
3 Things You Must Know About How Hypnotherapy Works Before You Try It!

Firstly, it is essential to know that everyone has experienced the state of hypnosis. For example, when you are absorbed in reading a book and are oblivious to your surroundings, or when you are driving home and realise that you are on automatic, that you are thinking about something else while driving. This daydream state is very much like the state of hypnosis that a therapist helps you achieve.

Just before you fall asleep, (that state between sleep and being awake) and again in the morning when you first wake up, you are in that daydream state. This is the state when your critical faculty steps aside and your subconscious mind comes forward. It is the subconscious that holds the key to change of habits and reinforcement of positive enhancements.By listening to the hypnotherapist’s voice,and his directions the client enters a state of relaxed awareness.

Secondly, all hypnosis is self hypnosis.Contrary to the myths that surround the subject, nobody can make us do anything we don’t want to do. If we refuse to cooperate, then no one can guide us to the state of hypnosis. The hypnotherapist will talk with you prior to the session, about your goal and reason for coming to see him. Together you will decide on precisely what you are looking to achieve or heal. The Hypnotherapist is merely a kind of facilitator between yourself and your subconscious.The client is always in control. If for any reason he decides not to cooperate by opening his eyes or not following the suggestions of the hypnotherapist, the session will simply not be effective.

Thirdly, hypnotherapy is NOT to be confused with stage hypnosis.Hypnotherapy is hypnosis with therapy. Many people have seen stage shows or TV hynosis programmes that have participants doing crazy things. What the public do not see is how the hypnotist, qualifies people before allowing them on the stage. Whilst everyone can be hypnotised apart from the mentally subnormal, young children and epileptics, there is a tiny percentage of the population who are very highly suggestible to hypnosis. Before the show, the hypnotist watches potential participants carefully and runs them through a series of exercises to ascertain which ones are more suggestible. You can be assured that those participants who ‘dance like Michael Jackson’ or cluck like hens, are perfectly aware of what they are doing.

The work of a hypnotherapist is a far cry from the entertainment value of the hypnotist. All genuine hypnotherapists belong to an association that has a strict code of practice. Should the hypnotherapist break this code, he is likely to face dismissal. His work has everything to do with healing and helping the client reach her/his goals.

Are Life Coaches The Psychiatrists Of The 21st Century?

There are millions of students world-wide enrolled in psychology degree programs at this very moment. Spending years of their lives learning basic structures and principles of how the human mind processes feelings and events. Do all people actually fit into the framework of a set standard?
A fairly new phenomenon is starting to sweep across the globe, Life coaching. This reasonably new form of coaching ties its roots to executive coaching. The basic aim is to help realize, time-line, and achieve your personal goals. Sounds simple enough to do on our own, doesn’t it?
When you take into consideration the normal work load of an up and coming professional and then add to it the daily stress of everyday life, some aspect of his/her life will suffer.
This is where our life coach can become useful. Unlike psychologists, sociologists, and other degree holders, life coaches try to find the answers from within the person.
There are four self-accreditation bodies that are internationally recognized: the International Coaching Council (ICC), the International Coach Federation (ICF), the International Association of Coaching (IAC), and the European Coaching Institute (ECI). Each of these is privately-owned and is not monitored by an independent supervisory board.
They do, however, all follow the same industry standard. Mentoring, behavior modification, and goal-setting, are the core values of their teachings.
Many successful persons in the business world are believers in the positive affect that life coaching offers. We employ coaching strategies into most aspects of our daily lives. It can be as simple as a plan for the supermarket, progressing into something as intricate as a 10-year plan for our future.
In most psycho analytic professions, the past and why we are who we are is the main focus. Life coaching, on the other hand, looks into the clients’ future and tries to help them become the person they want to be.
The main plan of most life coaches is to ask their clients questions and teach them how to find the answer from within themselves. The majority of coaches believe that the persons they mentor have the tools to achieve their individual goals, but are focusing too much energy in the wrong places.
To simplify all of this into easier terms: imagine yourself as a car and your life coach as your steering wheel, you are the one in control of how fast or slow you go. Does that make sense to you?
Now, think of your career, your family, your goals, your successes, and your failures, as the road that lies ahead. Every road that we drive on always has hills and some bumps, but the majority of us always make it to our final destination just fine.
This is where a good life coach comes in handy again. It’s a good idea to have someone in the passenger seat when the road in our life comes to a fork. Do you turn right or do you turn left? Your mentor is there to help you understand what lies down each of those roads, but to let you make the decision for yourself which one to take.

