
Think yourself Thin

In this celebrity obsessed world, our quest for perfection has never been greater.  Trying to live up to how we think we should look can govern an enormous part of our everyday lives.  So wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find a way to enjoy natural weight loss by using an easy and highly effective method that puts an end to fad dieting and constant self-doubt?


The Technique in a Nutshell

It’s called the mind-body technique and has been used for centuries in various forms to cure all types of ailments and to promote a stronger, fitter and healthier body. This particular method also combines some basic Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) exercises that can actually stop cravings and feelings of self-doubt before they take hold and eventually destroy your personal goals for weight loss.  Above all, this incredible method for weight loss requires nothing more than the power of your mind and a willingness to believe that it will work for you.  It has been shown to be extremely effective in procuring a positive attitude towards yourself that can make a big change to both your figure and your self esteem.

The two-part technique is very easy to master and, if adhered to, it’s benefits can be seen within two to three weeks.  Practice this initial visualization exercise every day until you achieve your ideal weight and combine it with the EFT integration method, described later on, for maximum results.  Keep using the technique to maintain your ideal weight once you achieve it.


Visualization Toning

 Find a time in the day when you won’t be disturbed and strip down to your underwear.  Now stand in front of a mirror (full length is best), relax your body and your mind as you take a good look at yourself.  Breath in and out slowly as you focus on your body.

Now take a slow, deep breath in and slowly allow your eyes to close whilst mentally holding onto the image of your body.

Continue holding your breath as you begin to individually visualize those areas of your body that you are unhappy with.  Your stomach perhaps, or maybe your upper arms or thighs.  Now, as you exhale slowly, see those areas start to change,  See them become smaller, tighter, more ton ed and defined.  

Keep your eyes closed as you continue to slowly and deeply breathe in and out now, visualizing your body becoming thinner, more toned and more defined with every breath you take.  

Now take a mental snapshot of your new improved body.  Visualize a dial at the bottom of your image and, in your minds eye, mentally turn it until the image becomes sharper, more colourful and so bright that it glows.   

Open your eyes again and look at your body in the mirror.  You’ll notice how your physical reflection has faded slightly.  Now allow your eyes to close again and feel yourself relaxing more with every breath you take.

With your eyes still closed, visualize your new and improved body again.  Take a very deep breath and turn the dial again to intensify it’s color, sharpness and brightness even more. 

Repeat this process at least ten times during each daily session.


EFT Integration

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) was developed in the mid 1990s by Gary Craig who was inspired by the benefits produced by the earlier Thought Field Therapy (TFT).  The technique focuses quite simply on applying acupressure to certain parts of the body through tapping key points which correspond to the Meridians used in Chinese Medicine.  It’s really a very simple and effective technique and can relieve many physical and psychological conditions.  When used in conjunction with the Think Yourself Thin Visualization Toning exercises, it can be particularly effective in battling against food cravings and addiction.  


EFT Points

Please note that the Think Yourself Thin plan doesn’t use every single EFT point in its exercises.  For simplicity and ease of adoption, we have found that the following eight points, when tapped as shown below, are the most effective in combating cravings when used in conjunction with the visualization toning exercises.

The Sore Spot – This is found on your chest in the area where you would  pin a badge. Gently tap with your fingertips until you locate an area that feels tender.

The Bridge of the Eyebrow – This is the point where the bone of your eyebrow turns into the bridge of your nose.

The Inside Corner of the Eye – On the bone in the inside corner of your eye.

Under The Eye – On the bone just below and in line with the centre of your eye.

Under The Nose – The space between your nose and upper lip

Under The Mouth – In the indentation between your chin and your lower lip

The Karate Chop Point – on the side of your hand, roughly in line with your life line.

When you’ve located each point, try tapping each one ten times and see what kind of feelings it produces.  If you’re feeling stressed, you’ll probably notice that you feel a lot more relaxed afterwards.  Try scoring the feelings you have before and after each tapping session between one and ten (one being the most relaxed and ten being the most stressed).


Controlling those cravings with EFT

So you’re desperately craving that chocolate bar in the cupboard and you know that you really don’t need it as you’ve just enjoyed a nice healthy lunch.  Here’s how to use EFT to rid yourself of the craving and get back on track.

