Self Improvement

“Secrets of The Most…Happy …Loved …and Blissful Couples In The World”

You’re about to discover the ‘magic ingredients’ that make some couples live happy and blissful for DECADES and how you can too.

My name is Michael Webb. I DON’T have a doctorate in counseling, (although I’ve studied relationships professionally for over 2 decades) and I DON’T host a radio call-in show (but I’ve been on over 500 as an expert guest)à but I DO have what most other relationship “experts” don’t have…

…a blissful marriage.

Which is why hundreds of men and women ask for my relationship advice and have done so for 15 years now.

In fact, this may surprise you but my wife Athena and I have never even had a fight in our 20 years of marriage. Yes, it’s true.

Of course I know …this sounds bizarre, even impossible but in a moment I’ll explain exactly how this was possible. And more importantly, how it’s possible for you.

You see, I grew up in a family with 6 sisters. And in my lifetime I’ve seen them abused by the various men in their lives. Even my mother has the scars from two unsuccessful marriages.

After witnessing this for too long, I decided be the sort of husband my mom and sisters had dreamed of but never had.

I studied relationships for a long time, took good notes on what things blissful couples do differently than those who have the typical relationship full of ups and downs.

(By the way, nearly all “relationship” books focus on what couples are doing wrong. I’ll let you know what couples are doing right.)

Several years later, I released my first book, The Romantic’s Guide, which went on to become a national bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its 10th printing.

From there, things started to go crazy as the media started hounding me for interviews left, right and center.

To date, I’ve published 16 books helping both women and men with almost every imaginable relationships and marriage problem there is.

All in all, I am regarded in the media as one of the nation’s top experts on relationship matters.

So now you know that the relationship advice I’m about to give you is based on YEARS of experience, (not guesswork!)

So let’s dive in…

4 Ways To Re ignite The Passion

and FIRE In Your Relationship

First of all: Realize that relationships take work, lots of it. Here’s 4 things you need to start doing right away to have the relationship of your dreams.

1. Deeply understand your partner

Several weeks ago, a woman told me that after a few months of marriage her husband hated kids. A man wrote to me to say that he discovered several years into his marriage that his wife had been in prison.

I believe a lot fewer couples would get divorced if they actually knew each other before they got married (or even afterwards). The best way to really know someone is with questions.

Questions about money, careers, the past, sex, religion, kids to name a few. The big questions in life that make all the difference and often remove conflict before it arises.

Money, Children and Sex

Do you think you could ever give up your current life and move half way around the world for someone you love or for a perfect job?

Do you think life insurance is a wise ôinvestmentö?

At this stage in your life, do you think you would prefer having children or being child-free?

Do you think your feelings might change?

Are you a virgin? If so, do you plan on staying one until you are married?

Home and Origin

How do you feel about friends, relatives or people in need living in your house for a year?

Where do you think you would be most comfortable living?

City or country?

Near the beach or closer to the mountains?

Hot, warm or cold climate?

Religion, The Past and Fears

Are there any types of pets that you refuse to live with (snakes, rats, stray dogs, etc?

Do you have any phobias, fears or concerns about going to the doctor?

Do you support (with money and/or time) any charities or causes?

Do you believe in God?

What were you raised to believe about religion?

What were you teased about when you were younger?

How did that make you feel? Did you tease others?

These questions are just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds and hundreds more questions that MUST be asked to really know the person you love and to ensure you stay happily marriage for years to come.

2. Show your love in a UNIQUE way often

When was the last time you said “I love you?” Not just the wordsà but when did you really put some time and energy into it? Never underestimate how much a thoughtful “I love you” can turn around a relationship. Here’s some ideas:

1. Send them a unique gift at work. Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your two names pointing to the stick figures. Write æI Love YouÆ inside a heart. Next get a large formal envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a formal address label of your partner’s workplace, such as: ôFor the immediate and urgent attention of: Rebecca Jones, Level 20, Collins & Smith Solicitors, New York.ö Mail it to your partner so they receive it in the middle of a busy day.

2. Bring back childhood memories. Contact your partner’s family and ask if there was anything she always wanted when she was a little girl. For example if she always wanted a porcelain doll, buy one for her birthday. She will not only appreciate the gift, but also the fact that you were thoughtful enough to find out what she always wanted. You can do this for your man too.

3. A massage with a twist. Buy a small, decorated cardboard box, a sheet of colored tissue paper, some massage oil and a blank card. Line the box with the tissue paper. Place the massage oil in the box and write the following message on the card: I know a great masseur. For an appointment call: (Your Phone Number)

4. Unique flower idea. Leave a long-stem rose where your partner will find it, with a note on it saying: “Thank you for coming into my life.”

3. Go on dates (Never stop dating!)

Is dating only for new relationships? NO!