Ebenezer Scrooge Had a Life Coach?

When Charles Dickens provided Ebenezer Scrooge with the ghost of Christmas future, he created what may have been the first literary description of a life coaching experience. When Ebenezer’s poltergeist showed the old fellow a view of the future, he was employing a powerful tool used by professional life coaches to help their clients live a happier and more fulfilled life.

The biggest difference between Scrooge’s ghost and today’s life coach is we make the process painless. We help our clients to create the future they want. We guide clients in developing a crystal clear vision of exactly what their future will look, feel and be like when they have achieved their goals. We help them to create plans, prioritize and take actions, and remain accountable to achieving results. We also help them to identify and overcome any potential obstacles or roadblocks that may stand in their way of achieving success and living their dreams.

If Scrooge’s apparition would have taken a modern day Life Coach Training Course, he would have served his client much better.. As it was they just scared the hell out of poor old Ebenezer and left him on his own to figure things out. It worked well in the story, but it doesn’t always work that way in real life.

Life coaching can make a huge difference in a client’s life especially when times are tough like those in Scrooge’s day, and like the times we find ourselves in today. Having a trained life coach in one’s corner can be the difference between living a life filled with happiness and participation or moving through life wishing and hoping it could be better.

In the month of November of 2008, Google reports over 135,000 searches for the term “Life Coach”. This is one of the reasons we see more and more talented people interested in attending Coaches Institute International’s Certified Life Coach Training Course. These folks want to help. They feel a genuine calling to leave this world a better place than it was when they first arrived. And, based on recent statistics they have a lot of people to help.

Back in 1843, Ebenezer Scrooge may not have had the benefit of a professionally trained life coach, never the less his experience was life changing. Unfortunately, many of us won’t have the benefit of Scrooge’s midnight visitor. And, who really wants to be awakened in the middle of the night for a life coaching session anyway?

What’s the Difference Between Life Coaching and Psychotherapy?

What’s the difference between Life Coaching and Psychotherapy?

by: Johnny Blogger consultant with www.mychicagotherapist.com

The primary difference between a life coach and a psychotherapist or mental health counselor is that psychotherapists and counselors commonly “treat” clinical issues, such as an existing mental health problem like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. A life coach however does not treat anything. Therefore, life coach services are not covered by insurance programs.


Another difference between traditional psychotherapy and Life coaching is that in psychotherapy, the client is generally going through severe pain and suffering. They are seeking relief and looking to the therapist to “fix” them or help them eliminate their problem. The client will seek therapy to deal with their acute distress so they can then leave, terminate the relationship, and resume their previous life. In short, they are being treated for something.


More about the differences between Life Coaching and Psychotherapy


In Life Coaching, the relationship may typically be short term or it could last months and years. Sometimes there are situations where a client wishes time-limited life coaching , such as being coached through a special project or personal transition. An example might be learning how to better communicate in preparation for a job interview or promotion.  This is different from psychotherapy where there could be a brief encounter with a therapist for a specific issue or concern, such as overwhelming grief over the loss of a loved one. Sometimes the client may be severely emotionally damaged and need to stay in psychotherapy for many years simply to maintain an emotional holding pattern. Again, the primary difference is that Life Coaching is not focused on treating a problem – where psychotherapy is.