 Tap your EFT points ten times whilst focuses on the object you crave (e.g. chocolate).  Say to yourself (either silently or aloud) “even though I crave this (say whatever it is you crave) I am still a wonderful person and I deserve to lose weight”.  

It may sound terribly corny, but keep repeating this mantra as you tap each point until you start to feel your craving diminish.  Eventually, after several minutes, you’ll feel a lot less like eating that chocolate bar and, hopefully, extremely proud of yourself for not yielding to the temptation. This method is so simple and it really does work. 


Making it Work for You

By integrating the simple EFT methods shown above into your Think Yourself Thin schedule, you will, with the self-belief and confidence that comes from your visualization toning, achieve the body you deserve.  Don’t expect miracles overnight but, day by day, see the difference that a positive and guided mind can make to your body size and self-image and start being the person you’ve always wanted to be.


Not all hypnotherapy is the same

An excellent technique delivers far better results

Many people assume hypnotherapy is a uniform treatment. However, different hypnotherapists use different techniques and some techniques are better than others.

Hypnotherapists often hear people saying ‘I’ve tried hypnotherapy before. It didn’t work.’  However, what people often don’t realise is that just because hypnotherapy didn’t work for them with a specific therapist, it doesn’t mean that hypnotherapy doesn’t work.  It’s similar to saying “I went to school but didn’t pass any exams, and therefore school doesn’t work”. It clearly depends on many factors, including the quality of the teaching at the school and your commitment to learning.

The skill of the therapist and, more importantly, the specific techniques they are trained in affect success rates. A good hypnotherapist with an excellent technique will deliver far better results than those using more basic methods.

Some hypnotherapy approaches and techniques are better than others

Finding out which are best is not easy because every hypnotherapist believes their approach is best. This can be difficult because many hypnotherapists assume their client is cured, without checking a few months after the hypnotherapy.

The trouble with many of the quick fix cures, such as the fast phobia cure, is that they are just that. They can appear to work after one session, but often that change is short term or doesn’t work at all, and that, of course, is not a solution.

In addition, some hypnotherapists weaken their therapy with other therapies such as CBT (behavioural therapy) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming). This is similar to using two or three different recipes for a cake at the same time – it might taste good, but it might not and you won’t know until it’s come out of the oven. Specialist advanced hypnotherapy is like following the best and tastiest, tried and tested recipe. You leave nothing to chance, knowing that it will taste good each and every time you make it.

Clients want permanent changes and solutions to their problem. To get a higher long term success rate, hypnotherapy with specialise is required.

Suggestion hypnosis

Suggestion based hypnotherapy is the most commonly available on the market. ’Suggestions’ or ideas around new attitudes and behaviours are given during hypnosis. For uncomplicated problems, the treatment can work well. However, the downside with suggestion hypnotherapy is that it can appear to work after a session, but because it doesn’t address the real cause of the issue, it can manifest in other ways or return later.

Research has shown that suggestion only works for around a third of issues.

One of the largest scientific studies on hypnotherapy success was reported in the New Scientist in October 1992¹. Comparing success rates for stop smoking therapies, 72,000 people across 600 studies were evaluated, and hypnosis was proven to be the most successful stop smoking treatment on the market. Even the most basic suggestion hypnotherapy tapes worked far more effectively than any other treatment, including willpower, nicotine patches and counselling. At worst, suggestion hypnosis was shown, to have a 30 per cent success rate, but it could double to 60 per cent with a good, trusted therapist and good suggestion.

These success rates significantly outperform any other treatment for stop smoking on the marketing, including nicotine patches and Champix/Chantix. However, more specialist advanced techniques have been shown to be even more successful.


Hypno-analysis, also known as ‘free association’, is another technique which currently appears to be very popular. This approach can delve deeper into the inner mind and involves asking the subconscious mind to bring forward information relating to the problem.

However, problems can arise with as this undirected approach. This is because it can also bring up more issues in addition to the one the client came in with. Not only can this leave the client more problems than the original one, it can establish an unhealthy dependence on the therapist.

Advanced hypnotherapy can a be permanent solution

When used properly, advanced hypnotherapy, can be permanent solution because it takes a holistic approach to addressing the problem. An advanced hypnotherapist will have undertaken specialist training and is rare. The advanced hypnotherapist is skilled at gaining direct access to the subconscious mind and finding the root of the problem. The problem can be addressed once the source of it has been found.

