
Motivational Courses Using Hypnotherapy NLP And Life Coaching Part 2/3

Now all of those are great reasons to go to the gym, but did they get you there? No. If the pleasure of going was a good enough reason, you would have done it already! So your commitment to this motivation you want, will be tested by using pain. During the motivational courses I have provided in St Albans, I have found that people are put off by this relatively simple concept which is really just about getting leverage. Leverage is a bit of an American term, but it gives us an idea of how we can apply movement to something that seems to be stuck- and remember that in order to be motivated, you must be moving.
If you think of a great big boulder made of stone that you wanted to move, you could try pulling and pushing it and getting exhausted, but it probably wouldn’t budge easily. However, if you use a lever, you can apply half the amount of pressure, use half the energy and the boulder will move. Our pain reasons (negative/ stick) are going to work like a lever, so here is a list of those applied to the example of going to the gym:
1) There is a history of diabetes in my family. If I do not go to the gym I will be unfit and more likely to be ill like my father is.
2) I am currently single. If my body doesn’t get fit there is a strong possibility I will stay that way. Then I will never have children.
3) If I do not exercise my heart, I will be more likely to have a heart attack.
4) If I get sick, which is more likely when I am unfit, it will take me longer to recover because my body will struggle. I will be aging faster than my peers who will be enjoying their lives.
Just take a look at the two lists of reasons. One is fluffy and one hits you in the gut. One list moves you, it takes you by surprise. Only one of those lists physically creates a shifting internal feeling when you read it. Now imagine that they were your reasons, applied to your motivational problem. Which list is going to get you doing something, pain of getting away from what you don’t want, or the pleasure of moving towards what you do want?
In my private practice, I offer 3 different alternatives to help with motivation. This has been beneficial to the St Albans Motivation Courses, because it means that everybody is three times more likely to find a motivation solution that works for them.
I start by providing a free consultation which takes about 40 minutes. There is no obligation to attend motivational sessions after you have attended the consultation, you can just come along to find out a bit more information about how I work, and I can find out more information about your particular problem.
Now read Motivational Courses using Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching 3/3

The Best Life Coaching Strategies – Revealed

Life coaching can be helpful for anyone. Whether you are in the pits and need to reshape your life or if you are already successful and want to take your life to even better heights life coaching can be the answer.
Most people shy away from life coaching because they have a hard time admitting they need help. Everyone always likes to think that they have everything all figured out. Let’s face it – everyone needs help. The sooner you can commit to improving yourself the sooner your life will take form.
Do You Know The Power of The Law of Attraction?
One of the most important life coaching strategies of all involves the law of attraction. Many of you have already heard of this law before, but few actually understand what it involves. The law of attraction refers to the idea that life is how you imagine it, and so if you find yourself constantly thinking about and living in negative imagination every day, then you be drawing negative people and things to you.
However if you were to suddenly step into the present, come to terms with what is happening in your life right now, and forget about dwelling on the past or the future you could change your life. If you were to make a conscious choice to simply be clear and present to that which is occurring in your life right now, then you could be attracting positive people and things into your life.
It is believed within this, and most other life coaching strategies as well in fact, that every event, situation and relationship is here for us to evolve. And that when we take the time to put our attention on the opportunity within our current experiences, we are then able to create positive intentions for our future.
In other words, rather than thinking back to past relationships or events or thinking what may be in the future, think of and focus on what you have now and how you can learn from your situation. Every situation can have a positive outcome or lesson. See it and use it.
The Benefits of Life Coaching
Life coaching strategies help you to do a number of different things. Namely they can create joyful experiences in your life each and every day, develop action strategies to meet and exceed your life fulfillment goals, clear your current blocks and get a deeper connection with yourself as well as others. Life coaching strategies also eliminate any self-defeating behaviors and perspectives that you may currently have.
These strategies are not necessarily easy to employ full-time in your life right away. But with some awareness and effort it will become easier. If you need to, hire a life coach. They can help you stay on track. Life is one incredible journey, don’t waste it focusing on negative things.

