiding-meeting-avoiding begins, which adds to the already existing factor of low self esteem.
These people need mentors who can build a sympathetic bridge with them, and then slowly bring them out of their shells, and then they can blossom into their real personalities which can be and extremely opposite to what they had been. This is a difficult task, but well worth it on the part of the family, and the surrounding community in which they live, for they are great supporters of those who are not well, ever ready to silently volunteer their services in helping others.
As for hypnosis, and self talk is concerned, the first is a good possibility. The second is not because of the inbuilt barrier, and if that barrier has been overcome, the first would not be necessary! In use hypnosis too, the inward feelings can be drawn out, and the person made aware of how they can change. But this too again is subject to the respondent’s willingness to change. It is certainly worth a try, because these people do want to change, but don’t know how. That’s why mentoring is important.
Self talk and self hypnosis is only helpful to those who recognize their symptoms, and they don’t need the care required by those who unconsciously do not desire change.

Relationship Coaching Over The Phone- Will This Work For Me?

Phone Coaching for Relationships- Does it Work?
There have been many advances in how we do marriage and relationship counseling in the last decade. A newer idea is moving away from the psychoanalytic model of therapy for couples. Most couples who enter marriage counseling are not mentally ill. They simply need help communicating. Relationship Coaching over the phone is a new idea that focuses on communication and skill development while resolving a single issue.
How does Relationship Coaching work?
First, you make appointment for phone coaching for you and the person you are in conflict with. Second, the Relationship Coach calls you and the other person at the appointed time. Initial information is taken and the dialog begins. The Relationship Coach guides you through the conversation, making sure that everyone gets to express themselves, keeping the conversation on track, and focused. The Relationship Coach ensures that all parties are given a chance to communicate their thoughts and feelings, and also to hear the other person. When needed, the relationship coach takes the opportunity to teach communication skills and walks the clients through using those skills.
Does Coaching Really Work Over the Phone?
In short, Yes! Relationship Coaches are trained in how to listen to the breathing of the individuals they are speaking with. They know when the pauses and hesitations in conversation mean something. They pick up on the inflections in voice and they way things are said. They are experts in communicating and they know how to help someone get through a difficult conversation. Relationship Coaches are able to help the clients move through a conversation or conflict quickly and effectively.
Furthermore, some people are embarrassed to seek face to face counseling. Phone coaching allows people to feel more secure and anonymous to the coach. They can focus more on their interaction with their partner, than on their interaction with the coach.
Phone Coaching is also more convenient.
People today are busy. Sometimes it is difficult to find a time to get both people to a marriage counselor. Phone coaching can take place anywhere. The couple does not even need to be in the same room or state. We have coached couples while one is on a business trip and the other is at home. No need to find a sitter for the kids, no need to drive through traffic, a phone coaching session is a convenient alternative for busy couples.
Phone Coaching is also less expensive than traditional marriage counseling. As we said before, most couples having a conflict do not need psychotherapy. Many couples just have one issue they are stuck on and need help talking through it. If a couple can resolve a single issue in one conversation with a Relationship Coach, this will be far less expensive than ongoing marriage counseling.
Relationship Coaching is Not Just for Married Couples
In addition, Relationship Coaching over the phone is not limited to married couples. There are many people in your life that you may have a conflict with. You may have a co-worker or a relative that you have an unresolved conflict with. Phone Coaching can give you the opportunity to communicate effectively with a variety of people in your life.
Do you need Marriage Counseling?
If you really need marriage counseling, by all means see a marriage counselor or make an appointment for marriage counseling over the phone. However, if you simply have an issue that you need to talk through with another person, possibly a spouse, parent, friend or co-worker. Consider Relationship Coaching as a convenient and affordable alternative.