While being with someone for a long time makes it easy to slip into a stable and comfortable routine, the problem is you often lose that spark that made your relationship so special in the first place.

The moral of this story? Never stop dating! Have a water fight, stare at the clouds on a grassy hill, organize a backyard picnic or go to a museum. Dedicate time each week or month to doing fun things with your partner.

4. Spark and fuel intimacy

Probably the most profound way to rekindle the romance in your marriage is to spice up your lovemaking.

Surprise your partner with a little gift after you make love, try a new position, learn to give your partner a sensual massage before or after, or just spend some time staring into each other’s eyes and caressing their bare skin before making love. Many people underestimate the affect passionate and intimate lovemaking has on a relationship.

Let’s face it, keeping your relationship strong is a huge challenge.

The biggest problem is that most couples simply don’t have the time to be creative and spend hours every week finding new ways to surprise and be romantic.

For a limited time, I’m offering the complete collection of my best selling ebooks for one heavily discounted investment.

Together, they cover everything you would ever want to know about romance, dating, relationships, marriage and even sex.

Some of the books help to rekindle relationships while others add even more fun, passion and joy to them. Whether you’re dating, are newlyweds or have been married for years, these books will help bring you closer together and keep it that way.

I honestly believe this is the VERY BEST collection of books you can use to improve or even save your relationship.

Click Below to Learn More and to See Testimonies:

