
Stress and Anxiety – Use Hypnotherapy to Overcome Them and Find Peace

Now more than ever, scientific surveys are attesting the primary role played by stress in triggering or aggravating different physical and emotional afflictions. In the June 6, 1983 issue of Time Magazine, the cover story labeled stress “The Epidemic of the Eighties.” It also said that stress is our leading health problem. Indeed one has to recognize that our world has become a lot more complicated and stressful in the last two decades since that article was written.

Numerous surveys indicate that almost everybody is under the impression of being subject to a lot of stress. Authorities in the field estimate that between 75 and 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians somehow have to do with stress.

Most people report their stress is primarily due to their job. And stress levels have also grown in children and the elderly population because of several reasons including: Peer pressures that often push people to everything from smoking to alcoholism and drug abuse; the wearing away of religion and family values; increased crime rates; threats to personal safety; and last but not least social isolation and loneliness.

Stress can cause and aggravate conditions such as diabetes, ulcers, low back and neck pain, high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks. This is due to the ever growing sympathetic nervous system activity along with a high level of cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones. Chronic stress is often associated with lower immune system resistance. Stress can contribute to anxiety, depression, and its various effects on the body’s organs.

The following definition for “stress” can be found in the American Heritage Dictionary:

“To subject to physical or mental pressure, tension, or strain”

The following is the definition of “tension” from the same dictionary:

“Mental, emotional, or nervous strain”

The following definition is given for “anxiety”:

“A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties”

And the following is the definition of “depression”:

“The condition of feeling sad or despondent”

The following is the definition of “clinical depression”:

“A psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death.”

One thing is for sure, our mind is the first source of our feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Put differently, what we think about, and our attitudes and points of view about our experiences create our feelings. That way, if we can learn how to change our thoughts, attitudes, and points of view, we can get rid of our feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression and change them for a more positive state of being.

Since the beginning of time, people have tried to find methods that would allow them to eliminate stress. With the pharmaceutical industry there seems to be a drug for everything. And to that end the industry has created a large line of sedatives from Valium to Xanax. If you choose to utilize drugs for relief, please be sure to pay attention to the fine print and learn about the side effects, which commonly include addiction and dependency. Unfortunately, these types of drugs aim at treating the symptoms, but not the cause. So as soon as one stops ingesting them, the symptoms can come back.

A finer method to get rid of tension, stress, anxiety, and depression is to work on the root cause, which as I said previously, is generally our thought processes. There is the good news. Hypnosis is all about relaxation. The AMA accepted hypnosis in 1958 as an effective way to cure stress or stress related symptoms. Moreover unlike anxiolytics, there are totally no negative side effects.

When you are in hypnosis, you are in the Alpha level of consciousness. It’s the daydream like temporary psychological state that we experience as we’re just about to fall asleep at night. And we experience it once again when we awaken again. There are several different ways that will help us guide ourselves into this state of tranquility, from progressive relaxation to visual imagery to listening to hypnosis CD’s.

Once we access a hypnotic state, we can communicate with our unconscious mind, which is the seat of our feelings. And it becomes easier to acknowledge new points of view and ideas that will help us to dissipate anxiety, or even avoid it completely.

NLP, which is a recent sort of hypnotherapy, offers numerous excellent methods for getting rid of stress. Perhaps the technique that works best is called the “swish” pattern – or the “flash” pattern. When you use this method, your unconscious will automatically use negative, stress producing mental images, as triggers for tranquilizing mental images. Otherwise stated, your stressors will automatically cause relaxation!


Tension, stress, anxiety, and depression can be caused by our thoughts. So by changing our attitude and the way we feel about our situation and what we’ve experienced, we can dissipate these feelings at the source. Hypnosis and NLP are natural tools that we can use to help us change our attitude and point of view to swiftly dissipate the root cause of our negative feelings.

