Although stress in the workplace is part and parcel of the world of work, when the economy is struggling as it is now, work-related stress can become a serious issue. As the pressure at work increases, it is important to possess the life-skills to deal with stress to maintain good health and in this article, you’ll discover three stress management skills to help you keep work related stress at bay. The fact is that being under a small degree of pressure is beneficial. The problem comes when you are under an excessive amount of stress as this will effect not only your mind but your body as well which will impair your ability to perform.Flawed thinking modes are at the root of severe stress. It involves many aspects, usually assigning single-outcome, catastrophic meanings to events facing you. Such meanings lead to you concentrating only on unfavorable conclusions and if you then add strong, emotive phrases to describe problems, your stress levels will soar. Being under so much stress will also expose you to the risk of experiencing an unpleasant episode of anxiety or depression.To help you keep job-related stress decidedly in check, here are three powerful, simple stress management methods:1. Estimate. Decide on what really needs to be done by selecting and giving your attention to those tasks which take greater priority over the rest. Ask yourself: Is this really important? A great technique is to have a “priority meter” where each task is assigned a number between 1 and 10, with 10 indicating the highest priority and 1 the lowest. When you’ve prioritized your workload, give the bulk of your time to the tasks that are the most important and if possible, ditch as many of the less important ones as you can.2. Multiple meanings. No matter what situation or event you are faced with, avoiding assigning single, worst-outcome meanings is crucial. This will send your stress levels through the roof. Always generate multiple possibilities and outcomes to each problem and event as this is a very powerful step that will significantly reduce stress.3. Word check. Refrain from using powerful emotive language as words can exacerbate stress. E.g. Phrases that involve words like useless, everything, ruined and always:”That’s ruined everything, I always make stupid mistakes because I’m useless.”Such a highly-emotional phrase will leave you feeling bad and exacerbate stress. Try to use less powerful words, for example:”I’m having a few problems with this at the moment but like I’ve done with my other work, I’ll make sure they’re solved soon.”Notice how this lowers the intensity? A very powerful stress relief technique. Each of the above techniques will help you with workplace stress management and if you combine them with taking a break as often as you can, you will soon notice a difference in your stress levels without a doubt.

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