10 Factors For Less Or No Implementation

1 morning I took a visit to meet a former school mate; Dr Khutula Sibanda concerning my books that I am creating. In our discussions and deliberations, the topic above was birthed. I didn’t arrive up with this topic on my personal. The tragedy plaguing mankind to this day time isn’t the lack of concepts, deficiency of money or deficiency of other material resources. The main plague is the lack of implementation from the concepts that men and women carry in their minds. Some people are very great are composing business proposals, filling from the application forms, or merely referring to an concept. The day time when 1 wants to place motion for the vision or aspiration will be the at times the extremely final time the dream is actually spoken about. I have looked close to and realized even some in the nations that boast of around 80% literacy levels even now grapple with really educated individuals do not see the urgency or require to set into action all that has been planned. As being a end result some ideas are abandoned at their pint of conception; some projects remain on paper with no translating to genuine tangible benefits worth discussing. In my quest to realize much more on this topic, I got to assess the motives why even in my own lifestyle particular concepts have remained nevertheless births.The good reasonsone. Procrastination – It’s easy to deceive yourself into believing that with the “passage of time”, you’ll implement. Procrastination happens whenever you leave the issues you can have completed to get accomplished tomorrow. Before lengthy individuals items turn out to be the typical things that are relegated for being accomplished at a date yet to become identified. Common statements of procrastinators are statements like “I will do it later”, “I am waiting for others to join me – There is nevertheless a great deal of your time ahead”, Or “I am however considering I’m waiting to hear a testimony”. The truth is in case you do not cultivate a habit that everything you plan to do, you really start off performing, then you come to be a professional procrastinator. Commence what you program and finish all that you begin implementing. The clue is in obtaining began 2. Fear of both achievements and failure – From time to time individuals tend not to wish to be associated with failure hence commencing the implementation process is like pushing a horse up the hill. Equally so, you’ll find individuals who is not going to do some thing simply because they are not ready for achievement. “What if I turn into productive, how will I deal with it?”. This kind of phobia coupled with lower self esteem has kept a whole lot of possible achievement stories inside freezer of obsolesce. What folks fail to recognize is that specific tips need to be implemented within the lifetime with the notion. If you get an notion, it might not be you alone with the thought, six other folks inside your community may perhaps have a similar notion but success and recognition goes to the 1 who implements the thought very first.3. Insubordination & deficiency of focus- This kind of attitude which relegates specific actions to other people always benefits in nothing becoming carried out. Anytime you say “Let others do it”, you are communicating which you do not see your self with the capacity and mandate to perform the work. When other things come inside the way between you and the project then your attention shifts inside direction on the new factor. Prior to long the new matter becomes the major area of focus making the pending problems an option not a priority. In other instances when someone focuses on too many items at 1 moment then implementation in all these areas receives divided attention. It is my advice that should you aren’t able to multi-focus or multi-task, you are safer breaking your project into smaller chucks which it is possible to implement easily.4. Task seems too hard or painful – You’ll find folks who when they perceive a level of discomfort or pain inside issue they desire to do, they stop the implementation drive immediately. The mindset of obtaining existence happen on us easily at times blinds men and women from seeing the require to persevere through the pain for the profit. If the folks who made major bridges we now enjoy all more than the world actually looked at the pain, we would however have difficulties accessing other parts with the world. They even now attempted the impossible and conquered. Never attempt only the points that are effortless and comfortable to perform, at times pleasure is dressed in a jacket called pain.5. No 1 else is performing it – why ought to I? Who has ever accomplished it and succeeded? – In some instances you may well get an thought which has in no way been tried and tested. This is indeed a chance to make history and make it into the book of records. The notion of waiting for that majority to perform it removes the creative power from folks. If Thomas Edison had waited for other people to work around the bulb, we could be experiencing high levels of darkness to this afternoon. No a single else had accomplished it prior to but the man implemented nonetheless. Inside the midst of many trial and failures, he continued to implement his concepts. I’m sure at times it seemed so silly to keep trying some thing that would have failed a hundred occasions. I can imagine friends coming to him to encourage him to quit and join the band wagon of those who resist implementation. He looked beyond all that and we even now enjoy his inventions.6. I have not clarity of what I stand to benefit – I have watched with good disappointment how greed stands within the way of implementation. From time to time when individuals aren’t clear “what is in it for them”, they would rather focus on difficulties that bring them immediate reward. Focus on material rewards takes away the passion from whatever you are supposed to implement. “They say I must fill the potholes around the road close to my house, what for, what do I benefit when I have no car at the moment?”. This sounds justified but in lifestyle we must learn to implement what we can even if we tend not to have a direct benefit. Maybe the items you implement on this day will probably be completed by your own children who will in fact make a living out of this. You have the power to stall the progress in the next generation by seeking gain all the time.7. I didn’t come up with the concept – let the leader and originator start off – We must by no means fail to comprehend that you will find some men and women whose mandate is to formulate thoughts and getting other people who are capable and obtainable to execute the thoughts. Some concepts suffer mainly because they’re merely generated and folks wait around the founder with the concept to perform everything. Once you look close to and comprehend that you’ll find dreamers who cannot implement their dreams, see how you are able to facilitate their implementation procedure. You by no means know what will change the course of your destiny. Maybe you were created as an executor of ideas. You may perhaps potentially not be good at coming up with brilliant thoughts but you have the capacity to develop what have been started, rise up and do what you have to do regardless of who came up using the strategy. A midwife plays the part of bringing the baby into the world even though he/she didn’t participate within the origination and conception.8. It does not seem to get a priority right now – other points matter – Mixed priorities cause implementation of particular projects to stall. From time to time priority is given to issues that aren’t necessarily important, the effortless, the ones that give immediate gain or even the ones that take a shorter time. It’s important to note that the points which you might possibly relegate towards the bottom of your list of issues to accomplish, might in fact be the quite items that will make your name wonderful and help others in an immense way. The way you might be shying away from implementing specific items maybe the same good reasons and excuses other individuals are giving in not doing what they’re supposed to make a priority.9. I’m finding ways to complete it cheaper – Men and women sometimes hide behind their budgets as excuses for projects not commencing. You cannot be looking for quotations forever. It maybe that while you are looking at performing it cheaper, the option you had might fall away leaving you without any option than to perform it in an even a lot more expensive way. I remember when when I was looking for a house to buy, I kept buying the newspaper and hoping that I would get a house cheap enough such that I could afford to pay cash for. Within the meantime, other wants kicked in, I had brothers to send to school, my mother and siblings to take care of. Slowly I began to eat into the savings for my house. Before long I could not afford to pay cash for a house. I postponed possessing to buy a house hence I didn’t implement when I was supposed to.10. It looks effortless on paper but It doesn’t seem practical in reality – In the event you always wait until everything makes sense then you will not implement anything. From time to time the points you feel like implementing usually do not make sense to many men and women. You cannot have a taste of how it is in reality until you step out and start off working on it. You’ll not know the properties or attributes of water until you step out from the boat and try walking on or touching the water. Avoid composing off projects before initial implementation commences. Your mind maybe limited towards the previous experiences it has been exposed to. With this kind of previous exposure, statements like “It looks effortless on paper but hard in reality” arrive in. Avoid making your previous realities and experiences the stoppers of your implementation drive.It’s important to think before you implement or else individuals turn into casualties all the time. You are able to think, when, twice and by the third time be ready to implement. I’m against men and women who blindly consider everything they appear across as something that must be performed, here and now. From time to time you certainly need to apply your mind to what you wish to do. On the other hand, you can not be inside perpetual thinking cycle. Implementation has to happen.