Anxiety! New Approaches To treatment So You Can Start Living Again

Many people live with stress and anxiety based conditions for years with no relief. Maybe they have tried medications which really only camouflage the symptoms and dont really manage to get to the root of the problem. Some have tried the traditional therapies which will work to some extent. Techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy can work quite well with
some people but there remains a high relapse rate for these approaches. What anxiety and stress sufferers require is a permanent and lasting solutions to these debilitating states of mind that they find themselves having to endure on a sometimes daily basis.
Lets look at some other approaches that although are not mainstream yet are certainly worthy of attention according to reports as they are giving large amounts of people freedom and real relief from their anxiety without the fear of relapse that the traditional methods often do.
The first one that comes to mind is the EMDR method made famous by Francine Shapiro. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing although overly technical sounding in name, integrates elements of many effective psychotherapies in structured protocols that are designed to maximize treatment effects. These include psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, experiential, and body-centered therapies. EMDR is an information processing therapy and uses an external stimulus, usually a finger moving in front of the line of vision, to break up recurring patterns of anxiety. Recent research on EMDR shows
positive benefits and fast removal of anxiety related issues.
The second technique is known as Thought Field Therapy but a revised version of this approach is also known as The Emotional Freedom Technique .It was originally discovered and utilized in treatment by the American clinical psychologist Roger Callahan Ph.D, I can personally vouch for this method because it took my fear of public speaking away in two rounds of treatment.
It actually uses acupuncture points on the body which are tapped (by yourself) with your fingers in specified sequence for a couple of minutes until you try to get the anxious feelings back but you cannot because they have simply vanished. It is actually quite miraculous and is presently undergoing research because it is such a simple method to employ and very cost effective and the client can take the skill away and do it on themselves with all manner of problems anytime they wish.
Another method that is receiving a lot of attention recently is the method devised by Charles Linden, himself an chronic anxiety sufferer, who has a scientifically based technique that allows you to reset the amygdala which is a small gland in the brain that seems to perpetuate the anxiety we have. An American National Mental Health institute even endorsed many of
his findings concerning how anxiety disorders start and then become magnified. His method is known simply as The Linden Method and is performed at home at the clients leisure.
Of course anxiety and stress sufferers should also aim to employ a daily relaxation regime to calm over-arousal whilst they attend to these other treatments. A regular regime of stress management via relaxation works wonders to refresh our nervous system. The technique that I use goes beyond the traditional methods that only take you to a superficial level of calmness and actually involves switching off the brain stress centers that are responsible for causing stress in the first place.
The technique is like an internal massage for your brain and very quickly lowers your arousal in a simple but profound manner.

The Use of Biofeedback Devices in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy

Biofeedback devices measure a range of physiological variables including brain waves (Electroencephalography), muscle tension (Electromyography) and the electrical conductivity of the skin (galvanic skin response). All of these variables indicate continuums of emotional arousal. It is precisely these measurements that are used in lie-detector machines as they pick up the most subtle of physiological changes – many outside of conscious awareness. Many biofeedback devices exist and create a feedback loop for the user. Having the ability to see these readings, the user can learn to gain control over these physiological measurements by relaxing and seeing (or hearing) measurements rise and fall in response to meditation, self-hypnosis or breathing techniques.
In my private hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and NLP practice, I sometimes elect to use a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) meter with clients. Galvanic Skin Response (also called electro-dermal response) is a measure of the electrical conductivity of the skin. If I am using a GSR meter within a session, I first connect my clients to device by placing electrodes on two fingers on the same hand. After several minutes, I take an initial baseline reading. During the session, the meter readings will rise and fall in line with the emotional arousal of the client. In essence, the greater the presence of water and salt on the skin, the more conductive of electricity the skin is. Changes in sweat production in the fingertips can occur for a number of physiological reasons; however, there is a correlation between electrical conductivity of the skin and emotional arousal. A higher GSR reading tends to reflect an increase in emotional arousal (whether that emotion be anger, stress, anxiety, and startle response).
Whilst therapists develop great sensory acuity though many client hours experience, the GSR meter provides another tool to provide a clue that something is happening for the client. It is of particular use in hypnoanalysis or regression when the client has accessed an emotional memory and is experiencing it vividly. Whilst abreactions are easily spotted by a therapist, the GSR meter provides an early sign of emotional arousal that may assist the exploration of the traumatic material. The GSR reading can also be useful for testing the change in the client’s emotional arousal regarding phobias before and after the change work has been completed. The client’s responsiveness to hypnotic induction is clearly demonstrated by a falling reading on the GSR meter. The device can, therefore, be used to indicate when the client is deep enough into trance to make suggestions more direct. I recently conducted a hypnotherapy session and during a section about learning new skills, I mentioned being back at school to access and utilise that regressed learning state that children possess (this is a popular approach popularised by the late renowned hypnotherapist Milton Erickson). The meter rose rapidly at this moment although there were no visible changes to skin tone, breathing rate etc. At the end of the session, my client explained that she had enjoyed the experience but mention of the school had reminded her of a time when she had been bullied. Whilst not a significant event, it was nevertheless a demonstration of the usefulness of GSR meters within a therapeutic setting.
Biofeedback devices will never replace the skill of a therapist nor the importance of watching and listening but they can be a useful adjunct to the therapists toolkit in certain situations.

