Due to the difficult times we have currently been living through, stress and anxiety have skyrockets amongst the lives of many people. It’s no wonder then, why so many people are looking for a genuine solution, a natural cure for Anxiety to help them relieve their anguish and bring some peace and clarity into their lives. With the economic turmoil, loss of jobs, work pressure, pressure to perform and excel, pressure to get by, pressure to maintain your home, your famalies, pressure to perform well in school and so forth, this information will be able to help anyone in need of a natural cure for anxiety.

Anxiety Signs and Symptoms

Anxiety and Stress can manifest in our lives in a myriad of different ways. It’s not very common for it to manifest the same way as it does for others, and the effects it has on each of us individually is also different. By knowing the signs and symptoms of Anxiety you will be able to anticipate the onset of an attack and counter it successfully, which is one of the first steps to healing yourself.  Always keep watch for any of the following signs and symptoms to be able to anticipate an attack:-Lack of Concentration-Restlessness-Irritability-Muscle Tension-Sweating-Excessive worrying-chest tightness-fatigue-nausea-headaches-jaw pain-indegestion-impatienceIn this article we will be focusing on some practical methods that you can use to help alleviate some of your stress and anxiety. These are all a natural cure for anxiety and the extent that they are used will determine their effectiveness in your own life. Aromatherapy as a Natural Cure for Anxiety:Aromatherapy has been proven to help alleviate the distress of Anxiety attacks. Aromatherapy is a natural form of treatment that deals with relaxation, the restoration of cognitive functions and general health with the use of essential oils. Aromatherapy can be used in a few different ways:* Aerial diffusion: A form of environmental fragrancing and disinfecting* Direct inhalation: Direct inhalation to disinfect, decongest, and restore psychological well-being.  * Topical applications: Used for massages, baths, and skin care. Relieves tension, stress, anxiety, and worrisome thoughts. Great for general relaxation.The method most appropriate for anxiety relief would either be Direct inhalation or through massages and baths. This way, the body has a chance to absorb the plant extracts inside of the oils to benefit from their healing effects.Theory of Aromatherapy:Aromatherapy is theorized to have successful results due to the affects that aroma has on the brain – particulary the limbic system. From the Limbic System the aroma from the oils have direct effects on the emotional centers of the brain which help to alleviate emotional trauma or difficulties. Aromatherapists offer the suggestion that the essential oils have a synergestic relation to the human body and is the reasoning for it’s healing effects. This has yet to be proven yet the healing effects aromatherapy has is unmistakable.

A Permanent Solution:While Aromatherapy is one form of treatment for anxiety it is not however a permanent solution. No doubt that aromatherapy can assist in alleviating difficulties with anxiety, and is recommended for those who only want short to mid-term results, there is however another form of treatment that can have permanent results. This form of treatment is known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is a natural cure for anxiety that uses psychological suggestion, understanding, and goal oriented treatment to get to the root of your anxiety to help alleviate it permanently.

CBT treatment is a widely used form of therepy for those experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, Obsessive Compulsive disorder, and more. These Panic and Anxiety cures can be found within a few self-help courses developed and Doctor certified that have already helped thousands to successfully recover from their panic and anxiety. I recommend these courses the most out of any other form of treatment to permanently rid yourself of anxiety and restore a sense of well-being and peace in your life.

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