Natural Stress Reliever – Improve Your Life

Stress use up body’s nutrition stock, makes the body to work harder than normal and dulls up the immune system. Stress may not directly harm body’s internal organs or systems but it can certainly ruin up your routine and disturb your schedule. There are many ways to overcome stress but one should go for a natural stress reliever that is quite safe and secure. The market booms with many natural stress relief formulas that help in relieving the anxiety and stress.You can also adopt some natural stress relief formula based on Ayurvedic or homeopathic medicinal system that is reported to exceptionally effective during the phases of stress, mild phobic reaction, tension, anxiety and issues regarding generalized patterns of anxiety disorders.A natural stress reliever may contain very helpful and healing combination of amino acids that are the harbingers to a series of neurotransmitters found in the human brain. The natural stress relief reliever may also contain nutritional materials that help the body to safely relax the muscles and also restore the disturbed brain chemistry. When body’s nutritional demands have been properly addressed using natural stress reliever, the conscious mind effortlessly becomes refocused and overcomes mental problems such as anxiety and stress. There are many stress reducing formulas that contain a powerful blend of nutritional materials those help the body to naturally relax and the brain to calm down naturally. A typical natural stress reliever should contain ingredients that help to battle excessive tiredness, dispel stress and reduce emotional tension. Regular consumption or usage of natural stress reliever can naturally soothe and calm the nerves and helps getting rid of feelings of anxiousness. Health care providers suggest that stress relief formula with some natural powerhouse ingredients like Ashwagandha, St. John’s Wort, Brahmi, amino acids, Lavandula, GABA, 5-HTP, Vitamin B complex and specifically targeted micro-nutritionals may give far better results than any other stress reducing formulas present on the market. This is because such ingredients have proven affectivity to reduce stress without any unwanted, harmful or serious side effects that otherwise come with so called other stress relieving medications. Stress can break down proteins at an amazing rate and therefore, specific amino acids that may present in natural stress reliever aid in body’s natural capability to inhibit needless breakdown of proteins. The natural stress reliever can also keep the body’s stock of amino acids secured from being affected by troublesome stress. As the body checks out the protein breakdown, the emotional response and physiological action to stress and anxiety are also reduced.  Tips to have relief from stress:-·    Walk away from the stressful situation.·    Give up alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.·    Listen to subliminal tapes with a relaxation theme.·    Take a walk in nature. ·    Take a hot bubble bath.·    Use aromatherapy.·    Have one glass of wine.·    Eat healthful meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. ·    Drink water.·    Talk to a friend who is not critical or pessimistic.·    Try yoga.·    Get plenty of sleep. ·    Exercise three to six times a week. Take time for quiet time every day to relax, read or pray.

Living with Anxiety? Find the Best Anxiety Attack Treatment For You

I wanted to scream. I remember myself trying to say to my husband that I was feeling weird, but I couldn’t talk even tough all my body and mind was shouting Anxiety Attack Help. At that time I wanted the best anxiety attack remedy. I had several anxiety attacks and they are frightening but the good thing is, episodes are generally harmless. In most cases, attacks rarely last for more than 30 minutes, with peak of intensity within the first 10 minutes.  

These are the symptoms of anxiety attack episode


Anxiety attack help comes in all shapes and sizes. 

To handle an anxiety attacks try this tips and treatments:

Relax – Even though it is often impossible to relax during an attack, do not submit yourself to your emotion. Breathe. During an anxiety attack, focus your breathing to slow down your heartbeat. Deep breathing helps calms and relaxes your mind and body.

Think positively – Again, during an anxiety attack, it is often impossible to relax or even calm yourself, but you have to be in control. Push more optimistic thoughts to your head. Instead of thinking that you are going to faint because you cannot take the pressure, think of things that are positive and nice. Do no think that something bad will happen. Keep in mind that the more you think negatively, the more anxious and panicky it is going to be.

Think that it will be over soon – and it will. Anxiety attacks rarely last for more than 30 minutes so relax. You don’t even have to count every minute that passed. What you should be doing is be conscious that it will not going to last forever.

Start an exercise program – Exercise has lots of benefits both to the mind and the body. It is also a great stress buster and anxiety reliever. Experts agree that as little as 30 minutes of exercise, 3 to 5 times a week is enough to reduce the chances of having anxiety attacks and at the same time lower the level of stress. What we do can have an effect on our quest for anxiety attack help. It is also a good idea to take some time and practice deep breathing exercises even if you are not stressed or feel anxious.

Talk to someone you trust – It can be your wife or husband, a friend, a relative or a therapist. Often, having someone who listens and understands what a person is going through will make a lot of difference. This is because it allows you to bring out your emotion rather than keeping it to yourself.

Meditation – has long been credited to relieve stress and anxiety as it promotes the release of negative energy from the body, relaxes tensed muscles, and calms the mind, which in turn, effectively reduces irrational fear and apprehension. Meditation may not be for all because of the time required to master the technique, however, with proper guidance of an expert or a little bit of patience and dedication, you can reap its benefits.

Breathing technique – is one of the most effective ways in controlling anxiety attacks. Proper breathing helps slow down heartbeat and helps calm the tensed muscles as a result of the attack. Breathing also diverts the mind’s attention from the “trigger” and calms the self, thus, stopping the attack even faster. Proper breathing techniques are easy to learn and master. 