The Use of Biofeedback Devices in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy

Biofeedback devices measure a range of physiological variables including brain waves (Electroencephalography), muscle tension (Electromyography) and the electrical conductivity of the skin (galvanic skin response). All of these variables indicate continuums of emotional arousal. It is precisely these measurements that are used in lie-detector machines as they pick up the most subtle of physiological changes – many outside of conscious awareness. Many biofeedback devices exist and create a feedback loop for the user. Having the ability to see these readings, the user can learn to gain control over these physiological measurements by relaxing and seeing (or hearing) measurements rise and fall in response to meditation, self-hypnosis or breathing techniques.
In my private hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and NLP practice, I sometimes elect to use a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) meter with clients. Galvanic Skin Response (also called electro-dermal response) is a measure of the electrical conductivity of the skin. If I am using a GSR meter within a session, I first connect my clients to device by placing electrodes on two fingers on the same hand. After several minutes, I take an initial baseline reading. During the session, the meter readings will rise and fall in line with the emotional arousal of the client. In essence, the greater the presence of water and salt on the skin, the more conductive of electricity the skin is. Changes in sweat production in the fingertips can occur for a number of physiological reasons; however, there is a correlation between electrical conductivity of the skin and emotional arousal. A higher GSR reading tends to reflect an increase in emotional arousal (whether that emotion be anger, stress, anxiety, and startle response).
Whilst therapists develop great sensory acuity though many client hours experience, the GSR meter provides another tool to provide a clue that something is happening for the client. It is of particular use in hypnoanalysis or regression when the client has accessed an emotional memory and is experiencing it vividly. Whilst abreactions are easily spotted by a therapist, the GSR meter provides an early sign of emotional arousal that may assist the exploration of the traumatic material. The GSR reading can also be useful for testing the change in the client’s emotional arousal regarding phobias before and after the change work has been completed. The client’s responsiveness to hypnotic induction is clearly demonstrated by a falling reading on the GSR meter. The device can, therefore, be used to indicate when the client is deep enough into trance to make suggestions more direct. I recently conducted a hypnotherapy session and during a section about learning new skills, I mentioned being back at school to access and utilise that regressed learning state that children possess (this is a popular approach popularised by the late renowned hypnotherapist Milton Erickson). The meter rose rapidly at this moment although there were no visible changes to skin tone, breathing rate etc. At the end of the session, my client explained that she had enjoyed the experience but mention of the school had reminded her of a time when she had been bullied. Whilst not a significant event, it was nevertheless a demonstration of the usefulness of GSR meters within a therapeutic setting.
Biofeedback devices will never replace the skill of a therapist nor the importance of watching and listening but they can be a useful adjunct to the therapists toolkit in certain situations.

Life Coaching: Definition and Benefits

Life coaching is a form of support that helps the person in his or her decision making capacity, be it on the professional, personal or emotional level. It strives to empower the person and push her towards sensible life decisions. Without imposing anything or forcing you to radically change your day to day life, life coaching can bring many a positive results. Life coaching is meant as a guidance and not as a ” follow or else ” method. Let us make an analogy to help you better understanding what life coaching is about: the woman is lik a tree, the stronger its roots, the more it will be able to grow tall and strong and realize its potential. That’s what life coaching is, it strives to make your roots stronger, to empower. It helps you realize and achieve your strongest desire by telling that, after all, you could become all you want to be. Life coaching can thus be seen as a form of accompaniment leading to action. Without trusting blindly, if you feel at ease with somebody professional and respectuous, this person could become your coach. In fact, a coach is a person who possess the experience you are still lacking, quite simply. Life coaching emphasizes life situations that we wish to change or improve. People resorting to life coaching can learn amongst other things to identify their fundamental values and organize their life around those values, transform obstacles draining their energy, doscover o rediscover their forgotten dreams or their passion, feed their spiritual needs and move towards a job that can fulfill them. Life coaching uses tools and methods from various fields favoring and encouraging reflection and thinking through pratical exercises. Life coaching is for everyone who want to be the master of their own destiny and who wish to arm themselves with all the tools they need toreach their true potential, in line with their desires, be it on the personal or profesionnal level.