Social Anxiety Can Be Beaten

I thought I was just shy for years and years, no really I did. I never thought that feeling uncomfortable in new social situations was any more than that I would get tense and start to feel agitated every time I had to meet new people. Later on when I got married, yes I actually met someone who understood, it was quite daunting when my wife would return from work stating that so and so had invited us around to have dinner with them. God, it was all very horrible. I was a nurse for many years and never felt this way when I was working, strange though that must sound. However eventually I started training as a counselor and therapist and had to undergo some therapy sessions myself. I finally decided to face up to this issue and revealed it to my therapist who was extremely understanding and told me it was much more common than you might think. In fact meeting new people is actually just behind fear of public speaking as a concern for many.
Eventually we utilized some techniques that to my surprise actually took the nervousness away, I mean completely. For the first time in years I felt free to
be myself and let go and be much more amenable in social situations. What were those methods some of you well may ask. Lets have a look.
Some years ago a new psychological technique emerged called Thought Field Therapy, it was created bu a clinical psychologist, Roger Callahan.
His new technique involved tapping with your fingers on certain acupuncture or energy points and doing a particular sequence whilst thinking of the issue that is unresolved. Imagine the surprise of the majority of people when deepest seated phobias, fears, anxieties of all kinds and even long term post-traumatic stress disorder vanish, and im not joking here or hyping this up. A friend of mine had terrible stage fright (similar to public speaking fear I guess) and he tried this method and in three rounds of tapping his stage fright left town and hasn’t returned. It is now being researched within psychological circles and of course the initial reaction of the psychological and psychiatric community was disbelief.
However, it does remind me of Francine Shapiros EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) technique which when it first became accessible to the public was scoffed at by the medical establishment worldwide. Now though it has had some very good research which shows that it is slightly better than traditional cognitive-behavioral treatment and is faster and more cost effective as a modality.
So if you want to try something new look up Thought Field Therapy or Emotional Freedom Technique which some practitioners use. instead. Look it never hurts to try something new, look it up on google to see if there is a practitioner near you, it might just work wonders for you, it did for me.

Is Everyday Stress Making You Underperform?

Every day seems the same.You never seem to have enough time to relax and take time for yourself. If it’s not the kids and their hectic schedules, it’s the pressures of work. Are you constantly striving to balance your domestic responsibilities with the high demands of the work place?Sometimes you are irritable and restless thinking about those unpaid bills, the kids needs, your partner’s needs, and the demands of your boss.

If your answer is yes, you have something in common with nearly half of all Americans today–stress.

What is Stress?

Stress is a combination of psychological, physiological, and behavioral reactions that we experience in response to events that seem to threaten or challenge us. As defined by the famous stress researcher Hans Selye, “Stress is the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it.” These demands may be physical or emotional in nature and the perceived threat/challenge can be real or imagined. However, it is the perception of threat that triggers the response.