Differences in boundaries between Life Coaching and traditional Psychotherapy/Counseling


The boundaries that exist in the psychotherapy relationship are quite rigid. This is mostly because the patient/client is usually suffering a clinically diagnosable condition, and sometimes they can be very fragile emotionally. Breeching these boundaries can often be devastating for the patient/client. Some boundaries can include no contact outside of the therapeutic setting, e.g., office, clinic, hospital, etc. except in very rare and extenuating circumstances. Self-disclosure on the part of the psychotherapist is generally minimal. Also, allowing a genuine two-way dialogue to evolve is not supported. Life Coaching has a much more flexible set of boundaries. The assumption is that the life coach is dealing with an emotionally healthy, relatively well-adjusted and effectively functioning individual. Therefore, appropriate self-disclosure by the coach, more authenticity, lightness, fun and friendliness in the relationship is often the rule.


About the author:


Johnny Blogger is a consultant in the mental health field and contributes his marketing services to organizations such as 2nd Story Consultants in Chicago at http://www.mychicagotherpist.com

The Benefits of Having a Life Coach

Life coaching is a relatively new title to an old trade and many people do not know what a life coach can do for them, so I am going to list the benefits of having a life coach in this article. Let me start this off by saying that one of the secrets of highly successful people is that most of them use, in some form or another, a coach to help them get to where they want to be in life or in business or both. A coach, mentor, advisor or whatever title you want to call them, can help you identify goals and can motivate you to make those goals a reality for your future. Here are the benefits of having a life coach:

Setting Goals. One of the primary focuses of a life coach is that of setting and reaching goals. One of the main reasons people have difficulty manifesting success in their life is simply because they have no idea what their own idea of personal success really is. It’s like a businessman with no business. Without any source of direction, how can a person expect any quantifiable results? A life coach can use questioning to isolate what is most important to their client and once that goal or goals are isolated, then the life coach can help “reverse engineer” that goal to come up with a workable plan that can be put into action.

Clarity. A life coach can help you clarify your present condition and your future directions.

Action. Success rarely manifests itself. Knowledge and ideas are great to have, but they also do not manifest success in and of themselves. Action is what creates success in life. The reason why many intelligent and knowledgeable people do not experience the level of success that they desire is because they are slow to act on or apply the knowledge that they have. A life coach can help their client make decisions much more quickly and reduce costly delays and provide better quality action with less risk.

Motivation. Even the best experts in the world utilize coaches, consultants, and personal advisors because there is a strong psychological factor of accountability when another person has oversight on your progress. Actors, models, even bodybuilders have personal trainers who make sure they are keeping up on their program to reach their intended goals and this acts as a powerful motivating force for them. Such is the same with life coaches. They motivate their clients towards their goals and they make them accountable for maintaining their program and sticking to it.

Support. A life coach will listen to your story without evaluating, criticizing, judging, or offering solutions. They will lend their support for you through the toughest of times as well as the best of times.

Overcoming Challenges. We all face certain roadblocks in our lives that need to be overcome for us to achieve measurable success. A life coach can help their client brainstorm for possible solutions to complex challenges that need to be deal with.

Life Balance. A life coach can improve the ratio of work versus play in your life to achieve an optimal balanced ratio of both which will lead to reduced stress levels and a better quality of life.

Consulting. Most life coaches specialize in some aspect of expertise such as entrepreneurship, health and fitness, or stress management. The knowledge that they possess as a consultant can be invaluable to their client if they require the use of such skills.

Confidentiality. Although life coaching is not therapy or counseling, ethics dictate that the same rules of client confidentiality apply to coaching sessions. Therefore, what is discussed between a client and a life coach is strictly confidential.