Hypnotherapy For Slimming And Weight Loss

Ever dread the thought of seeing those double chins, flabby arms, heavy thighs and plump tummies? You look pensively in the mirror and cringe at the sight of these yourself. You wish those unwanted fats would vanish like bubbles. You don’t want to look this way forever. Your goal is to trim down because you also want to exude the confidence that only slim people have.
It’s not just about slimming; it’s about having that healthy and fit body. Slimming means a few pounds off the weight that you have been lugging around. It also means saving more money. Imagine all those greens you lose to those slimming programs you enroll to. You also tend to spend less when eating healthy food. Another advantage of trying to stay slim is that as you try to lose weight, your libido increases and that means easier lovemaking for you and your loved one.
But losing those unsolicited fats is just about one of the hardest things to do. There are numerous programs and products for slimming and losing weight. Actually, it is one of hits in the money making industry. New products always come out in the market, products for slimming. For slim is in!
Diet programs are one of the ways to slim those fats away. It takes tremendous discipline to religiously follow the slimming program. It’s about having the absolute and sheer need for a slimmer body. It’s when you find that right diet program for your lifestyle and personality that you attain the slimming effect of the program. But before joining any diet programs, it is advised that you consult your doctor.
And then there is exercise, regular exercise that is. The general rule is that you start short and then increase your pace gradually. Most people fail in this hurdle because of tight schedule. But then again, it is all about the desire to be slim and fit.
Another slimming technique is hypnotherapy. It’s when you redirect your lifestyle, such that you remain slim, fit and trim. It’s having the absolute willpower to shed those unwanted pounds. Hypnotherapy works on the mind. It fine tunes your mind to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Obesity is one serious problem; it inhibits other complications like high blood pressure and diabetes. But it’s how you see yourself that matters. When you feel good about yourself, then others see you that way, too.

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss

There are several reasons why a person gains weight. Sometimes eating too much is actually a manifestation of a more serious psychological condition like depression. As you gain more and more weight, your self-esteem becomes lower and actually causes you isolate yourself and eat more.
Unfortunately, being overweight comes with serious health repercussions. You could have diabetes, heart problems and other diseases.
To avid these diseases, you could try slimming down or losing weight thru a number of different methods like dieting and exercising. If you have difficulties doing it yourself, you can join groups like Weight Watchers.
Eating sensibly would also help. You should avoid eating foods that are laden with fat and carbohydrates. Starving yourself is not a solution. Your body will simply adjust to the starvation and refuse to burn fats.
Controlling what you eat is healthy as long as it does not become an obsession. You may end up slimming down and yet have an eating disorder. Exercise with a friend if you want. This makes slimming down easier and more enjoyable.
Your family can help you by providing you with moral and emotional support. When you feel the urge to eat, distract yourself by watching the television, walking around your block or even brushing your teeth.
If needed, slimming should be done under the supervision of medical experts since sudden weight loss could also pose serious health problems. But if your problem is your inability to refrain from eating due to low self-esteem or depression, you would require some psychotherapy.
A psychiatrist would uncover the reason for your low self-esteem and depression and address them. You would be probably given some anti-depressants to deal with your depression. Taking these prescription drugs are known to be habit-forming and you should make sure you take them according to the doctor’s prescriptions.
Another treatment is hypnotherapy. It usually involves hypnotism by a qualified person. Your subconscious will be targeted by the therapy and alter your behavior. The aim is to change your eating habits so that you will no longer feel like eating whenever you feel sad or depressed. Hypnotherapy is relatively cheaper and provides faster results.
Slimming can be accomplished as long as you have the will to do it. As many experts say, it is a matter of mind over body. If you decide to slim down, you would be like taking control of your life once again.