Just like an expert computer hacker, the advanced hypnotherapy specialist eliminates the ‘mind viruses’ causing the issues. When the ‘mind viruses’ are deleted and the attitudes and behaviour pattern reprogrammed, the problem can be fixed.

Hypnotherapy’s success has been proven in thousands of academic research studies. One notable study was by Von Dedenroth (1968), who found 94 per cent of over 1,000 smokers that stopped smoking with hypnotherapy reported being non-smokers at least 18 months later².

Advanced hypnotherapy that includes age regression can work within just 3-7 sessions, compared with suggestion or hypno-analysis that can take up to 20 sessions and still not be fixed. Advanced structured hypnotherapy involves following set of specific protocols that address the problem from all sides. The approach works with a client’s unique mind programmes. It works with the parts of the mind keeping the problem in place and age regression to bring forward information to help understand, solve and deal with the problem. Once the source of the problem has been dealt with, suggestion is used to lay down the foundations of a new set of behaviours and attitudes.

Age regression is essential to ensuring that the root of the problem is reached and fixed permanently. Advanced hypnotherapy is a specialist skill, but one that delivers long term results for most people, most of the time.


¹New Scientist (Robert Matthews, Issue 1845, October 1992). Collected from statistics from more than 600 studies, covering almost 72,000 people in America, Scandinavia and elsewhere in Europe and including 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers

²Von Dedenroth, T. (1968) American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

Stress and Anxiety – Use Hypnotherapy to Overcome Them and Find Peace

Now more than ever, scientific surveys are attesting the primary role played by stress in triggering or aggravating different physical and emotional afflictions. In the June 6, 1983 issue of Time Magazine, the cover story labeled stress “The Epidemic of the Eighties.” It also said that stress is our leading health problem. Indeed one has to recognize that our world has become a lot more complicated and stressful in the last two decades since that article was written.

Numerous surveys indicate that almost everybody is under the impression of being subject to a lot of stress. Authorities in the field estimate that between 75 and 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians somehow have to do with stress.

Most people report their stress is primarily due to their job. And stress levels have also grown in children and the elderly population because of several reasons including: Peer pressures that often push people to everything from smoking to alcoholism and drug abuse; the wearing away of religion and family values; increased crime rates; threats to personal safety; and last but not least social isolation and loneliness.

Stress can cause and aggravate conditions such as diabetes, ulcers, low back and neck pain, high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks. This is due to the ever growing sympathetic nervous system activity along with a high level of cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones. Chronic stress is often associated with lower immune system resistance. Stress can contribute to anxiety, depression, and its various effects on the body’s organs.

The following definition for “stress” can be found in the American Heritage Dictionary:

“To subject to physical or mental pressure, tension, or strain”

The following is the definition of “tension” from the same dictionary:

“Mental, emotional, or nervous strain”

The following definition is given for “anxiety”:

“A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties”

And the following is the definition of “depression”:

“The condition of feeling sad or despondent”

The following is the definition of “clinical depression”:

“A psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, anhedonia, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death.”

One thing is for sure, our mind is the first source of our feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Put differently, what we think about, and our attitudes and points of view about our experiences create our feelings. That way, if we can learn how to change our thoughts, attitudes, and points of view, we can get rid of our feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression and change them for a more positive state of being.

Since the beginning of time, people have tried to find methods that would allow them to eliminate stress. With the pharmaceutical industry there seems to be a drug for everything. And to that end the industry has created a large line of sedatives from Valium to Xanax. If you choose to utilize drugs for relief, please be sure to pay attention to the fine print and learn about the side effects, which commonly include addiction and dependency. Unfortunately, these types of drugs aim at treating the symptoms, but not the cause. So as soon as one stops ingesting them, the symptoms can come back.

A finer method to get rid of tension, stress, anxiety, and depression is to work on the root cause, which as I said previously, is generally our thought processes. There is the good news. Hypnosis is all about relaxation. The AMA accepted hypnosis in 1958 as an effective way to cure stress or stress related symptoms. Moreover unlike anxiolytics, there are totally no negative side effects.

When you are in hypnosis, you are in the Alpha level of consciousness. It’s the daydream like temporary psychological state that we experience as we’re just about to fall asleep at night. And we experience it once again when we awaken again. There are several different ways that will help us guide ourselves into this state of tranquility, from progressive relaxation to visual imagery to listening to hypnosis CD’s.