During a stress response, the body experiences increased levels of cortisol, adrenalin and other hormones that produce an increased heart rate, quickened breathing rate, and higher blood pressure. Blood is shunted from the extremities to the large muscles, preparing the body to fight or flee. This is also known as the fight-or-flight response.

The stress-response system is self-regulating. It decreases hormone levels and enables your body to return to normal once a crisis has passed. However, due to our hectic lifestyles, many of the stressful circumstances tend to be prolonged. As a result, you may be on the fight-or-flight reaction longer than is necessary. During this time, you may often end up feeling overwhelmed, tense, and frustrated. What is good for your body during a short-term crisis could be quite harmful over long periods. This long-term activation of the stress-response system can disrupt most of your body’s processes, and may lead to other long-term complications.

What Causes Stress ?Leading Causes/Sources of Stress:


Stress may be linked to external factors such as:


Stress can also be a result your own:


How does one recognize stress?

It’s not always easy to recognize stress, especially when you are experiencing the symptoms of stress as part of your daily life. Reportedly, women and men exhibit stress differently. While women confess feelings of nervousness, lack of energy, or wanting to cry, men talk about trouble sleeping, or feeling irritable and angry.

The most common symptoms of stress are:Emotional: Worry, anger, irritability, anxiety, frustration, and impatiencePhysical: Fatigue, headache, back pain, jaw pain, trembling, cold hands and feet, and muscular stiffness.Digestive: Heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, and fullness.Vital sign: Rise in blood pressure; rapid heartbeat.Mental: Confusion, inability to concentrate, indecisiveness, nervousness, occasional sleep problems, and blankness.

How can stress affect you?Stress affects performance of daily duties and responsibilities, resulting in negative lifestyle changes including relationship challenges, career dissatisfaction, deteriorating health, complacency, and substance abuse. It not only steals vitality, health, and energy, but also undermines our ability to perform at our best.If the cause of your stress is temporary, the physical and psychological effects of stress are usually short-term as well. Normally, our bodies rest when stressful events cease and life gets back to normal. However, stress becomes dangerous when it interferes with the ability to live a normal life for an extended period of time.Recent studies suggest that stress and anxiety contribute to a majority of illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, dyslipidemia, obesity, lung ailments, allergies, sexual problems, cancer, and psychological disorders.In some cases, stress may result in short term memory loss, poor mental ability, lack of focus, poor concentration, poor judgment, difficulty making decisions, and depression.

Further, stress has been reported to affect the vitality and reproductive systems in both males and females, and is linked to some of the leading causes of death.

Stress Management:



Natural Supplements.

Though hundreds of natural products claim safety, I personally feel,we need to bother about efficacy first and safety next. I came across very few clincally tested natural products which are available over the counter/online in United states.Please go for that, they work.





Simple Ways to Reduce Your Stress and be Happy

Stress can be a good thing. Do I have your attention? Does that statement sound contrary to everything you have ever heard about stress? Well, too much of anything is bad for the health and a small amount of stress is actually good, as it could actually help you function at your best. However, as we all know, too much stress can take a serious physical toll as well as a mental toll on your body. As with many things in life we need everything in moderation and this is especially so for stress which should be recognized, evaluated and managed carefully.

So how should you manage that stress? The following sections are some very simple and easy to apply tips and advice to help manage your stress.

Stress Tip 1: Write it out, schedule it out.

You can help reduce your stress by making lists and writing things down. It is best to write down everything that seems to be overwhelming stressful. People under stress often find a things-to-do-list is much easier to manage than having errands all crumpled up in your head. You have enough to worry about without stressing about little things. Writing down the tasks, and putting a specific schedule and time to do them, helps you manage activities one item at a time. Also, the task of crossing out an activity that has you have accomplished is very rewarding as you see items coming off your list can really relieve stress as you see more goals completed.

Stress Tip 2: Complete one task at a time works.

