Thomas Edison once said “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”
We often feel that ‘just one more time’ is a step too far. The thing that has overcome us now stands on the victory side, and we are a defeated. We may go through many challenges in life. Addiction, financial ruin, divorce and bereavement are just some of the ‘things’ that life throws at us. Can we really recover from these traumas and move forward?
Recover Coaching answers this question in the affirmative. Not only can we recover from life’s traumas, but with the right coaching support, we can become stronger and move forward in ways that we did not think were possible. Recovery coaching does not deal with the past issues or traumas – for example it will not explain why an addiction has occurred, nor identify the causes.
So what does recovery coaching do?
Recovery coaching deals with ‘the here and now’. It encourages clients to look forward and not let their pasts dictate their future. Coaching recognizes future potential not past performance.
Recovery coaching assumes that there is a positive attitude in clients who seek to improve their lives through coaching and that this in itself provides the first step to recovery. Recovery coaching helps clients define their own values and strengths to find their way to success because it believes that clients who are clear about their life goals and values are better able to achieve and maintain a long-term recovery.
Recovery coaching would agree with Robert H. Schuller in saying, “Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.” Recovery coaching recognizes that pursuit is the evidence of desire, and that we change in the process of pursuing that which we desire. Zig Ziglar said it best, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
Recovery coaching recognizes that people in recovery may lack some life-skills or need new skills to move forward. Coaching helps clients fill in the gaps by encouraging them to know that learning is part of life, whether they need budgeting skills or a vocational qualification. Recovery coaching is about asking the right questions. Sometimes, powerful motivational questions are needed to allow clients to think in a different way, thus enabling them to overcome a stuck point in their recovery process.
Recovery coaching recognizes that recovery is a process not a one-time event, and helps clients to move forward from one stage to the next by helping them decide what is right for them.