Once we access a hypnotic state, we can communicate with our unconscious mind, which is the seat of our feelings. And it becomes easier to acknowledge new points of view and ideas that will help us to dissipate anxiety, or even avoid it completely.

NLP, which is a recent sort of hypnotherapy, offers numerous excellent methods for getting rid of stress. Perhaps the technique that works best is called the “swish” pattern – or the “flash” pattern. When you use this method, your unconscious will automatically use negative, stress producing mental images, as triggers for tranquilizing mental images. Otherwise stated, your stressors will automatically cause relaxation!


Tension, stress, anxiety, and depression can be caused by our thoughts. So by changing our attitude and the way we feel about our situation and what we’ve experienced, we can dissipate these feelings at the source. Hypnosis and NLP are natural tools that we can use to help us change our attitude and point of view to swiftly dissipate the root cause of our negative feelings.

The Use of Biofeedback Devices in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy

Biofeedback devices measure a range of physiological variables including brain waves (Electroencephalography), muscle tension (Electromyography) and the electrical conductivity of the skin (galvanic skin response). All of these variables indicate continuums of emotional arousal. It is precisely these measurements that are used in lie-detector machines as they pick up the most subtle of physiological changes – many outside of conscious awareness. Many biofeedback devices exist and create a feedback loop for the user. Having the ability to see these readings, the user can learn to gain control over these physiological measurements by relaxing and seeing (or hearing) measurements rise and fall in response to meditation, self-hypnosis or breathing techniques.
In my private hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and NLP practice, I sometimes elect to use a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) meter with clients. Galvanic Skin Response (also called electro-dermal response) is a measure of the electrical conductivity of the skin. If I am using a GSR meter within a session, I first connect my clients to device by placing electrodes on two fingers on the same hand. After several minutes, I take an initial baseline reading. During the session, the meter readings will rise and fall in line with the emotional arousal of the client. In essence, the greater the presence of water and salt on the skin, the more conductive of electricity the skin is. Changes in sweat production in the fingertips can occur for a number of physiological reasons; however, there is a correlation between electrical conductivity of the skin and emotional arousal. A higher GSR reading tends to reflect an increase in emotional arousal (whether that emotion be anger, stress, anxiety, and startle response).
Whilst therapists develop great sensory acuity though many client hours experience, the GSR meter provides another tool to provide a clue that something is happening for the client. It is of particular use in hypnoanalysis or regression when the client has accessed an emotional memory and is experiencing it vividly. Whilst abreactions are easily spotted by a therapist, the GSR meter provides an early sign of emotional arousal that may assist the exploration of the traumatic material. The GSR reading can also be useful for testing the change in the client’s emotional arousal regarding phobias before and after the change work has been completed. The client’s responsiveness to hypnotic induction is clearly demonstrated by a falling reading on the GSR meter. The device can, therefore, be used to indicate when the client is deep enough into trance to make suggestions more direct. I recently conducted a hypnotherapy session and during a section about learning new skills, I mentioned being back at school to access and utilise that regressed learning state that children possess (this is a popular approach popularised by the late renowned hypnotherapist Milton Erickson). The meter rose rapidly at this moment although there were no visible changes to skin tone, breathing rate etc. At the end of the session, my client explained that she had enjoyed the experience but mention of the school had reminded her of a time when she had been bullied. Whilst not a significant event, it was nevertheless a demonstration of the usefulness of GSR meters within a therapeutic setting.
Biofeedback devices will never replace the skill of a therapist nor the importance of watching and listening but they can be a useful adjunct to the therapists toolkit in certain situations.