You may cause yourself a lot of stress by trying to focus on many things and tasks at once. Focus and put all your attention and effort on one task at one time until it is complete. It does not help to feel stressed about the other undone or to-do tasks. Thinking about other tasks while undertaking another only adds unnecessary stress and could even hamper in doing the task you are attempting to accomplish at present.

Stress Tip 3: Take it slow and relax!

Just like the Rabbit and the Tortoise in the fable, “Slow and steady wins the race”. At least, try not to expend too much energy on activities that are currently not priorities. Prioritizing tasks and realizing which ones are less important can really alleviate stress. When we stress on too many things at once and realize some of these items are not absolute priorities it leaves us mental focus to deal with the tasks that really are important. This way you have the energy for the tasks you must do now and the easier or less important tasks can either be tackled later or dealt with in another way. This latter point leads into our next tip…Stress Tip 4: Delegate, delegate, delegate, and if you can, delegate

You can really help your stress by realizing you do not have to do everything all at once or by yourself. If you need help to get something done then get help, or pay for help. When you are stretched too thin and getting stressed you are not able to perform at your best so if needed hire someone to mow the lawn or get a sitter for your children. The stressful feelings of being pushed to finish something on time will somehow be eliminated if tasks are delegated. This stress relief takes a load off unnecessary worry and anxiety. Moreover, it is easier checking up on other people’s progress than worrying yourself and stressing over doing everything on your own, all at once.

Stress Tip 5: Give yourself a reward, you earned it.

One of my favorite anti-stress tips is to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. This is something you need to do before getting on to the next tasks and activities as it places a mental smile in your thoughts and gives you a fresh feeling before you move on. It reduces stress and could even make you happier in doing the next task.

Stress Tip 6: Take a break.

Everyone needs a break or mental rest occasionally to be more productive. A ten to fifteen minute break during your work is absolutely necessary. Go visit a nearby cafe, take a swift, brisk walk, or do anything to take your mind completely off work, at least for a little while.

This is necessary to refresh your mind and recharge your batteries. If there is no way you can leave your stressful environment, you can also stay where you are and simply close your eyes as you visualize a peaceful landscape or a relaxing scene. This frees the stress from your muscles and your mind. If you have an iPod or mp3 player you can also download plenty of peaceful music tracks to drown out the noise around you to help you relax.

Stress Tips Conclusion

There are many other great guides available online that can really help you reduce stress and anxiety. You should check them out and see which ones really address your needs so you can find the complete road to minimal stress

Caught in a Stress Storm?

Imagine you’re on your way to meet friends at a bar. You’re late and stuck behind a slow-moving van when the entire street lurches into darkness. Suddenly that man crossing the street in front of you looks like a potential robber. The cars around you seem to be hemming you in. Everyone and everything appears dangerous. You’ve gone from slightly stressed to completely strung-out in an instant.

When you finally get to the bar, your friends are deep in conversation about blackouts, crime and their plans to leave the country. What should have been a light-hearted, fun-filled evening has turned into one riddled with anxiety.

It’s as though a cloud of dark heaviness is hanging above us right now. Most of us are unaware of the extent to which worrying issues are affecting us. But if a high level of stress continues over a long period, paralyzing feelings of being overwhelmed can set in. Many of us could be in the heart of what is termed as a ‘stress storm’. Have you ever been in the situation where, because of stress, you couldn’t remember the name of one of your own family members? Perhaps you’re stuck in a depression, or maybe you’ve accomplished something great but the next morning you don’t want to get out of bed because you’re so down.

These are indications that you are caught in a stress storm – a place filled with fear and confusion, where you’re no longer thinking rationally. If this sounds familiar, read on to understand better what’s happening to you – and how to get to grips with it.

Why are we so Stressed?

In the USA we have a set of stressors to contend with – high crime rates, rising costs of food and gas, and an economic situation in which retrenchments are increasingly common. These compound everyday stressors such as work, family conflicts and financial pressures. We don’t let our bodies or minds relax, and develop distorted perceptions about ourselves – for example, we may think we’re accepted only if we’re performing well.

