
Weight Loss – Shed Pounds with Emotional Release

Weight loss has been achieved using EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques.  EFT was coined by Gary Craig as a variant of Thought Field Therapy (TFT).  TFT taught specific protocols for specific problems, such as weight loss.  EFT, however, covered all the target areas figuring that by default you would cover the specific ones needed for the unique problem at hand.EFT is an easy method to learn to eliminate or interrupt blocked emotional and habitual thought patterns.  Overeating, for example, is a habit that is acquired and is connected to both your emotions and your thought processes.  EFT has been shown to be effective in just a few sessions – and, since you are doing it to yourself, you can perform EFT any time you need to in the future.EFT and AcupunctureEFT combines acupuncture without needles with mind-body medicine.  It is essentially an emotional adaptation of acupuncture.  Acupuncture stimulates certain meridian points with needles.  The same result can be achieved by tapping (with you fingers) the same meridian points on your body.  Weight gain, along with a lot of other physical ailments, disease and pain can be traced back to emotional stress.  EFT is a fantastic tool to eliminate or mitigate emotional stress.Ease of UseThere are three things I really like about EFT.  The first is that you do it by yourself – therefore it is free.  The second thing is that there is so much information available to help you begin using the EFT process.  Most of that information is also free.  I suggest using You Tube as your initial search.  The third thing is the rapid results.  EFT TestimonialsTestimonials abound where results have been seen in a few days.  Does that mean you will lose weight in a few days?  No, you can’t lose weight that quickly, but you can change habits and notice a difference almost immediately.  Severe cases of pain – those lasting for decades – have been eliminated so quickly it seems like magic.  Physical problems begin to fade as emotional issues are resolved.EFT ResultsDo you get 100% results every time it is tried?  NO.  But it works much better than any competing option or alternative, and in many cases, the results are astonishing.  A very small percentage of our population suffers from very severe emotional and physical disabilities.  Consult your doctor if you deem your situation to be extreme.EFT is physically done with no pain or discomfort.  Sessions directed specifically at weight loss have found that using EFT for one or two minutes can prevent cravings in 80% of the cases.  In many cases people eat when they are not hungry.  EFT surprises new users to eat when they are really hungry, not when their habit tells them to eat.Some people use food unknowingly as an anesthetic to blunt emotional problems.  EFT calms emotional stressors and leads to more sensible eating habits resulting in weight loss.  Will power is not required when using EFT primarily since you can see your habits changing almost over night.  You look forward to eating, but you eat the right foods in the proper amounts.EFT and Weight LossResearch has found that the real emotional stress issues associated with weight loss are self worth and anxiety.  These two issues are not eliminated, but bought into proper perspective and balance with your other emotions and needs.  Further research has shown the effectiveness of EFT for weight loss is between 50 and 80%.  Do you lose just a few pounds, or is this effective for a large weight loss?  It is reported that it is not uncommon for people to lose over 100 pounds with EFT.  With weight loss and emotional balance, the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health problems is reduced significantly.  People look better and feel better and begin better programs of exercise and eating – and they see and feel their self-esteem skyrocketing.EFT ProcessSo, how do I use EFT?  The first thing is to choose an issue or problem that you want to correct.  Since this article is focused on weight loss, I will give examples towards that objective.  My objective – I want to lose weight!  Next assess your feeling towards your weight problem.  If it really bothers you, maybe on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest discomfort level, you might rate yourself an 8 or a 9.  Here’s the important part – write it down on a piece of paper.Now you can begin the actual physical process of EFT.  Begin tapping the Karate Chop area on your hand – the soft area between your wrist and the knuckle by your little finger on the side of your hand.  As you tap this area you begin saying out loud a phrase to set up your weight loss for emotional release.  “Even though I am overweight, I deeply and completely love and accept myself!”  Say this set up phrase at least three times as you are tapping your Karate Chop area.Now you begin tapping other acupressure points on your body with a reminder phrase to complement your set up phrase.  Begin by saying something like, “I choose to be thin and fit!”  Focus all your thoughts on the phrase you are saying.  Begin tapping with two to four fingers around three or four times on the following areas of your body:  1.) Inside your eyebrows – right on the bone where your eyebrow hair disappears.  2.) On the outside corner of each eye – again on the bone at the edge of your eye socket.  Tap lightly; you do not want to hurt yourself.  3.) Below each eye centered on the bone at the bottom of the eye socket.  4.) Under you nose half-way between the bottom on your nose and the top of your lip.  5.) In the cleft of your chin – the area where your chin makes an indentation.  6.) Now change to tapping using your fist or open hand – tap gently on your collarbone.  Imagine that you are wearing a man’s tie around your neck with a large knot.  Tap on that area on each side of the large knot.  7.) Continue using your fist or open hand to tap gently where your breast muscles join your chest – centered about a fist width apart from the center of your chest.  8.) Tap under your arm pit level with your nipple (for men) and at the bra strap level (for women).  9.) Return to using your fingers and tap on the top center of your head even with your ears.  Once you have completed the entire routine, think about your problem and reassess your concern.  Has it gone down from an 8-9 to a 4-5?  Most people see results on the first of second series of performing EFT.If you watch the various videos on You Tube you will see the exact locations for each of these acupressure points.  You may also see a different sequence being used – some start with the top of your head.The steps listed above are the basics for using EFT to lose weight.  Think about the set up statement and your reminder phrase.  You can change them each time you go through an EFT routine.  Assess your emotional feeling and write it down each time you perform EFT and reassess it afterwards.  This is easier than dieting and can work for a lot of people who want to lose weight.