Hypnotherapy For Childbirth

Hypnosis for child birth is used as a technique as much throughout the pregnancy as it is used during the labour itself. The benefits include a sense of calm and relaxation- and of course the calmer mum can be, the calmer the baby will be during the normally quite stressful experience of being born. This can later influence the ease at which they feed and sleep as a result of a less traumatic birthing experience.
During the pregnancy, hypnotherapy in Hemel Hempstead can be used as a means of mentally preparing the mother for the forthcoming events, offering her suggestions of a calm pain-free experience to come, and a reassurance that she will be able to manage her own levels of pain. The hypnotic experience aided by a hypnotherapist or a hypnotic recording, can help to maintain blood pressure at a safe level during the gestation periods and induce positive beliefs and feelings about the imminent experience as well as offering positive suggestions for things like diet and lifestyle throughout the pregnancy.
During the labour, the trance experience may be used, though not in a deep sleep kind of a way. Instead, the mother will be able to experience the event fully and fell in control during the process. The pain control method reduces the need for medication throughout the experience and ensure that any physical “healing” needs to take place after the labour happens quickly.
In short, anxiety creates tension which can create more pain. Hypnotherapy in Hertfordshire is able to break this cycle with the injection of relation and positive thoughts and attitude. It is well documented that childbirth is a very different experience in other cultures because the expectation of pain does not exist. If you are interested in how hypnotherapy can be helpful for you, please contact our hypnotherapist in Hertfordshire.

Hypnotherapy for Abusive Relationships



 Dr. Trudie Bartholomew, Ph.D
CMA, B.Msc, M.Msc, Msc.D, C.Ht, D.D. (USA),D.Emed,D.EMed (Psych)
Doctor of Metaphysical Science (USA)
Doctor of Divinity : Pastoral Counselling Psychology (USA)
Certified Hypnotherapiist  (IMDHA – USA)

Ethnomedicine Practitioner
Ethnomedicine Practitioner (Psych)

Traditional Herbal Practitioner
Member of the Pastoral Psychology Institute (USA)

Committee Member -Accreditation Committee of EPASA – Ethnomedicine Practitioners Association of S.A.
President of the Free Templer Ministry (FTM)
Vice-President of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association: South Africa Chapter



We may ask ourselves why some people are in abusive relationships, while others never seem to be abused, and can set their boundaries and seemingly be respected and appreciated by their spouse, employer, children and others?

When a person visits my consulting and their main problem is anxiety/depression caused by abusive relationships, I know that there was a problem at the time of the fetus in the mother’s womb. Usually I find that the father had an affair with another woman while the mother was pregnant with the child, now as an adult, suffering the result of the pregnant mother’s abuse.


While under Hypnosis, specifically in the Somnambulistic state, we take the patient back to childhood (age regression), and particularly to a period where the mother was approximately six months pregnant. If the patient is visual, they can not only see what the fingers, toes, etc look like inside the womb, but also what is happening outside. They can tell us what the mother is wearing, who are with her; describe the surroundings, emotions and circumstances. The fascinating part is that we can ask God/the Inner Wisdom/Subconscious Mind/Soul to show us a time (but only if it is the Honest Truth!), when the father was with another woman while the mother was pregnant. I would like to caution practitioners not to give the patient ideas or leading questions, but simply ask them to tell you what is happening.

It is important to understand that not all patients/clients are visual. Some are Auditory (taking information in by listening), Kinaesthetic (more the ‘feeling’ type of person, while others are Digital (or Auditory-Digital), the ones who have a lot of inner-talking, analyzing everything. They will of course not ‘see’ things, but may ‘feel’ or simply ‘know’.


Why does the father’s infidelity cause the pattern of abuse for the fetus in later life? The fetus sees or knows about the affair with the other woman, but can of course not tell the mother. The event is so emotional and traumatic, that it creates the ISE (Initial Sensitizing Event), which is usually not recallable by the conscious mind. Because the subconscious mind is the ‘goal achiever’, it will make sure that this goal is achieved, the goal being ‘Abuse’.


How is it possible that the fetus can see or know what the father did, as it is physically inside the mother’s womb?. We are a soul living in a physical body, but we also have other spiritual bodies, which are very much identical to the physical body, but made of a much lighter type of atom. Most human beings can use the Astral Body and the lower Mental Body, while some have the Higher Mental Body developed. Very few people have Spiritual Bodies finer and higher than the Higher Mental Body developed.

Thus part of the consciousness of the fetus can travel in the Astral or Mental body (the same thing sometimes happens when we dream), and observe what is going on outside the womb. All impressions and perceptions during the foetal stages are formed from events occurring in the direct environment around it.


During a typical consultation the patient will discuss his/her abusive relationships and the consequences on his/her emotions and physical health with me. During age regression, the client will usually have an abreaction (an outburst of emotion), and go directly to the latest event of physical/emotional/mental abuse. Although we have empathy, and let them experience this for a while, we do not do any therapy or counselling at this stage, as we know that this is not the ISE (initial event causing the problem). They may go further back in time where a similar emotion was experienced (usually related to abuse), until we reach the event which caused the abuse, usually in the womb, or infant stage.

