
Life Coaching – a Coaching for a Better Life

To start with, let us first do away with a few doubts that people usually have about life coaching. Let us see, why life coaching is generally so sought after and why in the first place does it work? Firstly a life coach is someone who lets you be yourself and tries to connect with you in a way that you desperately need at some critical moment in your life. He/she makes you realize your own worth and at the same time you feel a certain responsibility to carry out what the coach has asked of you. The coach helps you to analyze the situation by following a certain detached approach so that you see it in a way that you have never done before. They do no tell you how to live but tell you how you should capitalize on all that you have at the present, and how you can multiply the same in the future.

People confuse life coaching with counseling. It should be noted that counseling deals with a certain calamity in your life like accidents, breakups, divorces, etc. Hence counselors try to find answers from your past but life coaches focus on your current and future situations. Coaches make one aware of their situation but counselors try to dig out answers to your problems from your past. Also counseling is needed when the person is almost unaware of what is exactly wrong with him/her or is not even in a position to fathom the gravity of the situation and the need to set it right. On the other hand people who come for coaching are fairly happy in their lives and want to seek a betterment of it or realize that the barrier they have is actually not too big to be unmanageable. Another thing confused with life coaching is therapy. Therapy in reality is some sort of treatment that one needs to overcome some kind of trauma. But people seeking life coaching are in perfect health and just have to realize, that there are certain things in their life that need some attention on their part. Therapy sets the problems correct but life coaching aims at finding new ways to move ahead and be successful.

Life coaches help you to find for you where exactly your heart lies, what you are really good at, what motivates you, what angers you and how you can deal efficiently with it, what holds you back and how you can work on it, what is it that is not letting you progress in your business, what new strategies, planning, time-management, people management skills you need to employ to achieve greater heights, what you can do to maintain healthy relationships, what your secret desires are and how you can tap your potential to the fullest and aim for better and newer avenues. These and many more things are what the coaches help you in. Coaching is very common in the IT sector where the pressures are sky high with deadlines, work-pressure, bad eating and sitting habits, irregular timings taking a toll on performance in work and everyday lives. The life coaches help young people to find a reason and purpose in their lives. They help people to overcome stage fear and social anxiety, leave smoking, drinking, and so on, do away with their hidden fears and guilt, depression, etc. Life coaching makes one come to terms with the fact that it is we, who are refusing to move ahead in life. It gives a new outlook about yourself and instills confidence in you, that you can achieve anything that you set your sight upon. Life coaches help to get some discipline in our lives to extract better from every opportunity. And also to find opportunities that lie hidden in front of you –be it in personal or in professional life.

So it is never too late to go in for life coaching. If you think you want the maximum out of life-go find a life coach and fill your life with a sweet fragrance of success, bliss and contentment.

Life Coach Training Is The First Step To Making Positive Changes In Lives

Certain fields of endeavor are designed to help consumers, while others focus on business to business. There is yet others which are designed to help keep a support for the progress of society. Never has life coaching been so important to people, than it has today. Life coach training is the first step to making that positive change in lives.
We can easily underestimate the good that a life coach can do in peoples lives. You have qualities and skills, and these qualities and skills people need. But, it can’t just stop on those qualities and skills. There needs to be something more – in comes life coach training.
So, you want to help society, and people. Becoming a life coach is one way to make that happen. And it happens for many reasons. Imagine for a moment, the clients you serve will be enabled to do so much more. This productivity at least in a small way helps with society’s progress forward.
Becoming a life coach requires a lot of learning. This learning is accomplished either through life experience or through life coach training courses.
There are many benefits that go with life coach training. With the life coach training, you are sure to find a structure which is essential learning that you will apply in your day to day life coaching practice or life coach job.
However there is one person who will benefit greatly from life coach training courses, and it is not all the coaching clients you will coach, rather it is you! You will learn a systematic system of personal development, which allows you to go from finding a goal, and making it happen, in the shortest possible time, and with the least resources.
The life coach training will also apply to the problems you face in your day to day life. Just because you may go through life coach training, and become a certified life coach, it doesn’t mean that all your problems will go away! However, you will find that you have the resources to find solutions. And as you go through these, more practical experience you will have for your coaching clients.
Life coach training involves finding out how to help clients to both discover and reach their personal goals. As a coach, you will utilize several methods to teach the methods for establishing and achieving goals. The foundations of life coaching exist in executive training, but more and more individuals are looking for life coaches.
Using various forms of counseling, such as mentoring, psychology and sociology, you will life coach your clients with various methods to help them find solutions. Life coach training then becomes a great way to discover the core areas, and also help you become as equipped as possible to deal with all your clients needs.