How Does Stress Affect Health?

Stress is a psychological and physiological response to events that upset our personal balance in some way. When faced with a threat, whether to our physical safety or emotional equilibrium, the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” response. We all know what this stress response feels like: hearts pounding in the chest, muscles tensing up breathe coming faster, every sense on red alert.

Chronic stress can be the result of a host of irritating hassles or a long-term life condition, such as a difficult job situation or living with a chronic disease. In people who have higher levels of chronic stress, the stress response lasts longer. Over time, chronic stress can have an effect on: The immune system. Under stress, the body becomes more vulnerable to illnesses, from colds and minor infections to major diseases. If you have a chronic illness such as AIDS, stress can make the symptoms worse.

Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress — a negative stress reaction. Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases. Stress also becomes harmful when people use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve their stress. Unfortunately, instead of relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances tend to keep the body in a stressed state and cause more problems.

Stress can cause headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, eating disorder, allergies, insomnia, backaches, frequent cold and fatigue to diseases such as hypertension, asthma, diabetes, heart ailments and even cancer. In fact, Sanjay Chugh, a leading Indian psychologist, says that 70 per cent to 90 per cent of adults visit primary care physicians for stress-related problems. Scary enough.

But where do we err?

Stress is difficult for scientists to define because it is a highly subjective phenomenon that differs for each of us. Things that are distressful for some individuals can be pleasurable for others. We also respond to stress differently. Some people blush, some eat more while others grow pale or eat less.

Also, the effects of stress include the body’s tendency to break down white blood cells when it is stressed. Unfortunately, white blood cells are used to fight disease and breaking them down cause immune system depletion and make people more vulnerable to disease. Thus, if you do not slow down, your body will be slowed down for you with a cold or a bout of the flu. This explains why many people tend to become ill when they are under pressure for long periods of time.

You have some control over your reaction to stress. You can learn to relax and reverse the body’s hormonal response to stress. And, of course, you may be able to change your life to relieve sources of stress.

Something else that affects people’s responses to stress is coping style. Coping style is how a person deals with stress. For example, some people have a problem-solving attitude. They say to them, “What can I do about this problem?” They try to change their situation to get rid of the stress.

General Anxiety Disorder


General anxiety disorder or GAD is a condition where the sufferer has excessive anxiety on most days. Traditional treatment is initially the prescription of buspirone or another anti depressant. Long term general anxiety disorder sufferers are often given cognitive therapy, which until recently was regarded as the number one method of dealing with the condition.


General anxiety disorder affects about 2% of the population at some time or other, being more prevalent in women than men the onset most often being before sufferers hit the age of 30 and is characterised by anxiety that is widespread rather than targeted as in a phobia.


