How about the incredible allure of chocolate when the seemingly last possibility for anything wonderful has just fizzled in your face? No, it’s not your imagination. You really do crave rich foods when stress is unrelenting. When you experience sudden danger, your brain instantly signals your body to turn out a hormone called Cortisol. It in turn relays the message throughout the body to mobilize you for a life-saving response. Blood vessels constrict and divert the flow of blood from leisurely processes such as digestion to fast-acting muscles. Metabolism shifts too, and energy is made rapidly available to your muscles, readying them for action.
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How about the incredible allure of chocolate when the seemingly last possibility for anything wonderful has just fizzled in your face? No, it’s not your imagination. You really do crave rich foods when stress is unrelenting.
When you experience sudden danger, your brain instantly signals your body to turn out a hormone called Cortisol. It in turn relays the message throughout the body to mobilize you for a life-saving response. Blood vessels constrict and divert the flow of blood from leisurely processes such as digestion to fast-acting muscles. Metabolism shifts too, and energy is made rapidly available to your muscles, readying them for action.
Why is it that whenever we overcome incredible stress, we want to reach for something to binge on and engage in over eating? We tend to overeat when faced with stress. So what are we left with here? There is no way to avoid stress, so are we doomed by the influence of stress on our eating habits? Is it possible to make some healthy changes even though you may be eating for reasons other than hunger?
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