The Difference Between Life Coaching and Psychology

Its very common to hear people ask questions regarding the differences of life coaching and therapy/counseling. As a certified life coach that has met with hundreds of clients, I’ve had an opportunity to become very aware of both the differences and the commonalities between the two professions. This is well worth a deeper discussion and I’ll provide all the answers to the common questions I’ve heard regarding how these two services compare in this article.
As a side note, if you are looking for in depth information on how to become a life coach or are wondering what a life coach is, these linked articles may be a better starting point for you.Fundamental Differences of Life Coaching and Therapy
When I first decided to enroll in a life coach training program, a clear distinction was made as to what coaching was and what it was not. The job of a coach is to support a client to see clearly for themselves the right action to take. Fundamentally, a coach is dedicated to the principle that the client has their own answers. The coach recognizes that a client is not ‘broken’, they are whole and complete and nothing needs to be ‘fixed’ to engage an individuals passions and dreams. The coach is not a consultant prepared to provide an answer to the client and they are not an expert trained in providing a diagnosis. A client that engages a life coach is hiring an expert in self inquiry, in empowerment, goal setting and motivation.
OK, this does not sound a whole lot like a therapist or counselor. Certainly someone trained as a psychologist does have the skill set to diagnose, to provide counsel, to give the answers that a client may need to hear. This is one fundamental difference between coaching and counseling.
A mentor of mine told me that a psychologist is trained in healing the pain in the past whereas a life coach is trained in focusing on your dreams and passions and turning those into action. The result of counseling may be therapeutic, the result of coaching is always action in the physical world. If you were to look at the timeline of your life, the domain of a psychologist would be the day you were born up until today, the domain of a life coach would be today and into the future.What are the Commonalities of Life Coaching and Therapy
Both life coaches and therapists are trained listeners. They have developed a communication skill set that provides a space for clients to express themselves – albeit on different topics. A coach and a therapist will frequently meet in a similar setting – usually in an office for a scheduled time frame and they will meet on a regular basis as agreed upon. Life coaches will often offer phone meetings for clients as well which is something less often seen in a therapist setting.
Both a therapist and a life coach will communicate with you on a very personal and deep level. As such, both professions act under professional guidelines for confidentiality. I’ve had a number of clients tell me that they were working with a counselor in addition to the coaching and this has been a fantastic mix for them. Sometimes with these clients the topics shared in coaching may be similar to those shared in counseling. The difference is the focus of the conversation. Whereas the therapist will have a higher tolerance and ability to delve into the deep seeded ‘issues’ that are present, a coach will remind the client of their visions and goals and focus on potential solutions.What about Solution Focused Brief Therapy?
This is a very interesting question. About a year ago I had a client point out to me that they felt that coaching and therapy were very similar. I mentioned the differences noted above and she asked me what I knew about Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). I had to admit I did not know much. She had been trained in this field and began to discuss how it is a branch of therapy focused on the present and future rather than the past. The focus is moving a client via action towards that vision.
Hummm. Wasn’t that interesting. Indeed it does sound a lot like life coaching. Now the methods and processes may be unique (and each coach has their own methods anyway), but fundamentally it sounds similar. The only difference I can clearly see is that SFBT seems to engage a clientele that is dealing with a ‘problem’. Life coaches are prominent in working with individuals and business clients for the purpose of achieving more success in life. This may or may not be related to any problems or issues perceived by the client.
Now if you are trained in SFBT – I would personally love to hear from you and have you write a guest article on my blog to provide more detail for my readers. If you’d be willing to do this – please contact me, I’d love to discuss more with you.What’s Better Coaching or Therapy?
Clearly the world of therapy at the date this article is written is immensely more popular than that of life coaching (however life coaching is gaining a lot of momentum). Life coaching as a profession really only emerged in its infancy in the mid 90’s. Therefore, therapy is better recognized and has a well documented track record. But is it better?
I believe that the question is really one of fit. What is it you are looking to achieve as you are considering a coach or a therapist. Is your focus on the past or the future. Are there overwhelming feelings and emotions that you need to work through to move on, or are you engaging in a vision of the future and you can’t quite figure out how to get there. Asking yourself these questions will provide you some instant guidance as to the appropriate path forward.