Herbs – (such as passion flower, lavender, chamomile and ginkgo biloba) are very effective long-term treatment for anxiety attacks. Since they are all-natural, they posses no side effects. They may not be as aggressive as prescription drugs but they work just as effective.

Prescription medicines – are a major help in stopping the symptoms of anxiety and episodes of anxiety attacks. Antidepressants are the most common anxiety treatment. They must be taken continuously, which may take as long as six weeks before noticing the effects. Beta-blockers are a type of drugs that prevent symptoms from recurring.

Eat balanced diet – Like exercise, a well-balanced diet is important in keeping the body healthy, resistant to illnesses, and reduce stress level. Try to eat natural or organic foods. Keep away from processed foods or those that include preservatives and chemicals. These are some processed foods:

Therapies – are a very important anxiety treatment. These target the psychological aspect of anxiety. CBT or the cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to alter the way of thinking – converting negative thoughts into positive ones. Techniques used in CBT include role-playing and relaxation technique. Exposure therapy exposes the person to the physical sensations of panic in a safe and controlled environment. Through repeated exposure, patients gain greater self control and more confidence in facing fearful situation.

Avoid smoking and caffeine. Caffeine (from coffee, soda and tea) as well as smoking cigarettes can provoke anxiety attacks. It is wise, to avoid these things as much as possible.

Spiritual Healing from Traumas of the Past

It is possible to live a life of healed of the pain of the past.  Spiritual healing allows us to live in victory, free of sin and harmful emotions that hold us in bondage to the past. Healing ministries provide key steps to unlocking dark areas in our soul (mind, will, emotions) that are caused by experienced trauma of the past.


Healing ministries provide truths concerning traumas. Trauma affects your ability to walk in the fullness of Christ. According to Webster’s College dictionary traumas are defined as: 1. A body wound or shock produced by physical injury, as from violence or an accident. 2. Physical shock or severe distress from experiencing a disastrous event outside the range of usual experience, as rape, military combat, or an airplane crash. 3. Any wrenching or distressing experience. Spiritual healing is essential in order to walk in the fullness of the promise available in Jesus Christ of abundant life.


Traumas can be an open door in the spiritual realm to undesired emotions that can trap a believer in Christ in that traumatic event, not allowing them to move into a place of victory and triumph which is promised them in Scripture. The word of God is truth and the promise of peace and joy is a reality that can be achieved by the believer as they experience true healing from wounded areas in their lives caused by trauma. Ministries are available which specialize in spiritual healing which sets people free from traumas of the past.


Trauma is considered by healing ministries to be any event from the past from which we are still carrying pain, broken trust and/or unresolved negative or harmful emotions. Traumas enable the enemy to plant distortions of truth within our minds and to bind our hearts with bitterness caused by fear. Wounded areas in our souls (mind, will and emotions) can grow into strongholds. Ministries teach that strongholds are areas in our flesh that are fortified against living life in the Spirit. A life style free of unwanted fears and negative emotions is only possible as we deal with the hurt and pain of the traumatic experience.


Traumatic events in childhood such as accidents, illness, and abuse can implant strongholds in our lives that are difficult to overcome. Numerous fears can follow a child into their adulthood which may develop into phobias, irrational dislikes, dreads, anxieties and bitter resentments such as shame and regret. Thoughts such as: “you are not wanted” and “you will never make it” fight to shape the thought patterns of children following a traumatic event. These thought patterns can also follow an adult and hold them back from living a life of liberty and freedom in Christ. Spiritual healing is needed in order to be set free from a past trauma.


Freedom is available through Jesus Christ. Healing ministries provide keys for freedom which are available online. It is the desire of Jesus Christ that your soul be completely healed of wounds caused by past traumas. Often the very areas of our heart that we hide from God due to pain and fear are the very areas that He desires to heal us of. If we want to live a life of freedom and liberty in Jesus we must deal with past traumas so that the very roots of fear, bitterness and hurt can be completely removed from our lives forever.