It is not only women who are abused. Many men are abused by women, and continually choose the same type of person, until the cause of abuse is found and corrected. It must be emphasized that it does not simply help to take the person back in time and read a script or give suggestions. This is ‘band-aid’ hypnosis, and will not have a lasting effect.  They have to re-live the experience (sometimes 2-3 times during the same session), until it has no more emotional impact.


There is another fascinating part of age-regression which I discovered many years ago, and have been using very effectively for a long time. It is possible to take the client back in time, often with the suggestion of ‘lifting you on a cloud’, to go and see what happened in the abuser’s life (in this case the father – or even the mother of the fetus), that caused him to react in a certain way. We usually find that the father/mother went through a similar event as a fetus, infant or younger child. You may let the client ‘feel’ the parent’s emotion experienced during his childhood trauma. This is usually sufficient to allow the client to forgive the parent.


We usually take the person further back in time to the first time that he/she saw the parents long before conception while still in spirit form, and ask questions like ‘why did you choose to be their child?’, etc.


We then take them back to the time when the ‘contract’ was made with their parents for this life. The patient/client and parents (sometimes only one of the parents), often the grandparents and a spiritual figure, seen as Jesus, an Angel or a light are present during this written or verbal agreement. The person is usually permitted to see and understand why he chose to be their child, and what the lessons were to be learned, or things to overcome. Although not always permitted, we can understand our ‘purpose’ for this life, unless we are not ready for this knowledge.


Another reason why a person can be in abusive relationships, will be when the parents were physically/mentally abusive during the foetal or infant years. This creates a certain perception and programming, and once again the goal of the subconscious mind is abuse. So, do not assume that everybody who is in abusive relationships had parents who had affairs! There could also be a past-life event causing the problem.


It is most important to remember that you cannot let the patient leave your consulting room with this new knowledge without helping him to understand why it happened, facilitating the process until he can truly forgive all parties involved.


Once this is achieved, we will take the patient forward in childhood and adulthood, to go through abusive events, but now the impact of the past events are not nearly as emotional as experienced before eliminating the initial sensitizing event. These events are called SSE’s (Subsequent Sensitizing Events), and should no longer occur once the ISE (cause) is properly treated.


It is important to change the perception implanted in the mind of the fetus; we could call this re-programming, as the mind will always use the latest information first. Should you try and do re-programming and positive suggestions without eliminating the cause, it will only have a temporary effect, and soon the patient will fall back into old patterns.

The time spent to find the cause of the problem, re-living the experience, facilitating the forgiveness process, bringing a deeper understanding of the spiritual lessons involved, effect the necessary re-programming, assisting the client to channel the energy in more effective ways, is worth it! Never rush the session or stop in the middle of it.



There is a lot of help in the unseen world of love, truth and light. I often send up a prayer when I don’t know what to do next, and believe me, it does happen to everyone, even if we have been practicing for many years! God never fails us, and the prayer and request is usually answered, just by knowing where to take the patient next!




We may call it intuition?




Copyright © Dr. Trudie Bartholomew 2008

Getting over the Green Devil through Hypnotherapy for Jealousy

Jealousy is one of the most human of all emotions, and each one of us has experienced it at one time or the other. Jealousy towards your spouse/partner, jealousy towards a sibling, jealousy towards a co-worker, these are but a few examples of this human emotion. While in some cases this jealousy is at a controllable stage, there are yet others when this emotion just takes over the lives of people, and it is then that the warning bells start ringing. Some amount of jealousy is natural to all people, but when it becomes an obsessive trait there is cause to worry, for driven by this Green Devil, we end up hurting the people we love and causing mental torture to both them and us. Once you have identified this emotion as one that has to be dealt with, hypnotherapy for jealousy is one of the most effective routes you could take to control it.