When people are taxed on so many levels, their resilience rapidly erodes. Most people can deal with one stressful area in their lives – even two – but few people can function optimally when every area of their life is affected by instability and stress.

Stress Poisoning

Our bodies are built to handle stress in short, sharp bursts, but when there is no let-up, stress can in fact be toxic for our bodies. When we’re stressed, our adrenal glands pump out cortisol. This ‘stress hormone’ is preparing our muscles for the fight-or-flight response triggered when our lives are in danger. All energy is diverted from other functions, such as digestion, giving our bodies a burst of energy to ensure we can fight or flee if necessary. Modern stressors, however, such as traffic jams, don’t come and go quite as fast as, say, an attacking buffalo. Consequently, the cortisol and adrenaline that our stressors produce never leave our bodies – our lives are constantly turned to a high-alert setting.

On a physical level – which is where symptoms are easiest to detect and treat – stress may show up as migraines, headaches, muscle aches and pains, skin breakouts (acne, psoriasis, eczema) and stomach problems (including irritable bowel syndrome and constipation). Emotionally, we become more prone to outbursts of temper, mood swings and negativity. Mentally, we feel less able to cope. Our outlook becomes distorted and it becomes very difficult to keep our perspective. Highly stressed people become ‘reactive’. This means they react more to everything in their lives, from the lack of milk in the fridge to the geyser bursting. We become so overwhelmed that we literally get ‘beside ourselves’.

Living on Autopilot

Jane, 27, a fashion planner, knows this feeling all too well. While working in a high-pressure corporate fashion job reporting to a demanding boss, she was being pushed to work longer hours and perform tasks she didn’t feel prepared for.

‘As the pressure built up over about five months, I began feeling increasingly anxious. My short-term memory started to let me down and I would forget things I was meant to do. For example, I’d walk into a room and then go blank, forgetting why I was there. I felt confused all the time and began talking more slowly and slurred my words. I lost a lot of weight and at the height of my stress my right arm would get very tense and feel taut. It’s a scary place to be. It can feel as though you don’t know yourself – as though you’re having a mental meltdown.’

This feeling is not uncommon. Stressed people often describe themselves as being on autopilot – as though they’re participating in the show of their own life, but not starring. They’re overwhelmed and often feel clumsy, awkward and off-centre. They may forget names of people or even the names of simple, everyday objects. This is due to the prolonged periods of cortisol production, but also, because we’re trying to remember too many things.

High levels of stress can affect our relationships too. Some people, like Jane, are too tired to go out and socialize, and often feel they’re a burden on other people. ‘Friends tried to help,’ remembers Jane. ‘I’d lost a lot of weight so they could see I was in distress but they didn’t really know how to help other than telling me to chill out’.

Others may drink more to be more sociable or in an attempt to forget, so the glass of wine suddenly turns into a bottle of wine. According to research women could be more prone to developing stress-related addictions (such as cocaine addiction) than men. The good news, though, is that stress is our body’s way of telling us to do something. But what?

The suggestions below are a good start. Don’t knock them for sounding obvious – at least not till you’ve actually tried them.

Stress Busters

Gain Perspective

Understand that there are certain things in your life that you have control over and others that you don’t. If, for example, you are concerned about the political situation, vote. If you’re concerned about crime, join or start a neighborhood-watch program. Be proactive about things you can influence and let go of those you can’t.


At work, if you find yourself getting stressed or anxious, go somewhere quiet and concentrate on your breathing. Imagine your breathing is like waves breaking on a beach. Maintain a regular rhythm. Imagine you are breathing all the way down to your toes when you breathe in, and all the way back up again as you breathe out.

Eat Well

Don’t hand your power over to food and drink. That fatty hamburger isn’t going to release your stress. Rather ask, ‘What will this drink or food do to my body over the long term?’ Cut down on sugar. Sugar gives you a temporary lift followed by a downer. If you’re craving something sweet, try eating fruit or a handful of nuts. Drink lots of water. Stress tends to dehydrate the body. Keeping your body hydrated will lessen stress symptoms such as fatigue and headaches.