People with general anxiety disorder experience a lot of anxiety, feeling fearful, tense or worried most if not every day and is most often a condition which lasts for years and becomes a way of life. Other symptoms of general anxiety disorder are a feeling of vulnerability causing the sufferer to feel on edge, people often describing it as feeling wired up. This heightened state of tension, leads to excessive tiredness, with concentration lapses commonplace, however this is often coupled with difficulty sleeping and insomnia, because the condition keeps your mind racing making it difficult to relax.


Whilst some people are more anxious than others, stress of one type or another is often instrumental in general anxiety disorder and often times acts as a catalyst in triggering the condition. Most often though, its past events, that play the major part in laying the conditions foundations, abuse, loss of a loved one through separation or death, broken family life in childhood or any other stressful event or series of events being typical examples.


Modern therapies such as Thought Field Therapy are now highly regarded as treatments for this condition, with companies such as BeOnForm specialising in treating general anxiety disorder, panic attacks and agoraphobia.


Stress Balls and Their Benefits

A stress ball can be defined as a malleable toy. It is about seven centimeters in diameter. It is squeezed in the hand and then manipulated by the fingers. This exercise helps a lot in relieving stress as well as the muscle tension. This is also a good exercise for hand muscles.

Many types of stress balls are available on the market, these days. Some of them are available in the form of a closed-cell polyurethane foam rubber. This kind of stress ball is created by injecting liquid components of a foam into a mold. The chemical reaction that results forms bubbles of carbon dioxide and ultimately comes out in the form of a foam.

Stress ball recommended for physical therapy contain gel of various densities. The gel is placed inside a cloth or rubber skin. There is another type of stress ball that is made via using a thin rubber membrane that surrounds a fine powder.

A stress ball can also be made at home via filling a balloon with baking soda. Some balls look like foot bag and are marketed and used widely as stress balls.

The name ‘Stress ball’ may indicate that the shape of this substance is spherical. However, these are available in various amusing shapes, spot printed or screen printed. Some are also available with corporate logos. These make great gifts to clients and employees.

Stress balls can play a major role in decreasing stress injuries. Due to the shape these balls are available in; they are known as stress relievers and also make a great corporate promotional product.

Stress balls are wonderful options to relieve stress. Whenever the hand is turned in to a fist, you would notice certain muscle tension. This muscle tension may also be experienced if you don’t have anything in the palm. As soon as the grip of fist is released the muscle tension eases.

The cycle of creating a muscular tension and thereafter releasing it is the basic principle that works with stress balls.

It is better to have something in hand instead of making an empty fist and releasing it frequently. These days, stress balls are very famous with computer professionals.

You can also make your own stress balls at home. The activity will be fun and help you to reduce a lot of stress.

Balloon Stress Ball – Instruction

i) Blow a small thick balloon half way.

ii) Pinch and hold the balloon tight about one inch from the hole.

iii) Place a small funnel inside the opening of the balloon.

iv) Now pour cornstarch in to the funnel.

v) Now gradually release the top of the balloon so that the cornstarch slides in to balloon

vi) Keep adding cornstarch until the balloon is 3 inches in diameter.

vii) Now tighter the end of the balloon and let the air come out slowly.

viii) Tie the balloon tightly near the cornstarch.

A stress ball is a great tool to manage stress. Buy one for yourself now or make one on your own.

Stress at Work and Its Symptoms

Stress at work is not a new phenomenon. These days, in modern lifestyles, the nature of work has gone really stressful. One needs to do a lot in order to stay ahead in competition.

Most people don’t even realize that they are undergoing a lot of stress in their life. They don’t have time to realize that they are under stress.

Work stress is a type of chronic disease. It is caused by different conditions in the workplace that negatively affect an individual’s performance. This also affect overall well being of body and mind of the person.

In certain cases, job stress can even be quite disabling. According to a study, one must go for psychiatric consultation. This will let him or her validate the reason and degree of stress related to work.

Sometimes working on a project also causes a lot of stress. The early stages of job stress are not much irritating as it can enhance the performance due to the efforts put in to the whole thing.