Jealousy, is a result of an over active imagination and an underlying insecurity. As someone rightly said, “an idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. This misguided imagination makes us do some terrible things. You can’t stop thinking about your partner, each and every innocent thing that he says and does, seem to take on epic proportions of infidelity to you. You find yourself imagining scenarios about your partner, and in the process torment yourself. You know that it’s not good for your relationship, but you simply can’t stop. Jealousy can be tragic and devastating to a relationship, it can create bitterness beyond imagination. In some cases it can lead to domination, controlling behavior and even physical violence; and I do not need to wax eloquent on how effective these things are in killing love and relationships. If you realize that it’s time to keep a check on your jealousy, you have already taken the first step towards bettering situations. Hypnotherapy for jealousy will take you a long way from there.

As I said, jealousy is often caused by our insecurities; hypnotherapy for jealousy takes stock of the past and present events in your life and identifies the core issue, which might be the catalyst to such behavior. Once the trigger is identified, hypnotherapy for jealousy helps you get over the negative emotions, through the power of positive thinking and auto-suggestions. Insecurity is effectively dealt with by changing your self-image and perception. Your self esteem is boosted by auto suggestions, and this reflects in your outward behavior. Your fertile imagination is weeded out thoroughly for unwanted scenes and undesirable stimuli, to give it a more healthy and positive outlook.

Hypnotherapy for jealousy works faster than you can imagine. Your partner will be astounded to see the new you, and it is needless to say that it will bring about a dramatic positive change in your relationship. Gone are the ugly scenes and the nagging suspicion, both you and your partner will benefit from these changes. If you stop imagining things, and learn to trust your partner, you will stop torturing yourself mentally. On the other hand, with this renewed trust your partner will feel less threatened and controlled, and will subconsciously react in a positive way towards you. Remember that though you feel your overwhelming love for your partner justifies your desire to control his/her actions, you know deep down it is not the done thing. Add to that the fact that chewing your nails while imagining worst possible scenes involving your mate, and an imaginary “Other” will bring you no good. So its time you got yourself a manicure for your hands, and hypnotherapy for your soul.

Top Five Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Modern day use of hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, has become a popular method for people seeking to improve their lives. Hypnosis offers people the opportunity to try and eliminate bad habits and improve things like their confidence, memory, and even their athletic skills.
One of the best ways that people can use the positive effects of hypnosis to their advantage is to get rid of bad habits, especially those that can affect your health.
Hypnotherapy has been used as an effective way to treat people who are trying to quit smoking. Many experts agree that hypnosis is a superior way to attempt this, because it doesn’t require the use of any medications.
Hypnosis can also be effective for people who are trying to quit smoking without the negative effects of withdrawal or weight gain that can accompany smoking cessation attempts.
Eliminating stress is another way that hypnosis can have a healthy, positive effect. Stress is a common issue among many people, and when it’s severe, it can cause serious mental and physical problems. Hypnotherapy is an option for people looking to break the habits that cause stress in their lives.
Another important issue plaguing people today is the challenge of losing weight. Again, hypnosis has been used widely and effectively to help people manage their weight, learn to focus on and reevaluate their eating habits, and take control of their weight management.
Beyond helping individuals with their bad habits, hypnosis can help to enhance people’s natural abilities. For instance, for those looking to boost their memory, hypnotherapy can be a great option to increase focus and retain information.
For people who want to increase their athletic ability, hypnosis can help you get “in the zone” for focus-based sports. It can also be a great help to endurance athletes that may need help when they “hit the wall.”
For people who are concerned about being dependent upon hypnotists for treatment, there are other options. Self-hypnosis is a great option for people who want to be in complete control of their own hypnotherapy treatment.
Self-hypnosis involves having a trained hypnotist give you the tools to be able to put yourself into hypnosis on your own. This means that when you need to focus, relax, concentrate, or be your absolute best at whatever your goal is, you can do it all on your own.
Hypnosis can be a very effective method for people looking to improve or enhance almost any aspect of their lives. When considering hypnosis or hypnotherapy as an option, make sure you do your research. Hypnosis has become such a popular treatment that you should have no problem finding plenty of good information on the Web.
Also, be sure to check that the hypnotherapy group or individual you choose offers plenty of information and are reputable. Another thing to look for is client testimonials and a money-back guarantee.
Testimonials can give you an idea of how other people responded to hypnosis and a solid guarantee can ease any worries you may have.