How Hypnotherapy Birthing Techniques Began

The fame of birthing hypnotherapy, the Mongan method, is spreading fast by word of mouth, simply because it works so well, and that’s how it has always spread. When Marie Mongan had her first baby, she had read the book ‘Childbirth Without Fear’ by Grantly Dick-Reed and practiced the techniques it taught. She had her first baby in hospital as was the generally accepted practice in America, then as now, and when she arrived she announced to the nurse that she was planning to have a natural birth. With a superior smirk the nurse maintained that she would ‘soon be screaming like the rest of them’ and left her alone in a room with a clock so that she could ‘time her pains’. Husbands certainly were not allowed. Marie used the techniques she had practiced and eventually felt the need to push, so she rang the bell for the nurse who came and announced that she couldn’t possibly want to push yet. Grudgingly she examined her, and saw the baby’s head beginning to emerge. At this point it was the nurse who panicked, told Marie to cross her legs and pant, bundled her onto a trolley, and rushed her down the corridor to the delivery room where she was transferred to a hard surgical couch, legs put in stirrups, and wrists strapped to the couch. A chloroform mask was placed on her face, and the next thing she knew was that she came round and there was a baby lying in a cradle beside her with forceps marks on his head. She had simply been caught up in the hospital protocols of the day. She was a mixture of furious, disappointed and upset, and then exactly the same thing happened when her second baby arrived. By the time she was pregnant for the third time she was wise to the ways of current obstetrical practice and insisted that her obstetrician give orders that she be allowed to birth in the natural way that she had planned. With the knowledge that she has gained since she would probably have opted for a home birth. The obstetrician agreed, and then she dropped the bombshell that she wanted to have her husband there too. In those days this was completely unknown, but she stuck to her guns and eventually obtained permission. When she went into labour, she found people coming and looking round the door of her room to see this strange phenomenon of a woman who planned to give birth naturally, and that was exactly what she did. Her daughter was born in a calm and natural delivery with no drugs and no pain. When that daughter grew up and became pregnant, Marie taught her what she had done for her own birth and, in addition, the hypnotherapy birth techniques that she had subsequently learned, and it worked again. Her daughter gave birth calmly and naturally with no drugs and no pain. Of course all her friends were of an age to be having babies, and they wanted to know about these wonderful and effective techniques too, so Marie taught them. And so it spread, and spread, and spread by word of mouth, simply because women wanted it because it worked. That was sixteen years ago in America, and it spread throughout America and Canada, and then, about six years ago Marie came to England and taught, and the effect was exactly the same. It spread by word of mouth because it works and women want it. And that’s how it still spreads, which is the best way of all, and the hypnosis for birth is causing a positive revolution in the practice of childbirth in this country, and in the expectations and experience of pregnant women.

The fame of birthing hypnotherapy, the Mongan method, is spreading fast by word of mouth, simply because it works so well, and that’s how it has always spread.

When Marie Mongan had her first baby, she had read the book ‘Childbirth Without Fear’ by Grantly Dick-Reed and practiced the techniques it taught. She had her first baby in hospital as was the generally accepted practice in America, then as now, and when she arrived she announced to the nurse that she was planning to have a natural birth. With a superior smirk the nurse maintained that she would ‘soon be screaming like the rest of them’ and left her alone in a room with a clock so that she could ‘time her pains’. Husbands certainly were not allowed.

Marie used the techniques she had practiced and eventually felt the need to push, so she rang the bell for the nurse who came and announced that she couldn’t possibly want to push yet. Grudgingly she examined her, and saw the baby’s head beginning to emerge. At this point it was the nurse who panicked, told Marie to cross her legs and pant, bundled her onto a trolley, and rushed her down the corridor to the delivery room where she was transferred to a hard surgical couch, legs put in stirrups, and wrists strapped to the couch. A chloroform mask was placed on her face, and the next thing she knew was that she came round and there was a baby lying in a cradle beside her with forceps marks on his head. She had simply been caught up in the hospital protocols of the day.

She was a mixture of furious, disappointed and upset, and then exactly the same thing happened when her second baby arrived.

By the time she was pregnant for the third time she was wise to the ways of current obstetrical practice and insisted that her obstetrician give orders that she be allowed to birth in the natural way that she had planned. With the knowledge that she has gained since she would probably have opted for a home birth. The obstetrician agreed, and then she dropped the bombshell that she wanted to have her husband there too. In those days this was completely unknown, but she stuck to her guns and eventually obtained permission.