However, in case, the condition goes unchecked the body faces stress on a regular basis the body tends to get affected adversely.

If you want to know whether you suffer from work stress, here are certain symptoms you need to look for:

• Insomnia or sleeplessness

• Family conflict or constant dispute

• Lack of mental concentration

• Anxiety; Depression; Extreme anger

• Frustration

• Physical illnesses such as migraine, stomach problems, headaches, heart disease and back problems.

• Substance abuse

• Absenteeism on a frequent basis without any regular reason

There are several causes of work stress. Here are some of the visible ones that would let you know how to handle work stress.

1) Insecurity at work place

These days, one requires to do a lot at job in order to survive the tough competition. There is a lot of reorganization, mergers, takeovers, and downsizing. All these situations lead to stress for employees. They need to work hard to survive and let their organization survive the competition.

2) Demand for performance

Today, employers, managers and team leaders keep unrealistic expectations and set unrealistic goals for their employees. This results in unhealthy and unreasonable pressures on the employee.

Now, this can be really tremendous and the person may suffer from serious depression. Big targets make employees work for long hours and physically stressed out. They may also require to travel a lot and too much time away from family results in emotional stress.

3) Balance

For woman, it becomes really difficult to strike a balance between work and home. After spending stressful work hours, it becomes difficult to work at home. There may be situations where women face sexual harassment at work place.

It is easy to cope up with stress at work if you want to. You can do a lot of things to keep yourself away from stress. Here are some tips:

• Don’t give in to alcohol

• Don’t cheat on your spouse

• Develop positive attitude towards stress

• Find time to refresh yourself whenever you get time

• Take a short leave and enjoy with your family.

General Anxiety Disordered

General anxiety disorder or GAD is a condition where the sufferer has excessive anxiety on most days. Traditional treatment is initially the prescription of buspirone or another anti depressant. Long term general anxiety disorder sufferers are often given cognitive therapy, which until recently was regarded as the number one method of dealing with the condition.

General anxiety disorder affects about 2% of the population at some time or other, being more prevalent in women than men the onset most often being before sufferers hit the age of 30 and is characterised by anxiety that is widespread rather than targeted as in a phobia.

People with general anxiety disorder experience a lot of anxiety, feeling fearful, tense or worried most if not every day and is most often a condition which lasts for years and becomes a way of life. Other symptoms of general anxiety disorder are a feeling of vulnerability causing the sufferer to feel on edge, people often describing it as feeling wired up. This heightened state of tension, leads to excessive tiredness, with concentration lapses commonplace, however this is often coupled with difficulty sleeping and insomnia, because the condition keeps your mind racing making it difficult to relax.

Whilst some people are more anxious than others, stress of one type or another is often instrumental in general anxiety disorder and often times acts as a catalyst in triggering the condition. Most often though, its past events, that play the major part in laying the conditions foundations, abuse, loss of a loved one through separation or death, broken family life in childhood or any other stressful event or series of events being typical examples.

Modern therapies such as Thought Field Therapy are now highly regarded as treatments for this condition, with companies such as BeOnForm specialising in treating general anxiety disorder, panic attacks and agoraphobia.

Beat The Stress Clock!