Inevitable Success With Hypnosis Power

There are hundreds of studies that have shown how the power of hypnosis can be used to create amazing changes in your life from alleviating pain to creating new behaviours. It has worked for millions of people in the past, continues to work for millions today and it will probably work for you also!Are you hypnotizable? Is there a possibility that YOU could enter into the deepest states of hypnotic trance? If you are an average person you will most likely think that you can’t be hypnotized. This is normal. The majority of people feel that if it were possible for them to be hypnotized then this, in some way, indicates that they lack any real will-power are naive or of below average intelligence. This could not be further from the truth.The best hypnotic subjects are actually very intelligent, have a great deal of concentration and have a highly developed ability to focus. You should also be aware that the hypnotic state is different for each person who enters it. It is a state that can vary from individual to individual. Some people can enter extremely deep states of trance where their awareness completely changes and their memory of the event is hidden when they awaken, while others find themselves in a state that is equal to complete relaxation. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle. Wherever you find yourself on the hypnotic trance scale one thing is for certain everyone can be hypnotized to some degree.In fact you go into trance states constantly throughout the day. Have you ever been “going through the motions”, just performing a task without any conscious effort and been thinking of something completely different? If you travel on the bus or train have you found yourself day-dreaming or remembering past events and been so engrossed in your mental image that you lost track of time or your surroundings? Have you watched a great movie and totally identified with the characters or got so lost in the plot that it was all you were focused on? If you can answer yes any of the aforemention questions, and everyone can, then you have already experienced the state of trance.Although just entering a hypnotic trance can be very therapeutic, as your body and mind relax and ease tension throughout your whole system, the real power comes from the suggestions and images that are used in this state. Such suggestions can easily, quickly and permanently alter your behaviour and your dominant thinking about any subject you choose. Through suggestion a hypnotist will, mostly, guide you into a mental rehearsal of the new behaviours. New feelings are also anchored to old memories or a visualized future event in order to retrain your mind and body to respond to certain situations differently.So are YOU hypnotizable?Well, research shows that the best hypnotic subjects are those people who can easily immerse themselves in any imagined event. This is, in and of itself, a skill that many people in the self improvement field strive very hard to acquire. Hypnotic subjects who can easily enter the deepest, conscious altering, states of trance are those than can easily become absorbed in a fantasy while blocking out their external surroundings.This basically means the better your imaginative abilities the more profoundly you will experience the hypnotic state.However, as I have already stated, everyone can be hypnotized and you are no exception! Under the correct conditions you most definitely can and will enter a state of trance. With the right stimuli you can then use this state as catalyst for change in your life. It is possible to remove unwanted behaviours, instil new ones and even program yourself with characteristics and personality traits that you desire.You can use hypnosis for making changes in just about every area of your life utilizing it to heal your body, mind, and spirit. Hypnotists are now finding that its uses are almost endless! I remember watching a television program featuring the UK hypnotist Paul McKenna, called “I Can Change Your Life”, where he hypnotized a man diagnosed with a form of hysterical blindness. The man’s doctors believed a psychological trauma had caused the man’s blindness and that his eyesight should be working perfectly. After a few sessions with Mr McKenna the man’s sight began to return and he was able to function more productively than before. However, and this is the fascinating bit, before the program had finished shooting the man was sent to an eyesight specialist who discovered that he had been wrongly diagnosed and in fact there had been substantial damage done to his visual equipment! As far as medical science was concerned this man should not be able to see anything, yet through hypnosis his sight was dramatically improved. Why? Because both the hypnotist and the subject believed that it was possible!Here’s a small example of what hypnosis can be used for. This list could fill a book but I have included these to give you some indication of how you could use it to benefit your life.  What do you think hypnosis can do for YOU?Aid In relaxationWeight LossSmoking CessationImprove SleepPain ManagementEliminate Fears & PhobiasAlleviate DepressionReduce Anxiety & StressAwaken Your CreativityCreate More SuccessImprove Your Self ConfidencePast Life RegressionImprove Your MemoryImprove Your Sports PerformanceBetter Study HabitsRelease Issues From The PastHealing Of Skin ConditionsElimination Of WartsLucid DreamingRemove AddictionsChange HabitsIt would appear that the only limitations of hypnosis are those you place on it! Try it you might just like it.

Natural Alternative to help you Treat Anxiety Permanently

Although it is very normal to feel anxious for your day by day activities but if you always feel anxious without even any reason and if it persists then you may have an anxiety disorder. Symptoms of the disorder includes restlessness, a feeling of edge, irritability, tense, poor concentration and impatience. People around you may also notice the changes in all that you do like you may always have a jaw pain, headaches, bloating, dry mouth, fatigue, sweating excessively, muscle tension, difficulty in sleeping and others. It is very vital that you visit your physician if this happen. You have to be diagnosed and evaluated by a professional in this course so they can rule out other medical problems and so they can also learn the cause. But if you feel like you are one of those people who suffer from this kind of condition, below are some of the natural remedies for anxiety that you can opt to. 1. Passionflower – This herb is used already boy our ancestors to relieve anxiety and insomnia. There are studies conducted that will state the effectiveness of the passionflower herbs. Though this is not yet confirmed to be safe for pregnant women and children. Passionflower must not be in use with sedatives except if you are under medical management. Passionflower may improve the result of pentobarbital, a prescription used for seizure and sleep disorders. 2. Mind and Body Techniques – The mind and body exercise technique such as yoga, tai-chi, biofeedback and meditation are some of the ways that you can consider to help you deal with anxiety. 3. Valerian – This is one of the best known herbal remedy for insomnia and is also use for patients that has a mild anxiety. This herb is taken an hour before you go to bed. Valerian should not be in use with lots of medications, particularly those that dishearten the inner nervous system, like sedatives and the antihistamines. The valerians must not be taken too with alcohol, previous or subsequent to surgery, or through people with a liver disease. It must not be used earlier than driving or working machinery. 4. Aromatherapy – Plants essential oils are added to baths, infusers, and massage oils. These essential oils are used for anxiety and for nervous tension and this include lavender, jasmine, cypress, Melissa, and others. These are just some of the natural remedies that can treat anxiety. It is always important that you should consult first a physician’s advice before you take medications.