Exercise More

One of the most effective ways of dealing with stress is to exercise. Try to do some form of exercise at least three times a week for 30 to 60 minutes.

Develop a Positive Internal Dialogue

This is a powerful way to help ourselves when we’re stressed. We tend to feel anxious about things we have no control over (the future, other people), and most of what we fear never happens. Remain in the moment. If you start to stress about tomorrow, remind yourself that you can only live today – tomorrow does not yet exist.

Talk to a Professional

Jane consulted a psychologist, who helped her see that getting through her stress storm meant removing herself from her stressful job. ‘I took three months off, stayed home and just slept, watched TV and did nothing.’ She saw her psychologist for a few months and gradually became her old self again, but this time with the tools to recognize and avoid another stress storm.

Do You Have Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms?

Beating Social anxiety disorder

Social Anxiety Disorders as the third highest rating psychological issue has been destructing and disrupting the life style of many people. It becomes the common phenomena among so many people and somewhat led to a temporary-to-permanent condition. Even though some suffers are not able to recognise the symptoms of the social anxiety disorder. Often they have mistaken while identifying this disorders in term shyness but the exact fact is something different and need to take attentive measures towards this ailment.


Here anyone can get ride of from the anxiety of shyness by constantly meeting and interacting with the people but on other hand, social anxiety disorder is chronic in nature, does not reduce by exposing more to the social situations. This effects on the sufferer’s entire life badly.


People can find some of the following social anxiety disorder symptoms which include:





Public speaking and interviewed with someone are the common example of social anxiety disorders which can be eliminated if get proper treatment or going thorough some famous Therapies.


If suffers are not serious on their social anxiety disorders such as public speaking phobia and other phobias, it may lead to increase and get occupied the whole life of the individual. Many conventional forms of treatments are available in the market to overcome these disorders. It is very important to take treatment or medication when anyone gets suffered by social anxiety disorder from a proper diagnosis specialist or Physiologist.


Thought field therapy and tapping therapy are one of the therapies which are being utilised by may suffers and gets confidence over the social anxiety disorders. Some senior Physiologists are on the process of entire treatment for these disorders and provide the treatment at very affordable costs. People get ride of from it within short span of period and bring back their happiness and memorable moments into their life.




How Do Hypnotherapy and Tft Work so Fast?


When it comes to relieving stress, anxiety, fears and phobias, there are treatments that are medical and there are treatments that are alternative. The medical treatments offer the huge possibility of side effects and only work in a small sector of the population for an extended period of time. On the other hand, hypnotherapy when combined with TFT, offers quick results in as little as a few minutes, in some cases, and the results are lasting without the chance of side effects.


At the heart of TFT, or thought field therapy, are taps to the skin. These taps are manipulated on certain areas of the body where negative thoughts and feelings rise to the surface. When battling with anxiety, stress, fears and phobias, these negative feelings rise to the surface and are tapped out to balance the Qi. But, in order for TFT to work, the patient must first know the source of the negative feelings.


This need for a source is where hypnotherapy comes into play. When TFT is utilized for a patient, they must be thinking about the source of their anxiety, stress, fear or phobia. If that source is unknown, the negative feelings can not rise to the surface and the treatment will be ineffective. Hypnotherapy opens these minds wide through hypnosis to allow the hypnotherapist to find the source of the negative feelings of anxiety, stress, fear or phobia. Once that source is located, the hypnotherapist is able to speak with the patient about the source and thus provide the needed knowledge to bring the negative feelings to the surface.


Once the negative feelings are on the surface of the body, the TFT specialist can tap out the feelings and bring the Qi back into focus. This can take mere minutes and the patient will leave the combination session with the relief they have been searching for, for so very long without a medical prescription and a thesis on side effects.