Not all stress is distress. A certain amount of stress or pressure is necessary to maintain a healthy balance physically and mentally. There are actually several degrees of stress. Probably one of the most important aspects of dealing with the negative stress in your life is through positive stress affirmations.
Positive affirmations can be a part of your first response to stress triggers.
It would be wonderful if we could a place that is calming and peaceful so you can relax and recite positive affirmations without interruption. The problem is, stress generally doesn’t choose the moments in our lives when we have the luxury of stepping away and collecting ourselves; therefore your affirmations have to be rooted and instinctive.
The lowest degree of stress is distress, which can lead to frustration, boredom or dissatisfaction – even severe health effects such as complete exhaustion, heart attacks, and stroke. This stress chips away at us, which can slowly disintegrate our body and mind. And it can even create many negative affirmations ingrained in our minds. This, of course, needs to be addressed and we need to refocus our mind. Examples of Positive Stress Affirmations
Here are two examples of positive stress affirmations for the distress situations that arise:
“There are so many things to explore and do in life.” or “I am content to be in my circumstances.”
The most destructive stress is the extreme stress, which leads to irrational problem solving and very often anger. This stress can cause you to make poor judgment calls that destroy your credibility and decision making processes. Coping with Extreme Stress through Affirmations
Some positive stress affirmations that need to become ingrained to counteract extreme stress could be the following: “I will never make a major decision when I am angry or totally stressed.” “I will seek a trusted friend for wise counsel before taking action when I am stressed out.”
There is such a thing as “healthy” stress. It’s called eustress, or positive stress. This stress leads to positive growth, satisfaction, newfound knowledge, rational problem solving and creativity. Using this particular stress to energize your positive stress affirmations for the destructive distress and extreme stress would be productive.
We need to reevaluate how we manage the stress in our life and recognize the situations that are unique to us that put us into stress mode. For one person the craziness of an insanely busy workday could stretch them to the limit; while another person would thrive on this high energy. Find the eustress in your life that you can tap into and use the creative energy to calm you when you are under the distress or destructive stress influence.
Some free positive affirmations to help you achieve your goal for inner harmony in a stressful world are as follows:
• I can balance my time in order to keep me from being bored.
• I choose not to make life-changing decisions when I am stressed.
• I take a step back from conversations when I am too stressed to be rational.
• I evaluate what I find stressful and choose to move past it.
• I am a calm problem solver.
• I value the counsel of others when I can’t see the forest for the trees.

The Causes of Fear – Overcoming Fear – Part 3

The prime and basic cause of all fear is our ignorance of our true nature. If we experienced or were convinced of our invulnerable eternal soul-nature, we would never feel any fear whatsoever. Because we do not, or cannot, believe this truth, we feel vulnerable, separate, isolated and susceptible to extinction or insignificance.

Because of this, we identify with the body and the complex of personality traits, which we call “I”. All fears, no matter how specific they may appear to be, can be traced back to the basic fear of rejection of pain to or extinction of the “I”, and the loss of any of its security attachments.

Some subordinate factors also contribute to fear:

1. A feeling of separateness increases our fear. When we feel close to people and nature we cannot easily fear them. Fear results from a feeling of alienation, which manifests a general feeling of suspicion of all and everything.

2. Unfamiliarity with people and things also causes suspicion and fear. When we come in contact with someone who dresses or behaves differently from what we are accustomed, our security base is undermined and we often react with caution and perhaps defensive or offensive behavior.

3. Attachment to people and objects related to our security cause to fear and play power games in order to protect our possessions, relationships or self-image when we suspect we are in danger of losing them.

4. Imagination can create images of doom and suffering far beyond any physical reality or likelihood. Imagination in itself is not negative. It is misused by the fear complex of: alienation, unfamiliarity, vulnerability, mistrust and attachment.

5. Emotionally charged memory of previous negative experiences, where we have either witnessed or suffered harm, loss or death provokes fear. Our subconscious mind stores memories of such unpleasant experiences from the past.

We also carry within us instinctual fear complexes resulting from our evolution through the animal kingdom. Thus, we project onto the present and future what we have experienced in the past, generating a distorted perception of reality.

Also our memory is not quantitative but qualitative. It does not assign the same power to each memory. For example, we may have driven a car 3000 times without any problem, and then have one accident and fear driving after that. Thus we are allowing one experience weight more than 3000.

In the same way, we might have had hundreds of loving contacts with a person and then let one negative one cause us not to talk to this person and perceive him or her as evil.

This illustrates that each thought has a certain energy field associated with it, which creates our emotional reactions when we come into contact with that thought. This is the basis of the newly discovered Energy Based Psychology systems of Thought Field Therapy (Dr. Roger Callahan) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (Gary Craig) which offer easy and quick freedom from fear and other negative emotions. We will discuss these in later sections of this series.

The Purpose of Fear

Fear has its purpose in the animal kingdom, where the animal’s low state of consciousness leaves little recourse but to fight or flee.