When she went into labour, she found people coming and looking round the door of her room to see this strange phenomenon of a woman who planned to give birth naturally, and that was exactly what she did. Her daughter was born in a calm and natural delivery with no drugs and no pain.

When that daughter grew up and became pregnant, Marie taught her what she had done for her own birth and, in addition, the hypnotherapy birth techniques that she had subsequently learned, and it worked again. Her daughter gave birth calmly and naturally with no drugs and no pain. Of course all her friends were of an age to be having babies, and they wanted to know about these wonderful and effective techniques too, so Marie taught them. And so it spread, and spread, and spread by word of mouth, simply because women wanted it because it worked.

That was sixteen years ago in America, and it spread throughout America and Canada, and then, about six years ago Marie came to England and taught, and the effect was exactly the same. It spread by word of mouth because it works and women want it. And that’s how it still spreads, which is the best way of all, and the hypnosis for birth is causing a positive revolution in the practice of childbirth in this country, and in the expectations and experience of pregnant women.

What Is Life Coaching?

Are you wondering what is life coaching? It is becoming increasingly popular and something that you may want to consider for yourself.
First, it is important to differentiate this from things like therapy and counseling.
Focus of therapy is primarily in healing by addressing emotions, behavior and disruptive situations by looking into the past to find out how a client behaves in a certain way. According to Wikipedia, therapy is the attempted remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis. Counseling is more treatment of everyday problems.
Life coaching is about looking into building a future. It is about achieving goals that you set for yourself. If could be in different areas like making more money, seeking happiness in life, excellence in sports, professional excellence and many more.
Problem is that although people want to achieve great things in life, sometimes they find it difficult to self assess, develop a plan and take action for themselves. Uncertainty creeps in and confusion seems to reign. This is where life coaching helps.
The life coach works with you to work on your goals and develop the plan required to achieve it. The coach encourages and if required gets a little tough on you to ensure your progress. The coach becomes a sounding board. You will be amazed at how much you already know but just could not organize and look at it in a way that it can deliver good value for you.
If you decide to get life coaching, then you need to evaluate carefully to ensure that you get a life coach that is not only qualified but also best suited for the life coaching area that you are interested in and you can relate to.
Shortlist first by identifying those who work on your specific area of interest. You may want to call those who have attended their life coaching programs for feedback. Find out where the coaching sessions will be held. Distance of the location may be a deciding factor if the sessions are face-to-face. Fees, of course, is the other factor.
Even if a life coach can fit all your other requirements, the chemistry between the two of you is important. Most coaches also provide a free introductory session. Make use of this session to see if there is good fit between the two of you. Is this a person that you feel knows the stuff and someone that you will listen to? As your sessions will be one-to-one, if you cannot seeing yourself working together with this person, it is better not to select this life coach.
Life coach aside, once you decide on life coaching, it is important that you become committed to its success. You need to be open and dig deep into issues. It may get uncomfortable but it is difficult to achieve great things without getting out of your comfort zone. You need to follow through on the actions. Whether the life coaching will succeed or fail will ultimately depend on you.
Now that you know what is life coaching, decide if this can help you. If it can help you but the cost of having a one-to-one life coach is high, then look into alternatives of how you can still get life coaching.

Hypnotherapy for Abusive Relationships



 Dr. Trudie Bartholomew, Ph.D
CMA, B.Msc, M.Msc, Msc.D, C.Ht, D.D. (USA),D.Emed,D.EMed (Psych)
Doctor of Metaphysical Science (USA)
Doctor of Divinity : Pastoral Counselling Psychology (USA)
Certified Hypnotherapiist  (IMDHA – USA)

Ethnomedicine Practitioner
Ethnomedicine Practitioner (Psych)

Traditional Herbal Practitioner
Member of the Pastoral Psychology Institute (USA)

Committee Member -Accreditation Committee of EPASA – Ethnomedicine Practitioners Association of S.A.
President of the Free Templer Ministry (FTM)
Vice-President of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association: South Africa Chapter



We may ask ourselves why some people are in abusive relationships, while others never seem to be abused, and can set their boundaries and seemingly be respected and appreciated by their spouse, employer, children and others?

