Excessive sweating of any kind can have a damaging effect on a person’s moral, confidence level and psyche. It is even more detrimental when it comes to anxiety sweating. Anxiety sweating is related to anxiety disorder or panic attacks, and because of this, the person suffering may have a whole range of related symptoms in addition to the disproportionate sweating. These supplementary symptoms can include but are not limited to fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, irritability and memory problems. It sometimes requires professional help to bring it under control.
People with this disorder usually suffer with related social phobias where they are uncomfortable being embarrassed, which can be accompanied by excessive fear. This becomes cyclic in that the person sweating is scared of being embarrassed which raises the stress level. The person sweats more profusely because they are under stress and afraid and it goes around and around. Because anxiety sweating is unlike other types of sweating, it can lead to something called cyclic anxiety sweating. The cycle must be broken with professional help at this point. Fortunately, social phobias are highly responsive to medical treatments.
When you have an anxiety disorder, sweating is a very common symptom. No one is sure what starts the sweating but there are some identifiable triggers. Anger, nervousness, and fear are some surefire starters, but no one really knows why stress triggers so much more sweating in some people than in others. Regular antiperspirants don’t work with this kind of disorder, and some people who have an extreme case will resort to more drastic methods such as surgery to help them curb or control their anxiety sweating.
If the condition is mild, a good way to cut down on the number of attacks and ultimately prevent anxiety sweating altogether is to learn to relax through holistic methods like meditation, so that the stress level is reduced naturally. The nervous tension can be minimized which will cause the anxiety symptoms to abate. Removal from the stressful situation, if possible, is an excellent remedy in many cases.
If this doesn’t work, a person might need to seek psychiatric or professional intervention. A person suffering from moderate to severe anxiety sweating can find respite by seeking cognitive therapy as a viable alternative treatment or even as part of the physical management aspect provided by the psychiatrist in the form of medication. Anxiety disorder medication has proven to be of great help in most situations.
Studies have shown that proper treatment, balancing medication with cognitive-behavioral therapy, helps a large percentage of people with panic disorder and anxiety sweating. Therapy can, and has, helped many people deal with their anxiety issues. At times, just learning how to deal with these situations when they arise helps the person avert an impending anxiety attack, reduces the symptoms and the associated sweating problems.

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