Hypnotherapy For Childbirth

Hypnosis for child birth is used as a technique as much throughout the pregnancy as it is used during the labour itself. The benefits include a sense of calm and relaxation- and of course the calmer mum can be, the calmer the baby will be during the normally quite stressful experience of being born. This can later influence the ease at which they feed and sleep as a result of a less traumatic birthing experience.
During the pregnancy, hypnotherapy in Hemel Hempstead can be used as a means of mentally preparing the mother for the forthcoming events, offering her suggestions of a calm pain-free experience to come, and a reassurance that she will be able to manage her own levels of pain. The hypnotic experience aided by a hypnotherapist or a hypnotic recording, can help to maintain blood pressure at a safe level during the gestation periods and induce positive beliefs and feelings about the imminent experience as well as offering positive suggestions for things like diet and lifestyle throughout the pregnancy.
During the labour, the trance experience may be used, though not in a deep sleep kind of a way. Instead, the mother will be able to experience the event fully and fell in control during the process. The pain control method reduces the need for medication throughout the experience and ensure that any physical “healing” needs to take place after the labour happens quickly.
In short, anxiety creates tension which can create more pain. Hypnotherapy in Hertfordshire is able to break this cycle with the injection of relation and positive thoughts and attitude. It is well documented that childbirth is a very different experience in other cultures because the expectation of pain does not exist. If you are interested in how hypnotherapy can be helpful for you, please contact our hypnotherapist in Hertfordshire.

Get Rid of your Allergies and Migraine Headaches With Hypnotherapy

25 years ago I suffered from Migraine Headaches to the point that I would pass out from the headache pain.

At the same time I was seeing an allergist 3 times a week for allergies to grass, dust mites, mold, roses, 13 different plants and trees and 20 other items. I was a mess.

I tried various medications and treatments. None of these helped me. What helped me was Hypnotherapy. It completely eliminated all my headaches and allergies and for over 20 years, now, and I haven’t had even a hint of any problems, since. No drugs or medicine, either.

Americans, today, are suffering from a serious pandemic of diseases associated with dysfunction of the immune system. These include asthma, food and pollen allergies, mold, dust and chemical allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, eczema, and a host of other conditions. Read the list again of these conditions. Notice that all of them are growing rapidly in western civilization. Is there anyone among you who has not suffered from one or more of these conditions?

While Doctors have understood for years that chronic stress in our lives can trigger a wide variety of immune system disorders they don’t always explain to their patients what processes cause the normal stresses of daily life to turn into disease. Nor do they show us how we can deal more effectively with the stresses in our lives to eliminate these processes and the symptoms that result from them.

Hypnotherapy has the answers. Hypnosis is, first and foremost, a state of deep relaxation and peace and thus a premier remedy for stress.

Hypnotherapists know that even the most ordinary stresses can become overwhelming if the subconscious mind clouds these experiences and tasks with negative significance based upon childhood or other traumas.

While many of my clients express skepticism at first about the possibility of accomplishing something so farfetched, one session is all they need to feel the enormous power of the work in their own bodies, in their own beliefs…and in their lives.

If you suffer from Allergies or Migraines, consider eliminating them with Hypnotherapy, as I did.

Life Coaching for Women at Work

More and more professionals today are tired of the frenzied, highly demanding age we live in – the constant pressures brought about by the wish to succeed, be financially secure, fit and healthy, sociable, a good wife and parent. Career women, in particular, have to cope with the sometimes very emotional challenge of juggling family and work demands trying to maintain a work-life balance, which if not achieved can be extremely detrimental to their physical, mental and emotional health. There is a decreasing acceptance of an all-absorbing job; people are interested in a higher quality of life. Life where you have more time for yourself and your relationships, with more energy to invest in emotional, physical and spiritual well-being

As reported by the British Journal of Administrative Management, coaching ‘takes a holistic view of the individual’ ensuring that work, corporate values, personal needs and career-development are made to work in synergy and not against each other.

However, what started as a corporate client service has now become a valuable tool for any individual wanting to improve their life. It is quite feasible to imagine that having a personal coach will become an accepted norm.

Borne out of the competitive pressures of today’s economy, as well as the struggle to find balance in the frantic pace of modern life, personal life coaching is now rapidly attracting devotees worldwide. CEO’s, entrepreneurs, professionals, people in career transition and many others grappling with life issues are all turning to this new tool to guide them through life’s difficulties and help raise them above the ‘fog’ to the clear heights of peace and self-satisfaction.

Whilst Coaching supports all aspects of life, its ultimate aim is to achieve harmony and balance within the individual. For career women this means establishing a work-life balance that satisfies all the levels of emotional and professional needs. It’s about working to live, not living to work.

Work-life balance is a self-defined, self-determined state of well-being that a person can reach, or can set as a goal, that allows them to manage effectively multiple responsibilities at work, at home, and in their community; it supports physical, emotional, family, and community health, and does so without grief, stress or negative impact. For those striving to enjoy this type of life, coaching is an indispensable tool.