Hypnotherapy for Relationships – Improving the Quality of life

Human beings are social creatures; in our day to day lives we are constantly meeting and interacting with people, and creating relationships with them. Fathers, mother, sibling, friend, lover, co-worker, subordinate – These are just a few examples of relationships which are common to people across the globe. While some of us are really good with maintaining these relationships, others are want for improvement. It is a fact that not all our relationships can be called successful, some might be disconcerting and dissatisfying while yet others could be downright disastrous. We all realize at some point in time that we need to review our own attitudes towards our relationships; while we might start out with noble intentions of bringing about positive change, we might not always succeed. An external intervention, something which can guide you through the trials and tribulations of a relationship can help a great deal. Hypnotherapy for relationships is one such intervention, and it has proven to be really effective time and time again.

Relationships are what our lives are made of, and happy relationships make for a happy and satisfied life. But this satisfaction eludes us frequently when we fail to carry through a relationship. Possessiveness, insecurity, communication barriers, ego hassles, overdependence, and infidelity are some of the problems which can arise in the relationships we share with other people. How could hypnotherapy for relationships help you address these issues? It all starts with a simple thought. By realizing that there is room for improvement in your relationship, you have already taken the first step towards making it better. Hypnotherapy for relationships basically targets the way you think, and your perception of other people. It works towards redesigning your attitude, because it is your attitude towards people that makes the most amount of difference.

Once you have started work on your subconscious mind, through the route of hypnotherapy for relationships, you will find yourself to become calmer and relaxed. Hypnotherapy teaches you to be more stable in your responses, as it smoothens out the rough edges from your reactions. Let’s say that you chose hypnotherapy for relationships to deal with the problem of insecurity in your relationship; through auto suggestions to your subconscious mind, hypnotherapy will work towards increasing your confidence and changing your self image. It will also work upon your phobias and fear, and replace it with positive thinking. Once you start experiencing a change in yourself, you will notice that your partner/companion is also reacting to you in a more positive fashion. This is because you have altered your perspective, and now have the ability to empathize with the other person; it also means that hypnotherapy has helped you in becoming more relaxed. Your partner can sense this, and subconsciously will react to this change in a favorable manner.

Hypnotherapy for relationships can help you communicate better, and effective communication is the key to any successful relationship, isn’t it?

Why adopt Hypnotherapy for Sexual Issues?

Sex is an issue which is one of the most private and intimate things that a person could be concerned with. Most of us are hesitant and shy about talking to people about issues related to sex; and yet when directly faced with an issue related to sex, the reactions can be pretty baffling. From declining self esteem to absolute disbelief, a person suffering from sexual issues can go through a gamut of emotions. However, to understand the condition properly it is advisable to seek help; there are a number of counselors and therapists like me who would like to work with you to do away with your problems. However, I am a hypnotherapist and I use hypnotherapy for sexual issues to combat the problems which my clients face.

Seems unbelievable to you doesn’t it, that a therapist can use hypnotherapy for sexual issues? You wonder how it would work; there are a million doubts in your head while you consider the proposition of approaching a hypnotherapist for solutions to your sexual problems. Actually hypnotherapy for sexual issues is not all that bizarre; it is one of the safest methods you could adopt to address your problem. Hypnotherapy has been successfully implemented in cases related to a wide variety of sexual issues, including performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic dysfunction, low sex drive and frigidity amongst other problems.

What a hypnotherapist does, when you go to him to treat the sexual issues is, that he uncovers the hidden meaning behind your sexual problem. You need to first establish whether the problem you have is a physical one or a psychological one. Yes, you heard me right. Sexual issues more often than not are all related to the subconscious and are psychological in nature; triggered by some stray incident or happening. While undergoing hypnotherapy for sexual issues, you are made to introspect; you have to ask questions related to when, how and why the problems started; how did you feel when it happened and what steps you are willing to take. Sometimes sexual issues are related to anxiety and commitment phobia, apart from low confidence and self image. Hypnotherapy can help you overcome these problems.

If your problems are related to long harbored beliefs, low self image, anxiety, low confidence hypnotherapy for sexual issues can help you a great deal; it will make you identify the root cause and work towards removing it. Through hypnotherapy you can train your subconscious to let go of the negative emotions, it will also teach you to make peace with the unpleasant event in your life and see it as a catalyst for wizening up. Through auto suggestions and positive reinforcements, you work upon improving your self image and self worth; this in turn will help you realize what you truly deserve.

Hypnotherapy is all about relaxation and gaining confidence, and a bit of both in the bedroom, could be just the shot in the arm that you require to spice your life up!