When a person visits my consulting and their main problem is anxiety/depression caused by abusive relationships, I know that there was a problem at the time of the fetus in the mother’s womb. Usually I find that the father had an affair with another woman while the mother was pregnant with the child, now as an adult, suffering the result of the pregnant mother’s abuse.


While under Hypnosis, specifically in the Somnambulistic state, we take the patient back to childhood (age regression), and particularly to a period where the mother was approximately six months pregnant. If the patient is visual, they can not only see what the fingers, toes, etc look like inside the womb, but also what is happening outside. They can tell us what the mother is wearing, who are with her; describe the surroundings, emotions and circumstances. The fascinating part is that we can ask God/the Inner Wisdom/Subconscious Mind/Soul to show us a time (but only if it is the Honest Truth!), when the father was with another woman while the mother was pregnant. I would like to caution practitioners not to give the patient ideas or leading questions, but simply ask them to tell you what is happening.

It is important to understand that not all patients/clients are visual. Some are Auditory (taking information in by listening), Kinaesthetic (more the ‘feeling’ type of person, while others are Digital (or Auditory-Digital), the ones who have a lot of inner-talking, analyzing everything. They will of course not ‘see’ things, but may ‘feel’ or simply ‘know’.


Why does the father’s infidelity cause the pattern of abuse for the fetus in later life? The fetus sees or knows about the affair with the other woman, but can of course not tell the mother. The event is so emotional and traumatic, that it creates the ISE (Initial Sensitizing Event), which is usually not recallable by the conscious mind. Because the subconscious mind is the ‘goal achiever’, it will make sure that this goal is achieved, the goal being ‘Abuse’.


How is it possible that the fetus can see or know what the father did, as it is physically inside the mother’s womb?. We are a soul living in a physical body, but we also have other spiritual bodies, which are very much identical to the physical body, but made of a much lighter type of atom. Most human beings can use the Astral Body and the lower Mental Body, while some have the Higher Mental Body developed. Very few people have Spiritual Bodies finer and higher than the Higher Mental Body developed.

Thus part of the consciousness of the fetus can travel in the Astral or Mental body (the same thing sometimes happens when we dream), and observe what is going on outside the womb. All impressions and perceptions during the foetal stages are formed from events occurring in the direct environment around it.


During a typical consultation the patient will discuss his/her abusive relationships and the consequences on his/her emotions and physical health with me. During age regression, the client will usually have an abreaction (an outburst of emotion), and go directly to the latest event of physical/emotional/mental abuse. Although we have empathy, and let them experience this for a while, we do not do any therapy or counselling at this stage, as we know that this is not the ISE (initial event causing the problem). They may go further back in time where a similar emotion was experienced (usually related to abuse), until we reach the event which caused the abuse, usually in the womb, or infant stage.

It is not only women who are abused. Many men are abused by women, and continually choose the same type of person, until the cause of abuse is found and corrected. It must be emphasized that it does not simply help to take the person back in time and read a script or give suggestions. This is ‘band-aid’ hypnosis, and will not have a lasting effect.  They have to re-live the experience (sometimes 2-3 times during the same session), until it has no more emotional impact.


There is another fascinating part of age-regression which I discovered many years ago, and have been using very effectively for a long time. It is possible to take the client back in time, often with the suggestion of ‘lifting you on a cloud’, to go and see what happened in the abuser’s life (in this case the father – or even the mother of the fetus), that caused him to react in a certain way. We usually find that the father/mother went through a similar event as a fetus, infant or younger child. You may let the client ‘feel’ the parent’s emotion experienced during his childhood trauma. This is usually sufficient to allow the client to forgive the parent.


We usually take the person further back in time to the first time that he/she saw the parents long before conception while still in spirit form, and ask questions like ‘why did you choose to be their child?’, etc.


