Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all see into our own futures? Wouldn’t it be even nicer if we had someone cheering us on along the sidelines telling us what direction to take and how to take it? Well, in a way, that is what professional intuitive coaches do for their clients. A reputable intuitive coach will be able to streamline client goals and whip them into professional shape to create genuine and sustainable success in life without all the extra baggage that’s been carried around for way too long.

Metaphorically, reading between the tea leaves is how an expert intuition coach can provide accurate insight and wisdom in the how-to’s of manifesting goals and in achieving real life transformation. It’s not that individuals aren’t capable of improving their overall lifestyles; in fact, many of us are fairly capable of doing just that. It’s in many cases, however, where people have come to a crossroad and they’re not quite sure how to proceed; or in some cases, where individuals have so many emotional issues that their minds are clouded with negativity. That’s when an intuitive coach can help people open their minds to different thought processes and alternative perspectives.

In addition to teaching clients how to excel in areas of life that are lacking, a professional life coach can get the creative juices flowing to help individuals overcome past emotional baggage and everyday problems. There are a number of mental tools that experienced intuitive coaches use to assist clients in personal and professional development, and emotional and spiritual growth. Some of the common techniques that intuition and life coaches facilitate include NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy, journaling, past life regression therapy, inner child retrieval and healing, meditation practice, visualization, and one-on-one intuitive counseling, among others. A number of well-known life coaches also offer a compilation of meditation CDs, self-help books, journals, and home meditation exercises intended to help in the self-healing process.

Life is quite the journey from beginning to end. And while tea leaf reading can sometimes interject a shot of excitement and anticipation in our lives, tea leaves don’t always give us the precise answers and resolutions we need to create real forward motion in our lives. That’s what an intuition coach does – she can read the proverbial writing in our mind’s eye and keep us on track toward success without all the extra additives. Leave the tea leaves for drinking, and let the professionals do their job at snapping you back into a winning position in life!

Posted in: Self Help.
Last Modified: October 20, 2010

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