Women at work can recognise when they are suffering from an imbalance. Symptoms such as constantly being tired, feeling like you’re running uphill all the time and getting nowhere, feeling like you have no choices, no control; when life seems to be happening to you instead of you feeling that you’re managing it; when you can think of more things that aren’t getting done than are; when you see more negative in your life than positive.

Coaching is a powerful, collaborative relationship between the coach and a willing individual, which helps that individual through the process of discovery, goal setting and strategic action-planning to help realise an extraordinary result. It is also a body of knowledge, a technology and a style of relating that focuses on the development of that person’s potential.

Most people spend considerable time planning their annual holiday but how much time is spent planning a far more crucial journey, one you don’t get a chance to revisit if things don’t work out the way you hope? How much time do you spend mapping out where you want to go in life?

Just as Olympic sports men and women rely on their talent, determination and coach to give them the best chance of reaching Gold, your Coach can make you a medallist in life.

In the security of this collaborative alliance with your coach you will reach clarity of purpose, identify goals and develop a plan of action. You will establish an understanding of what is really important to you in life, take charge and realise your priorities. Put simply, coaching is about helping you to create and work towards the grandest version of the greatest personal vision you have; to achieve success – success being the continuous realisation of a worthy goal or ideal.

Written by Gerard O’Donovan Founder of Noble Manhattan coaching Ltd

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Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Training for Body and Mind Wellness

How can self hypnosis and proper hypnosis and hypnotherapy training help you create body and mind wellness? Imagine a really messy house with lots of equally messy rooms in it. This house represents your wellbeing as a whole with each room representing a different aspect of your life; and of course all the clutter represents all your personal issues and problems.

What will be your next move? Will you tidy it up by just shoving all the mess out of sight and making it look nice for when the guests come? Or will you spring-clean it inside-out and from the basement up. Unfortunately, most of us choose the easy way out and go for the short term solution rather than the harder but long-lasting and more effective option.

Simply polishing the windows and counter tops while leaving the cupboards choc-full of junk creates only the impression of wellness, rather than true wellness itself. It’s like dressing up and putting on a bright, happy smile, when in truth you’re not feeling good inside. It’s treating the symptoms of the problem without getting to the root causes – sugar pills for cancer.

True wellness isn’t superficial. It’s feeling happy, balanced and content right down to the core. Reaching this state requires some inner cleaning, it involves pulling out all the closets in your house and weeding out all the stuff that no longer serves you.

This is where self hypnosis through an effective hypnosis and hypnotherapy training comes in.

Self hypnosis helps in clearing out all the old unnecessary junk in your unconscious mind and it begins with understanding that the capacity to change, lies within you. You, and no one else, are the source of your own health and disease. You have the potential to create wellness or illness through the power of your very own mind. Self hypnosis is the tool where you can access this potential, and coupled with your desire to change, transform your relationship with yourself and your life.

You might be asking “how?”. Well you might think that becoming well is a difficult, dragging process, or maybe even that it’s impossible. But the truth is, it’s not only easy and fast, it’s enjoyable and relaxing too! You may not realize it but it actually takes more energy to hold onto your problem and cover up your inner pain with a smile than to just let it all go!

So, how does it work? Here’s a good hypnosis and hypnotherapy training course for beginners. Basically, an effective self hypnosis for wellness routine involves three simple steps:

1) Learning relaxation, breathing and visualization techniques so you can move into a calm, watchful state and simply let go!

2) Using personalized imagery and suggestions, once you are in the hypnotic state, to transform negative problems into positive resources.

3) Planting post-hypnotic cues in your mind while in trance, so your level of wellness continues to increase on a daily basis, even when you are not in self-hypnosis.

How will you know if it’s working? You’ll feel better mentally, emotionally and physically, and will also see obvious changes in your everyday life! You may feel less overwhelmed by work, less bothered by criticism, or more drawn to exercise and more excited about life!

The best part here is, it gets easier as you go along. Just like when you’re done doing your spring cleaning, you only have to focus on keeping your house tidy. The wellness formula is simple, as you transform your relationship with yourself, you transform your relationship with life! Wellness begins and ends with you!