We then take them back to the time when the ‘contract’ was made with their parents for this life. The patient/client and parents (sometimes only one of the parents), often the grandparents and a spiritual figure, seen as Jesus, an Angel or a light are present during this written or verbal agreement. The person is usually permitted to see and understand why he chose to be their child, and what the lessons were to be learned, or things to overcome. Although not always permitted, we can understand our ‘purpose’ for this life, unless we are not ready for this knowledge.


Another reason why a person can be in abusive relationships, will be when the parents were physically/mentally abusive during the foetal or infant years. This creates a certain perception and programming, and once again the goal of the subconscious mind is abuse. So, do not assume that everybody who is in abusive relationships had parents who had affairs! There could also be a past-life event causing the problem.


It is most important to remember that you cannot let the patient leave your consulting room with this new knowledge without helping him to understand why it happened, facilitating the process until he can truly forgive all parties involved.


Once this is achieved, we will take the patient forward in childhood and adulthood, to go through abusive events, but now the impact of the past events are not nearly as emotional as experienced before eliminating the initial sensitizing event. These events are called SSE’s (Subsequent Sensitizing Events), and should no longer occur once the ISE (cause) is properly treated.


It is important to change the perception implanted in the mind of the fetus; we could call this re-programming, as the mind will always use the latest information first. Should you try and do re-programming and positive suggestions without eliminating the cause, it will only have a temporary effect, and soon the patient will fall back into old patterns.

The time spent to find the cause of the problem, re-living the experience, facilitating the forgiveness process, bringing a deeper understanding of the spiritual lessons involved, effect the necessary re-programming, assisting the client to channel the energy in more effective ways, is worth it! Never rush the session or stop in the middle of it.



There is a lot of help in the unseen world of love, truth and light. I often send up a prayer when I don’t know what to do next, and believe me, it does happen to everyone, even if we have been practicing for many years! God never fails us, and the prayer and request is usually answered, just by knowing where to take the patient next!




We may call it intuition?




Copyright © Dr. Trudie Bartholomew 2008

Getting over the Green Devil through Hypnotherapy for Jealousy

Jealousy is one of the most human of all emotions, and each one of us has experienced it at one time or the other. Jealousy towards your spouse/partner, jealousy towards a sibling, jealousy towards a co-worker, these are but a few examples of this human emotion. While in some cases this jealousy is at a controllable stage, there are yet others when this emotion just takes over the lives of people, and it is then that the warning bells start ringing. Some amount of jealousy is natural to all people, but when it becomes an obsessive trait there is cause to worry, for driven by this Green Devil, we end up hurting the people we love and causing mental torture to both them and us. Once you have identified this emotion as one that has to be dealt with, hypnotherapy for jealousy is one of the most effective routes you could take to control it.

Jealousy, is a result of an over active imagination and an underlying insecurity. As someone rightly said, “an idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. This misguided imagination makes us do some terrible things. You can’t stop thinking about your partner, each and every innocent thing that he says and does, seem to take on epic proportions of infidelity to you. You find yourself imagining scenarios about your partner, and in the process torment yourself. You know that it’s not good for your relationship, but you simply can’t stop. Jealousy can be tragic and devastating to a relationship, it can create bitterness beyond imagination. In some cases it can lead to domination, controlling behavior and even physical violence; and I do not need to wax eloquent on how effective these things are in killing love and relationships. If you realize that it’s time to keep a check on your jealousy, you have already taken the first step towards bettering situations. Hypnotherapy for jealousy will take you a long way from there.

As I said, jealousy is often caused by our insecurities; hypnotherapy for jealousy takes stock of the past and present events in your life and identifies the core issue, which might be the catalyst to such behavior. Once the trigger is identified, hypnotherapy for jealousy helps you get over the negative emotions, through the power of positive thinking and auto-suggestions. Insecurity is effectively dealt with by changing your self-image and perception. Your self esteem is boosted by auto suggestions, and this reflects in your outward behavior. Your fertile imagination is weeded out thoroughly for unwanted scenes and undesirable stimuli, to give it a more healthy and positive outlook.