As humans with higher consciousness, however, we have alternative methods for dealing with potential dangers. Clearer examination of the many situations which we feared as dangerous will reveal that they simply were no so.

How many times have we been stricken with fear upon experiencing a sudden sound or sight, only to eventually realize we were completely wrong in our interpretation?

How many times have we worried intensely about a future event, imagining the worst, only to have everything work out fine? And even if we could not, at first, accept how things worked out, everything was dissolved and forgotten in the ceaselessly flowing river of time.

Very few of our fears are based on our present reality, but rather are founded on a remembered but nonexistent past or an imagined future.

Our fears seldom concern an immediate danger, such as a tiger attacking us or a bomb falling on our heads.

Even in the case that we are actually in danger at the present moment, fear will only cause us to become stiff in body and unclear in mind. We could deal with danger much more efficiently if we perceived and acted with clarity, self-confidence and courage.

Medical Resource A List of Unusual Alternative Medicine

A list of some of the alternative medicine practices you’re likely to encounter in the United States. Some of these are considered border-line acceptable even in the professional medical field, and many understand that this is unfortunate. Mostly these are just scams, quackery, and nonsense, which unfortunately gullible people believe in if they are desperate and grasping at false hope. Keep your eyes peeled for any of these, and be prepared to stamp out the harmful ones.

Hallelujah Diet
“Reverend” George M. Malkmus claims to have eliminated his colon cancer and other serious health problems more than twenty-five years ago by “following biblical principles for a natural diet and healthy lifestyle.” He and his wife Rhonda Jean operate ‘Hallelujah Acres’, where they hold seminars, sell products, and advocate a diet that consists of raw fruits and vegetables.

Malkmus and his followers claim that his methods have helped people with obesity, cancer, arthritis, and more than a hundred other health problems. He is a very eloquent speaker who is capable of inspiring people who trust in what he says. It has been speculated that he is in fact running a cult, with an unknown number of followers at the ‘Hallelujah Acres’ site.

Intra-Cellular Hyperthermia
Nicholas Bachynsky, a medical doctor whose license was revoked in the early 1990s, is largely responsible for the persistence of intracellular hyperthermia as a treatment. In April of 2004, he was imprisoned in a Floria jail to await trial on fraud charges related to sale of phony stock in a business founded on the alleged treatment.

The claim is that it is effective against cancer and Lyme disease by way of the intravenous administration of 2-4- dinitrophenol (DNP), which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned more than sixty years ago.

Herbal Medicine
Americans are now spending billions of dollars per year for herbal capsules and tablets, bulk herbs, and herbal teas. Although the teas are consumed for their flavor, most of these products are probably used for supposed medicinal qualities. Sales by multilevel distributors and pharmacies amount to hundreds of millions more for products that are obviously intended for harmful self-medication.

Herbs are also marketed by naturopaths, acupuncturists, iridologists, chiropractors, and unlicensed herbalists, many of whom prescribe them for the entire gamut of health problems of every description. Many such practitioners are not qualified to make appropriate medical diagnoses or to determine how the products they prescribe compare to proven drugs, and are not licensed to do anything at all, for that matter.

Touted as a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction, mesotherapy involves the injecting of medications and plant extracts into the layers of fat and connective tissue under the skin.

The injected ingredients may include agents that are used to open blood vessels, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, enzymes, nutrients, antibiotics, herbal cures, and hormones. Mesotherapy is said to be used in conjunction with dietary modification, hormone replacement therapy, exercise and nutritional supplements. No drug is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in mesotherapy, and none will.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.), came out during the mid-1970s by chiropractor MiltonTed Morter, Jr., of Rogers, Arkansas. It is claimed to be “a holistic program that coordinates and balances the workings of all the systems of the body.” Morter defines B.E.S.T. as “a nonforceful chiropractic technique for the 21st century that removed interference from the nervous system by the use of the hands.” Morter claims that such interferences occur when subtle pulses in different parts of the body are not synchronized.

Between April 1997 and June 2000, Beverly and Thomas Vigil of Meridian, Idaho, touted a product called Neuralyn on the Internet and elsewhere as a highly effective treatment for spinal cord injuries and other ailments. The couple claimed that Neuralyn was an all-natural substance made up of B vitamins, amino acids, and extracts of plants from the Yucatan Peninsula region. According to Thomas Vigil, the idea for Neuralyn came from a dream.