The tapping takes place at what are termed meridian points. These meridian points are located on the upper sections of the body and the hands. Only those trained in the specialized TFT will know the exact locations of these meridian points and be able to effectively treat anxiety, stress, fear and phobias in minutes. While there may be many doctors who claim to be trained in TFT or other therapies based upon tapping on certain points of the body, only Roger Callahan (the founder of TFT) offers the true TFT training.


Many patients simply do not understand the alternative therapies available for them today and the methods by which these therapies provide such quick and lasting relief. When it comes to anxiety, stress, fear and phobias, the source feelings are very strong. Anyone who has been in a stressful situation understands how strong these feelings can be by the body’s quick reaction to the feelings. This strength of emotion is at the heart of the quick treatment. Unlike other patient complaints, anxiety, stress, fear and phobias are the most easily treated due to the sheer power of the emotions surrounding the patient. Once they have tuned in to these feelings the TFT methods will work quickly to smooth out the negative Qi and balance the flow for the better.


When all other therapies have failed, or you simply want to try an alternative therapy before taking the chance on the medical treatments will thousands of side effects, the combination hypnotherapy / TFT session can move those negative feelings out of the body in minutes, not weeks or months and the therapies are all natural and lasting.

Hypnotherapy and Tft: Powerful Therapy


When it comes to a powerhouse of therapy, thought field therapy (TFT) combined with hypnotherapy is one of the most effective out there today. The mind is full of strength and power and when therapies combine to workout the struggles housed inside the mind, there is no stopping the positive outcome.


Hypnotherapy is the practice of hypnosis in a therapeutic manner. A person who is hypnotized allows the inner most walls of the mind to fall for a short period of time. During these sessions, the hypnotherapist can guide the person through the various sections of the mind seeking out the causes for any struggles or troubles they may be having in life. While in a hypnotic state, unlike a waking state, the mind does not block outside forces from persuading these negative thoughts and ideas out of the subconscious. Once the causative factors are found and neutralized, the patient of hypnotherapy will have a better feeling about their life and the situation that brought them into the hypnotherapist’s office in the first place.


Hypnotherapy is practiced for a variety of reasons. Patients often choose hypnotherapy for phobias, fears, weight loss and anti-smoking. As of late, relationship counselling is also moving up the list of the most common hypnosis treated concerns with patients.


Thought Field Therapy

Created by Roger Callahan, TFT is the practice of the physical combined with the mental treatments of certain physical ailments. It is explained that TFT uses what are called meridian points throughout the body as the centres for Qi flow. When a patient thinks about the negative feelings harbour their lives, those feelings are brought to the surface of the body at corresponding meridian points. When tapped upon in a certain manner, the Qi flow is restored and the negative feelings are washed away in minutes.


TFT also utilizes voice technology (referred to as VT) in order to help stimulate the rise of the negative energy to the surface of the skin. Training to learn the practices of TFT are very specialized and are taught only be Callahan himself.


The Power of Combination Therapy


When TFT and hypnotherapy are combined, the results are nothing less than phenomenal. The hypnotherapy is a fantastic beginning point for patients that are unaware of the reasons they are having certain symptoms or negative feelings. Phobias are the perfect example of such a situation. With hypnotherapy, the cause of the fear can be found and then the patient will resort to TFT to restore their inner balance and eliminate the fear from their lives.


While there are some doctors who are trained in both hypnotherapy and TFT, the most realistic choice is to find separate doctors within each specialty that are willing to work together in your treatment. The combination of forces needs to be something that all parties agree to and thus TFT needs to be a method the hypnotherapist is willing to accept.


While these two therapies are unique, in that they represent a more alternative option for therapy, their popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. Hypnotherapy and TFT are both completely natural and safe for the human body. With no known side effects, the patients of hypnotherapy and TFT are often turning to these treatments for more common ailments before visiting their medical doctors. If there is any chance that they are able to be cured in a manner that is 100% natural, that is becoming the most chosen medical path. From smoking to weight loss, relationship relief to stress relief, the power of combination hypnotherapy and TFT is strong and beneficial.