Hypnotherapy for jealousy works faster than you can imagine. Your partner will be astounded to see the new you, and it is needless to say that it will bring about a dramatic positive change in your relationship. Gone are the ugly scenes and the nagging suspicion, both you and your partner will benefit from these changes. If you stop imagining things, and learn to trust your partner, you will stop torturing yourself mentally. On the other hand, with this renewed trust your partner will feel less threatened and controlled, and will subconsciously react in a positive way towards you. Remember that though you feel your overwhelming love for your partner justifies your desire to control his/her actions, you know deep down it is not the done thing. Add to that the fact that chewing your nails while imagining worst possible scenes involving your mate, and an imaginary “Other” will bring you no good. So its time you got yourself a manicure for your hands, and hypnotherapy for your soul.

What’s All the Fuss About Life Coaching?

Coaching in all it’s different forms- life, business, career- originates out of the field of Sports Coaching. In 1974 Timothy Gallwey wrote a book titled The Inner Game of Tennis which wasn’t so much about tennis but about the inner qualities of the tennis player which drive him to win. In sport and in life there are two opponents; the other player, and the self (self referred to here as our own beliefs and self talk about what we are capable of). The tennis player, and the player of life, has to compete with both.

Through this book people began to understand that as human beings, our level of achievement in anything be it tennis, business, wealth, or happiness, is in direct proportion to what we really think of ourselves deep down. And so personal coaching for the mind was born and is now used throughout the world to bring out the best in individuals and corporations, and unleash the human potential for excellence.

The thing to note about Life Coaching is that it is coaching to enhance your personal qualities, not directing or teaching of someone else’s ideas. A good sports coach doesn’t say to his pupil ‘No that’s not how you do it, here let me show you!’, and goes on to try and mould the student to be like him. Instead he identifies and maximizes the pupil’s unique strengths, and helps them transform any weaknesses into positives. He ‘coaches’ them on improving their own style of playing the game so that they are functioning at their ultimate best.

Similarly Life Coaching is not about telling you how you should be living your life. No coach will claim to be a life expert and if they do they are coaches to be avoided. Sure, Life Coaches are highly trained in human behaviour and will usually achieve great results in their own style of living, but the only expert in your life is you. As does the sports coach, the life coach will help you tap into your strengths while turning the tables on any weaknesses so that every aspect of your unique game of life is being controlled by you.

Coaching is increasingly used in companies to maximize and develop their best people. It’s not the systems that make a company powerful and continually reaching its targets, it’s the people that make up the company, the puzzle pieces that make up the whole. Systems are great to keep the company operating smoothly however without people working at their most efficient that’s all the company will do- operate smoothly. Coaching, all the way from the executives to the most junior employee, will bring out the best in people and create powerful results.

You may have noticed that all top athletes have a coach. They are at the top because their coach pushes the forward and supports them in staying there. All entrepreneurs have a coach, keeping them on a clear path to increased success in their chosen ventures. Most coaches have a coach! Because to bring out the best in others we must be constantly striving to better ourselves.

Coaching using NLP (the study of human excellence and how to replicate it in others) is the way of the future. It is the fastest way to achieve anything from overcoming a current challenge in your life, to realizing your biggest goals and dreams.

Find the coach that best suits your goals, who gives you the level of support you need, and who is genuinely committed to their craft; and you will find passion and purpose within you that you never knew existed. This new power that is unleashed from within you, your true human potential, allows you to function at a higher level mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, in every area of your life. And the changes are, without a doubt, deep and lasting.

Here are a couple of motivational quotes to get you started on your journey:

‘It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time.’ – Henry Ford

‘Success is not for the timid. It is for those who seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action.’ – Jose Silva

‘If you don’t act now while it’s fresh in your mind, it will probably join the list of things you were always going to do but never quite got around to.’ – Paul Clithero