In fact, the Vigils teamed up with pharmacist David Taylor and concocted Neuralyn using a number of homeopathic ingredients as well as a couple of topical anesthetics. According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Wendy Olson, more than 100 people, most of them paraplegics or quadriplegics, paid up to $10,000 per person to come to clinics in Idaho, Utah and Colorado for Neuralyn treatment.

These people were told that Neuralyn treatments had been 85% to 95% successful, and that the product would enable spinal cord injury patients to move, stand on their own, or walk again by regrowing new nerve cells. The Vigils are now in custody facing charges.

Optometric Visual Training
This approach is based on an idea that learning can be improved by exercises that stimulate coordination of the eye muscles or improve hand-eye coordination. Its proponents assume that the basic problem that leads to reading disability is some deficit in the muscles of the visual system.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Ophthalmology have spoken out against this approach and cautioned that no eye-muscle defects can produce the learning disabilities associated with dyslexia. Dyslexia is actually a reading disorder characterized by omissions, faulty word substitutions, and impaired comprehension. It isn’t due to mental retardation, lack of schooling, or brain damage.

Thought Field Therapy
Abbreviated as TFT, its founder, psychologist Roger J. Callahan, Ph.D., claims that TFT “provides a code to nature’s healing system and addresses their fundamental causes, balancing the body’s energy system and allowing you to eliminate negative emotions within minutes and promote the body’s own healing ability.”

The Callahan Techniques site also recommends dietary supplementation for the persons who “suffer from multiple environmental sensitivities and even allergies which aggravate psychological problems.” During the TFT sessions, the therapist uses sequences of finger taps on “acupressure points” of the hands, face, and upper body. The patient at the same time does repetitive activities, such as repeats statements, counts, rolls the eyes, or hums a tune while visualizing a distressing situation.

Scientific Definitions of Stress

It is said that you can find every definition and explanation you seek in life. The problem comes when you have to distinguish them and choose the definition that is accurate if you believe accuracy exists in the first place. When it comes to the topic of stress, you will find very many views and perceptions and the main ones are scientific and conservative views. Firstly, scientific and conservative definitions of stress differ greatly and you will be convinced by the explanation that is going to make more sense to you. Background and orientation of various groups of people will affect their view on stress.From a lay mans view, stress is an occurrence that will make an individual loose themselves mentally, physically and psychologically. It is often seen as a culmination of a breakdown where all systems of a person become less motivated to go on. The modern or scientific explanation of stress recognizes stress as a motivating factor which is sometimes necessary to enable human beings to go the extra mile and in the process learn a few life lessons. Stress has been observed to produce some of the greatest achievements in society. This has been evident in people who have risen above the common and uncommon barriers to come up with great discoveries, inventions, ideas and to go through great hurdles under very stressful situations.It has been said that there is a type of stress that is good and there is stress that is harmful. Conservative definitions of stress totally reject the above statement. Their belief is that stress is not good period. Therefore, conservatives are always seeking ways to eradicate stress totally because it is not acceptable to have severe suffering from stress. The scientific definitions of stress will often seem to make a lot of sense and the following statement is a summary of the definition. Stress is what you will have when your resources are not greater than the demands for the same resources in your life.Many people can easily identify with the above definition because it describes the feeling of being pushed into a corner where there is no escape which is stress. Our minds constantly want to have the ability to conceive that everything is under control or that there is something that can be done about a specific situation. This is however contrary to life and as we progress to become more mature, we realize that we cannot always have everything under control. This feeling or knowledge will give rise to a certain kind of frustration which can be defined as stress.Although with many differences, scientific and conservative definitions of stress agree that certain levels of it will cause harm to the body. Although there is no tangible evidence of how exactly stress causes this, the effects and results of stress are only too evident. Remedies for stress today have not been able to totally eradicate it but there is management available that will see a person regain their sense of being. Make sure your are not caught up in the definition debate, in expense of what you can do to solve the problem in your life.