Anxiety Sweating – How To Prevent It?

Excessive sweating of any kind can have a damaging effect on a person’s moral, confidence level and psyche. It is even more detrimental when it comes to anxiety sweating. Anxiety sweating is related to anxiety disorder or panic attacks, and because of this, the person suffering may have a whole range of related symptoms in addition to the disproportionate sweating. These supplementary symptoms can include but are not limited to fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, irritability and memory problems. It sometimes requires professional help to bring it under control.
People with this disorder usually suffer with related social phobias where they are uncomfortable being embarrassed, which can be accompanied by excessive fear. This becomes cyclic in that the person sweating is scared of being embarrassed which raises the stress level. The person sweats more profusely because they are under stress and afraid and it goes around and around. Because anxiety sweating is unlike other types of sweating, it can lead to something called cyclic anxiety sweating. The cycle must be broken with professional help at this point. Fortunately, social phobias are highly responsive to medical treatments.
When you have an anxiety disorder, sweating is a very common symptom. No one is sure what starts the sweating but there are some identifiable triggers. Anger, nervousness, and fear are some surefire starters, but no one really knows why stress triggers so much more sweating in some people than in others. Regular antiperspirants don’t work with this kind of disorder, and some people who have an extreme case will resort to more drastic methods such as surgery to help them curb or control their anxiety sweating.
If the condition is mild, a good way to cut down on the number of attacks and ultimately prevent anxiety sweating altogether is to learn to relax through holistic methods like meditation, so that the stress level is reduced naturally. The nervous tension can be minimized which will cause the anxiety symptoms to abate. Removal from the stressful situation, if possible, is an excellent remedy in many cases.
If this doesn’t work, a person might need to seek psychiatric or professional intervention. A person suffering from moderate to severe anxiety sweating can find respite by seeking cognitive therapy as a viable alternative treatment or even as part of the physical management aspect provided by the psychiatrist in the form of medication. Anxiety disorder medication has proven to be of great help in most situations.
Studies have shown that proper treatment, balancing medication with cognitive-behavioral therapy, helps a large percentage of people with panic disorder and anxiety sweating. Therapy can, and has, helped many people deal with their anxiety issues. At times, just learning how to deal with these situations when they arise helps the person avert an impending anxiety attack, reduces the symptoms and the associated sweating problems.

Acrophobia – Overcoming Fear of Height Quickly and Permanently

Acrophobia or the fear of heights is one of the most common phobias know to man. It is normal to have fears of certain things but a phobia is much worse and often irrational. Almost everyone would feel a degree of anxiety peering over the edge of a cliff on a windy day. However, someone suffering for acrophobia is so afraid of heights that they fear climbing a ladder, walking onto a balcony or crossing a bridge. I have a friend who covers her face and hides under the dashboard of a car whenever her husband drives across any kind of bridge. The symptoms of acrophobia can vary. Typically when a persons phobia is triggered the heart rate, breathing and body temperature increase. They may feel nauseous, dizzy, weak or shake. They perceive the situation to be much worse than it really is so their body goes into a fight or flight mode.In addition to the uncomfortable physical symptoms of acrophobia a persons life can be disrupted in serious ways. For example, an aspiring executive might decline a promotion if meant the office was on a higher floor.Or they might not be able to put up Christmas lights or get an errant frisbee off the roof or out of a tree. Some are even unable to stand on a chair to change a light bulb without a heightened degree of anxiety. Treatments for acrophobia are important to secure as soon as possible. Talking to professional therapist can be helpful. Sometimes talking about the fear with someone who is removed from the situation can be helpful.However, in the final analysis overcoming acrophobia involves learning to manage your thinking and reactions.Treatments for Acrophobia The first step in overcoming a fear of heights is learning to control the physical symptoms. When faced with a threatening situation, taking slow, deep breaths can help slow the heart rate and increase the oxygen flow to muscles to keep from tensing up. If possible, a few minutes of meditation may be effective in relieving some tension. Relaxing music, aromatherapy, and even some stretching or light massage can help relieve the physical symptoms of a phobia. Many acrophobic people treat their fears through avoidance. Choosing to live in a single-story house, not putting holiday lights on the roof, and hiring someone to clean the gutters are all ways that an acrophobe could avoid heights in their daily life. Though it may appear helpful because the person no longer experiences the anxiety, avoidance is not a realistic long term treatment. Unexpected situations occur that force a person to face their phobia, and knowing how to overcome it helps build confidence and reduce anxiety. Behavior therapy is another one helpful way to treat acrophobia. In this form of treatment the acrophobe is encouraged to take small steps to desensitize himself to the phobia. This might include seeing pictures taken from a height, climbing one stair at a time and then incrementally increasing the height. At each additional step he learns to control his breathing and his physical symptoms therebytraining his mind to accept the the once feared situation as safe. Progress can be swift depending on the patient.Flooding is another method of desensitization which involves “flooding” the patient with the fearful situation without any gradual desensitization. The theory is that the flight or fight reaction to the phobia is very intense but wears off after a while. Then the patient realizes that the situation is not a bad as he believed it was and repeat the process until the fear is conquered. This works only with patients who do not have health conditions that can aggravated by their reactions to their fear. This would include persons with heart or high blood pressure or any other of a variety of conditions. Medications like prescriptions for tranquilizers and anti depressants help some individuals cope with this fear by minimizing the physical symptoms to the phobia. Anyone choosing to use medications must be aware of the possible side effects such as impaired abilities and addictions. Furthermore medications do not address the underlying issues driving the fear.The most effective way to treat acrophobia begins in the mind. The physical symptoms acrophobia are very real but they are an exaggerated response to the thought process about the situation. If the thinking is changed so is the reaction.With the right direction the thinking can change in very short period of time so you can begin to enjoy life without the anxiety of acrophobia. To learn how to do that in the comfort and safety of your own home click on relief from acrophobia – the fear of heights.

Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety disorders are the most common of emotional disorders, annually affecting more than 20 million Americans. Anxiety which interferes with normal activities like going outside or interacting with other people. Anxiety attacks are the most extreme example of an anxiety reaction. Anxiety disorders fill people’s lives with overwhelming anxiety and fear. When anxiety reaches a level at which the symptoms cause the sufferer to experience symptoms which exceed those normally experienced during an appropriate anxiety reaction, an anxiety attack is formed. Anxiety reactions are formed in the subconscious mind by a small organ called the Amygdala. Anxiety attacks can be eliminated very simply. Because anxiety attacks and high anxiety are the result of a learning process in the subconscious mind which causes the amygdala to react inappropriately, it can be ‘un-learned’ in the same way. Anxiety attacks are strong sensations that for many people creates the feeling of dying or going crazy. Anxiety attacks, also called panic attacks, are unexpected episodes of intense terror or fear. Anxiety disorders tend to run in families. People with anxiety disorders often have a family history of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, or substance abuse.

Anxiety attacks usually come without warning, and although the fear is generally irrational, the perceived danger is very real. Symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks / anxiety attacks include racing heart, hyperventilation or breathing difficulties, as well as chest pain, nausea or dizziness, headaches, shaking and trembling, and many more. Anxiety can also exacerbate many pre-existing medical conditions, such as ulcers, hypertension, and respiratory conditions including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Furthermore, anxiety is associated with mitral valve prolapse, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep apnea, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic tension headaches. Behavioural therapy – performed with a mental health professional to help gain control over unwanted behaviour. Cognitive therapy – similar to behavioural therapy but dealing with unhelpful and unproductive thoughts patterns.Anxiety medications can be habit forming and may have unwanted side effects, so be sure to research your options.

Medication – A short prescription of benzodiazepine tablets, such as diazepam, may be helpful in relieving short-term stress-related anxieties. Beta blockers are the best drug class to control physical symptoms of anxiety & panic attack and are normaly prescribed to prevent rapid heartbeat, shaking and trembling related symptoms. Buspirone is another medicine that is prescribed in the short-term to relieve anxiety. Antidepressants such as paroxetine may be prescribed for certain anxiety disorders such as generalised anxiety disorder, social phobia and OCD, and when anxiety is associated with depression. Group therapy – with one or two specialised therapists, particularly helpfully for certain conditions such as difficultly relating to others or being scrutinised by others. Psychoeducation – recognition by the patient that they have a treatable medical condition, and self-education through books and websites, and mental health professionals.

Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks Treatment Tips

1. Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) is very effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

2. Medication is sometimes used in the short-term to alleviate severe symptoms so that other forms of therapy can be pursued.

3. Relaxation techniques – Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, controlled breathing, and guided imagery may reduce anxiety.

4. Biofeedback – Using sensors that measure physiological arousal brought on by anxiety.

5. Hypnotherapy – Hypnosis for anxiety is conducted by a clinical hypnotherapist.